minutes Annual meeting 2015 - Lincolnshire County Council

PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, B Williams, J Richmond, A White, P Baildon and clerk G
Simpson, also District Cllr Sandra Harrison and 7 members of the public.
7.20pm Public Session
Concerns were raised over the state of certain grass verges through the village which are
unsightly, plus overgrown areas that cause narrowing of footpaths impeding the progress of
pedestrians and a potential risk to the public. Several reports of dog fouling were received. The
Chairman explained what steps had already been taken to try and tackle these problems.
7.35pm Council meeting opened
The Chairman welcomed those present especially our new District Cllr Sandra Harrison and
thanked Mr Colenso for his sterling work during his short time as a Parish Cllr.
15/129] Election of Chairman
Cllr Williams proposed Cllr Whitehouse to be the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Richmond.
15/130] Election of Vice Chairman
Cllr Whitehouse proposed and Cllr White seconded that Cllr Williams be Vice Chairman.
15/131] Delivery of declaration of acceptance of office
All councillors signed their declaration of acceptance of office and Cllr Whitehouse signed
the declaration of acceptance of office as Chairman, the clerk witnessed all signatures. All
councillors were issued with disclosable pecuniary interest forms.
15/132] Conformation of minutes of meetings on 10 Mar 2015 and 23 Apr 2015
Cllr Richmond proposed acceptance of distributed notes as true record, seconded by Cllr
Williams. Resolved and signed by the Chairman.
15/133] Clerks report on outstanding matters
Planning comments regarding Grange Leisure Park were submitted as instructed and the
planning officer had been consulted about conditions of a previous application regarding the
provision of a cycle way to Mablethopre. Cllr Harrison was also contacted for her assistance in this
matter and investigations revealed it was a legal agreement rather than a planning condition,
further investigations are ongoing and the council will be kept apprised of the situation. R Aldrich
had been advised of possible damage in the churchyard caused by a stray horse but he had not
reported any difficulties. The clerk had reported problems with signs at the main road junction (ref
1320402) and pavement surfaces north of the Village Hall (ref 1320404). LCC Highways were also
consulted regarding overgrowth obstructing footpaths and they reported yearly inspections were
carried out to identify dangers but they were happy for local residents to help with such matters so
long as it was approached sensibly. With regard to the flooding issues and the drainage survey
Nick Marsh was in the process of producing a report with action to follow after the summer.
Mablethorpe Police had attended the Annual Parish Meeting to answer any questions especially
with regard to speeding. LRSP had also been contacted to request an Archer Survey of traffic
through the village and this had now been completed and the results analysed. Over 5 days the
average speed was 34.2mph and along with the lack of reported injury collisions a local safety
scheme cannot be justified. A print out of the data had been requested.
Chairman; Cllr David Whitehouse 01507 450811
Clerk; Mr Graham Simpson 01754 880131
Ourholme, Dovecote Lane, Wainfleet, Skegness, Lincs, PE24 4AD
Stephen Brookes of LCC had been contacted to request a meeting to discuss super fast
broadband plans for the area. The Pension Regulator had been given the clerk’s details as first
point of contact for auto enrolment responsibilities. The Boundary Commission had given notice of
a new review requesting local observations. The Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities was
now in force and NALC had secured funding to help smaller authorities meet their obligations. The
clerk had contacted LALC to see what help may be available for the parish council.
The ELDC Election Team had been contacted regarding the parish council election after the clerk
received a complaint from a resident of Thoresthorpe who had been offered a ballot paper for the
Maltby election, but a response has not yet been received.
15/134] Review of standing orders, code of conduct, financial regulations, asset
register and risk management
There were no requests or suggestions for any amendments to any of the documents but
this can be reviewed at a later meeting if necessary.
15/135] Diary of meetings for the coming year
Dates agreed for the coming year; 23 June, 4 August and 22 September. Further dates will
be confirmed at the next meeting after consultation with the District Cllr to ascertain her availability
due to other council commitments.
15/136] Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given
There were no apologies.
