M2-IFL en 2014-2015 Fiches et Exposés de méthodologie

M2-IFL en 2014-2015
Fiches et Exposés de méthodologie
Texte de congrès
MétaVerbert, Katrien; Manouselis, Nikos; Ochoa, Narimane Govaerts, Sten; Verbert, Katrien; Dahrendorf, Daniel; Ullrich, Carsten; Schmidt,
données et
Manuel; Werkle, Michael; Chatterjee, Arunangsu; Nussbaumer, Alexander;
Xavier; Wolpers, Martin; Drachsler, Hendrik;
Renzel, Dominik; Scheffel, Maren; Friedrich, Martin; Santos Odriozola, Jose Luis;
Bosnic, Ivana; Duval, Erik. Context-aware
Duval, Erik; Law, Effie L.-C.. Towards Responsive Open Learning Environments:
recommender systems for learning: a survey
the ROLE Interoperability framework, Delgado Kloos, Carlos; Gillet, Denis; Crespo
and future challenges, IEEE Transactions on
Garcia, Raquel M.; Wild, Fridolin; Wolpers, Martin (eds.), ECTEL: European
Learning Technologies, pages 1-20, 2012
Conference of Technology Enhanced Learning, Palermo, Italy, 20-23 September
2011, Towards Ubiquitous Learning - Proceedings of 6th European Conference of
Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2011, volume 6964, pages 125-138,
Springe (pdf)
Mohamed Wolpers, M., Najjar, J., Verbert, K., & Duval, E. (2007). Tracking Actual Usage: the
Attention Metadata Approach. Educational Technology & Society, 10 (3), 106-121.
Shute, V. J. & Torres, R. (2011). Where
Shute, V., Ventura, M., & Torres, R. (2012). Formative Evaluation of Students at
streams converge: Using evidence-centered
Quest to Learn. International Journal of Learning, 4(1), 55-69.(pdf)
design to assess Quest to Learn. In M.
Salen K., Torres R., Wolozin L., Rufo-Tepper R., Schapiro A., Quest to Learn:
Mayrath, J. Clarke-Midura, & D. H.
Developing the School for Digital Kids, 2011, 143P (pdf)un ou deux chapitres par
Robinson (Eds.), Technology-based
exemple sur le curriculum p. 49-73
assessments for 21st century skills:
Salen K., Torres R., Wolozin L., Rufo-Tepper R., Schapiro A., Quest to Learn:
Theoretical and practical implications from
Developing the School for Digital Kids, 2011, 143P (pdf)un ou deux chapitres par
modern research. Charlotte, NC:
exemple sur le keys characteristics and Missions and p.91-141
Information Age Publishing. (pdf)
Fouille de
Revue : Ryan S.J,. Baker D. and
Anna K. Dominguez, KalinaYacef and James R. Curran, Data Mining for
KalinaYacef ,The State of Educational Data
Individualised Hints in eLearning, Proceedings of EDM 2010, Pittsburgh, USA June
Mining in 2009: A Review and Future
2010 ,Pages 91-100 (pdf)
Visions, JEDM - Journal of Educational Data Hugues
Pizzato, L., Rej, T., Akehurst, J., Koprinska, I., Yacef, K., Kay, J. (2013).
Mining, 2009, Volume 1( 1), October
Recommending people to people: the nature of reciprocal recommenders with a
2009 ,pp 3-17 (pdf)
case study in online dating. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 23(5),
447-488. [More Information]
Pizzato, L., Akehurst, J., Silvestrini, C., Yacef, K., Koprinska, I., Kay, J. (2012). The
effect of suspicious profiles on people recommenders. Lecture Notes in Computer
avec des SG
Villasclaras-Fernández, E., Hernández-Leo,
D., Asensio-Pérez, J. I., & Dimitriadis, Y.
(2013). Web Collage: An implementation of
support for assessment design in CSCL
macro-scripts. Computers &
Education.67(2013) 79-57 (pdf)
Thomas, J. M., & Young, R. M. (2010).
Annie: Automated generation of adaptive
learner guidance for fun serious games.
Learning Technologies, IEEE Transactions
on, 3(4), 329-343. (pdf)
J. Rowe, L. Shores, B. Mott, and J. Lester.
Integrating Learning, Problem Solving, and
Engagement in Narrative-Centered
Learning Environments. International
Journal of Artificial Intelligence in
Education, IJAIED 21 (2), 2011, 115-133,
Girard, C., Ecalle, J., & Magnan, A. (2013).
Serious Games as new educational tools:
how effective are they? A meta-analysis of
recent studies. Journal of Computer
Assisted Learning, 29(3), 207-219 (pdf)
Science (LNCS), 7379, 225-236. [More Information]
Akehurst, J., Koprinska, I., Yacef, K., Pizzato, L., Kay, J., Rej, T. (2012). Explicit and
Implicit User Preferences in Online Dating. 15th Pacific-Asia Conference on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, PAKDD 2011, Heidelberg, Germany:
Santos, P.; Pérez-Sanagustín, M.; Hernández-Leo, D.; Blat, J. QuesTInSitu: From
Tests To Routes For Assessment In Situ Activities, Computers & Education, 57(4),
2011, p. 2517-2534. (pdf)
Navarrete, T.; Santos, P.; Hernández-Leo, D.; Blat, J. QTIMaps: A model to enable
web maps in assessment. Educational Technology & Society 14(3), 2011, p. 203217.(pdf))
Thomas, J. M., & Young, R. M. (2011, January). Dynamic guidance for task-based
exploratory learning. In Artificial Intelligence in Education (pp. 369-376). Springer
Berlin Heidelberg. [pdf].
Thomas, J. M., & Young, R. M. (2010, January). Annie: a tutor that works in digital
games. In Intelligent Tutoring Systems (pp. 417-419). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Scott McQuiggan, Jonathan Rowe, Sunyoung Lee, and James Lester. Story-Based
Learning: The Impact of Narrative on Learning Experiences and Outcomes. In
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems,
Montreal, Canada, pp. 530-539, 2008. (pdf)
Joseph F. Grafsgaard, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, and James C. Lester. Toward a
Machine Learning Framework for Understanding Affective Tutorial Interaction,
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems,
ITS 2012,Springer (pdf)
Sitzmann, T. (2011). A meta-analytic examination of the instructional
effectiveness of computer-based simulation Games. Personnel Psychology, 64(2),
489–528. (pdf)
Michael F. Young, Stephen Slota, Andrew B. Cutter, Gerard Jalette, Greg Mullin,
Benedict Lai, Zeus Simeoni, Matthew Tran and Mariya Yukhymenko, A Review of
Trends in Serious Gaming Review of Educational Research September 2012 82:
296-299 (pdf)