FUNction Cartoon

PreCalculus FUNction Project (note the emphasis on FUN)
Only minor assistance will be offered and only outside of class.
Find a Dinosaur or Flintstones cartoon..
The ORIGINAL cartoon must be included – think about how it will fit in your calculator screen!
It should include a minimum of one of each of the transformed parent functions: Linear, Quadratic,
Absolute Value, Logarithmic, Exponential, Trigonometric, Rational.
Write a program in your calculator. The steps will be as follows.
1. Name the Program (PRGM NEW) as your first and last initials and period number.
If working with partners, choose initials of each group member.
2. Include your name(s) as the first line of the program
3. ClrDraw (use[2nd] [PRGM] 1:Clrdraw) this will clear any pictures currently on your graphing
4. AxesOff (use[2nd] [ZOOM] and select AxesOff).
5. FnOff (use [VARS]. [Y-VARS] 4: On/Off, and then select FnOff).
6. PlotsOff (use [2nd] [Y=]4: Plots off).
7. Set the window. Your commands should appear like the following (where  is the
STO or store key on your calculator)
: -23.25  Xmin
: 23.25  Xmax
: -15.5  Ymin
: 15.5  Ymax
Xmin, Xmax, etc. are located in [VARS]1:Window
These are sample settings, use a ratio of 3:2 for x:y so the cartoon is not skewed
8. Enter the equations or your graphs.
(use [2nd] [PRGM] 6: DrawF, then type your function without y = ).
Do not try to use Y1, Y2, etc.
Label the type of function immediately before your DrawF command and describe which
part of the sketch corresponds
To restrict domain and only use pieces of graphs, follow this example:
DrawF (your equation)/((x ≥2) and (x≤4)) (this command will only draw the graph between x=2 and x=4)
or include + 0x, to adjust the domain
For inequality symbols use [2nd][MATH]
For and or or use [2nd][MATH][LOGIC]
Use [CLEAR] to delete a line
If you wish to shade part of your graph, use the Shade command [2nd][PRGM]7:Shade as follows:
:Shade(bottom function, top function, # from 1 to 8 for darkness)
To graph vertical lines: use [2nd][DRAW][LINE] as follows
:Line(x1, y1, x2, y2) where (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) are endpoints
ARCHIVE in case your batteries die!
This is a 50 point assignment and is due by FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH, with no exceptions.
Grading criteria:
Program shared and loaded on computer using link cord
Level of difficulty
7 mandatory functions (included, prominent, and labeled as instructed)
Likeness to original
Color printed original AND color final product
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PreCalculus FUNction Project (note the emphasis on FUN)
Due by FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH, with no exceptions.
Only minor assistance will be offered and only outside of class.
Choose a Dinosaur or Flintstones cartoon. The ORIGINAL cartoon must be included – think about how it
will fit on your computer screen!
It should include a minimum of one of each of the transformed parent functions: Linear, Quadratic, Absolute
Value, Logarithmic, Exponential, Trigonometric, Rational.
Write a script using Desmos. The steps will be as follows.
1. Sign up for an account at Click “Graphing Calculator.
2. Save your graph as “Your Name FUNction Project” by clicking on the graph
name in the upper left corner of the screen:
3. Move the seven required functions so that they appear first in your
equation list.
4. Insert a note immediately before each of the
seven required functions stating which
function you are using and the location in the
cartoon. (Click “+” → “note” and type your
note. You can drag the notes and functions
around to organize them.)
5. Don’t forget to save frequently!
6. Get a link to your graph and e-mail it to your teacher by the due
date. Include the first and last names of group members in your email.
7. Print, color and attach your final product to the original cartoon.
Link shared in email (also containing your full name and
Level of difficulty
7 mandatory functions used, prominent, and labeled in
Desmos file
Likeness to original
Color printed original AND colored final product
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