Jewish Teen Foundations of Greater Boston—PAQ (Potentially

Jewish Teen Foundations of Greater Boston—PAQ (Potentially Asked Questions)
What is the JTFGB?
The Jewish Teen Foundations of Greater Boston (JTFGB) is an exciting new leadership
development program for Jewish teens interested in learning about philanthropy and being
part of a philanthropic foundation. Participants will explore Jewish values, learn about
fundraising and strategic philanthropy, and ultimately make a difference in their communities.
JTFGB is a part of a larger initiative called the Foundation Board Incubator, a project of the
Jewish Teen Funders Network, generously funded by Laura Lauder and the Maimonides Fund.
Introduced locally by Combined Jewish Philanthropies, the JTFGB will launch in the fall of 2015
with two boards, one at Gann Academy and one at Hebrew College.
Who should apply to be part of the JTFGB?
Jewish teens who will be in grades 9-12 in fall of 2015 who are interested in philanthropy,
leadership, and helping to transform the world around them should apply!
What will they do?
Over the course of the academic year, the teens in each JTFGB board will work together as a
real philanthropic foundation, grounded in Judaism’s commitment to tzedakah (charity) and
tikkun olam (repair of the world). They’ll learn about social justice, philanthropy, leadership,
and fundraising. Each board will:
● learn how Jewish values may apply to philanthropy and the grant making process
● acquire critical research skills and hone leadership abilities
● explore issues of social justice
● learn how to solicit and evaluate grant proposals from non-profits
● raise funds to support the causes that are important to them
● challenge each other to make thoughtful, insightful grants that address the causes that
matter most to them
At the end of the year, each board will make grants to Greater Boston area charities focused on
the issues important to them. They will make an impact on their world today through this
What’s the commitment like?
Teen boards will meet monthly for roughly 3 hours. There will also be an all-day kick-off retreat
in October (tentatively Sunday, October 25), and a closing celebratory dinner in June. Full
engagement in every session is a requirement of the program, and there may be minimal work
required in between (1-2 hours a month). Upon acceptance to the program, teens will receive a
calendar of events and meetings for the year.
In addition, each board will raise a minimum of $5,000 which will then be allocated through the
grantmaking process. Each board will have the opportunity to determine if the money will be
raised individually in small groups or together.
Does it cost anything?
This program is heavily subsidized. There is a small registration fee of $100. However, no
qualified applicant will be denied because of financial need.
Where will the programs be held?
As the JTFGB includes sites at Hebrew College and Gann Academy, one board will be based at
each site. The kick-off will be at Gann, and the closing dinner at Hebrew College. The two
Foundation Boards will run parallel programs at their respective sites, with potential
opportunities to meet at other sites throughout the Greater Boston area as well.
Is there a difference between the two boards?
The boards have similar programmatic goals. The differences will lie in the flavor brought by
different site directors, host communities, and the direction which the teen board members
choose to pursue! On the application, teens will be able to identify if they have a site
preference. The JTFGB organizers will do their best to honor these requests, but cannot
guarantee them.
What is the application process like? When will I find out?
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Early applications are accepted until July 1 and will
be reviewed during the summer. The regular application date will be September 10th. Finalists
will be notified of their acceptance to the program by September 25.
Will I get community service hours?
Yes! Students can ask their site directors to sign off on community service hours.
What is the parent involvement with the program?
Parents are expected to support their children’s participation, including ensuring they
participate in each session and in additional activities which may arise. Parents with relevant
experience may be invited to present to the teen boards as well.
Why should I apply?
You should apply because the JTFGB is a ground-breaking, exciting chance to engage with other
Jewish teens from around Greater Boston. It will give you experience in fundraising,
grantmaking, community development, planning, and outreach. You’ll learn about the exciting
charities in your community and you’ll make an impact by choosing to act. You’ll get skills you
won’t learn in high school. And you’ll have fun with new friends while you do it!
How can I learn more?
We will have an information session for interested teens and parents in early September. Check
back soon for complete details. But you don’t have to wait that long!
Contact one of us to learn more:
Ariel Stein, Program Associate, Jewish Teen Foundation Board,,
781-642-6800 x112
Dan Brosgol, Director of Prozdor, Hebrew College,, 617-559-8802