15/137] Declarations of interest and applications for dispensations
15/138] Reports from outside bodies
Our new District Cllr had been elected unopposed and her new ward was considerably
larger than the previous one as a result of the boundary changes and the reduction in the number
of councillors. Cllr Harrison has served 12 years for ELDC, being a member of the executive board
for the last 8 years, and hoped to attend as many parish council meetings as possible using her
experience to advise and guide the parish council on forthcoming issues, having already helped
with the Grange Leisure Park query regarding the cycle way. Cllr Harrison would investigate the
flooding and drainage issues affecting the village, the clerk would to forward a copy of the survey
that had been carried out, and also determine if a visit to the planning department was still
15/139] Review insurance cover and renewal
The level of cover had been increased last year and the renewal quote was inline with last
year’s adjustments.
15/140] Financial matters
The internal auditor had completed her inspection of the Council’s accounts and was
satisfied everything was in order. The notice of appointment of date for the exercise of elector’s
rights and the notice of Councils’ Accounts; A Summary of Your Rights, had been posted as
required. The council resolved to accept the prepared accounting and annual governance
statements for 2014/15, proposed Cllr Richmond, seconded Cllr White, with the Chairman and
Clerk signing the document. The current bank reconciliation and financial statement were agreed.
Cheques resolved for signing were; J Alldridge £40.00, Community Lincs Insurance Services
£273.60, and R Aldrich £135.00.
Chairman; Cllr David Whitehouse 01507 450811
Clerk; Mr Graham Simpson 01754 880131
Ourholme, Dovecote Lane, Wainfleet, Skegness, Lincs, PE24 4AD
15/141] Planning
Laburnam Cottage N/112/00037/15 refused outline planning permission. Wayside Farm
N/112/00065/15 received full planning permission. Dyling View N/112/00361/15 received full
planning permission. Willows Caravan Park N/112/00376/15 received full planning permission.
There were no further observations submitted regarding the amendment to application
N/112/00049/15 Grange Leisure Park, investigations are still ongoing regarding the original
comments. Application N/112/00828/15 Plot 3 Land Adjacent to Hollybrook Cottage had been
received after publication of the agenda and it was agreed to request an extension from ELDC to
submit observations to allow consultations and a site visit.
15/142] Village and Churchyard signs
Mr Norwood-Witts has contacted the Chairman and shown great interest in designing a
village sign and will develop a proposal with a preference for 3 signs, one for each entrance to the
village. However, at present he has more pressing matters to deal with at his home in Kent but
hopes to be back shortly. Possible sources of funding for the project will be investigated. Cllr
White gave further assurances the churchyard sign would be in place soon.
15/143] Superfast Broadband
Enquiries have been made with Stephen Brookes of LCC to determine his willingness to
attend a meeting in the village with regard to the plans for superfast broadband in the area. After
discussion it was agreed to arrange a public meeting one evening in the Village Hall probably a
Wednesday in the middle of July, depending on availability of Mr Brookes and the Hall, giving
sufficient time to advertise the event and include an article in the July newsletter.
15/144] Correspondence
The following list of correspondence was noted;
ELDC; decision of planning N/112/00037/15 Laburnam cottage
ELDC; decision of planning N/112/00065/15 Wayside Farm
Grant Thornton; annual audit
Coastal Country Park; events programme
Community Lincs; insurance renewal
ELDC; notice of elections and associated documents
LALC; legal briefing L02-15 and L05-14 transparency code for small authorities
ELDC; planning amendment N/110/00049/15
ELDC; diary of area committee meetings
ELDC; remittance advice for precept and grant
ELDC; decision of planning N/112/00361/15 Dyling View
ELDC; decision of planning N/112/00376/15 Willows Caravan Park
HMRC; VAT remittance
Date of next meeting
This was confirmed as Tuesday 23 June 2015.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.25pm.
Chairman; Cllr David Whitehouse 01507 450811
Clerk; Mr Graham Simpson 01754 880131
Ourholme, Dovecote Lane, Wainfleet, Skegness, Lincs, PE24 4AD