Readings - University of Tasmania

Recommended readings/resources for developing
Interprofessional Simulated Learning Activities
Guimond, M.E., Sole, M.L., and Salas, E. (2011). Getting ready for simulation-based training:
A checklist for nurse educators. Nursing Education Perspectives, 32(3): 179-85.
Jeffries, P.R. (2005). A framework for designing, implementing, and evaluating simulations
used as teaching strategies in nursing. Nursing Education Perspectives 26(2): 96-103.
Reese, C. E., Jeffries, P.R., & Engum, S.A. (2010). Learning together: Using simulations to
develop nursing and medical student collaboration. Nursing Education Perspectives, 31(1):
National Health Education Training - Simulation (NHET‐Sim) Program
The NHET-Sim program is a simulation training program available Australia-wide to simulation
educators across all health professions. For further information about this training or to register, see
Ker, J. and Bradley, P. (2010). Simulation in medical education in T. Swanwick (Ed.),
Understanding Medical Education: Evidence Theory and Practice. pp. 164-180. Association
for the Study of Medical Education.
Useful Websites
Health Workforce Australia
Sim Net
Simulation Australia
Society for Simulation in Healthcare
Tasmanian Clinical Education Network
Victorian Simulation Alliance
Interprofessional learning/education (IPL/IPE)
Engum, S.A., & Jeffries, P.R. (2012). Interdisciplinary collisions: Bringing healthcare professionals
together. Collegian. 19(3): 145-151.
Hays, R.B. (2008). Interprofessional education in rural practice: how, when and where? Rural and
Remote Health 8: 939. Available:
Hammick, M., Olckers, L., & Campion-Smith, C. (2009). Learning in interprofessional teams: AMEE
Guide no 38. Medical Teacher. 31(1): 1-12.
Schmitt, M., Blue, A., Aschenbrener, C.A. and Viggiano, T. (2011). Core competencies for
interprofessional collaborative practice: Reforming health care by transforming health professionals'
education. Academic Medicine. 86(11): 1351.
Useful Websites
 Australasian Interprofessional Practice and Education Network (AIPPEN),
 Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE). (2002). Defining IPE.
Accessed 30/01/2013 from CAIPE website:
Adult Learning and reflection
 Rural Health Education Foundation (2007). A Guide to facilitating adult learning. Rural Health
Education Foundation Australia.
Constructing learning objectives
Krathwohl, D.R. (2002). A revision of Bloom’s taxonomy: An overview. Theory into Practice,
41(4): 212-218.
Fanning, R.M. and Gaba, D.M. (2007). The role of debriefing in Simulation-based Learning.
Simulation in Healthcare, 2(2); 115-125.
Rudolph, J.W., Simon, R., Rivard, P., Dufresne, R.L., and Raemer, D.B. (2007). Debriefing
with good judgment: Combining rigorous feedback with genuine inquiry. Anesthesiology
Clinics, 25(2007); 361-376.
Additional References you might find useful
Albert, E., Dalton, L., Spencer, J., Dunn, M., and Walker, J. (2004). Doing it together: the Tasmanian
Interdisciplinary Rural Placement Program. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 12 (1): 30-31
Bradshaw, W. (2011). Reflection. Australian Nursing Journal, 18(11): 38.
Buelow, J.R., Downs, D., Jorgensen, K., Karges, J.R., and Nelson, D. (2008). Building
interdisciplinary teamwork among allied health students through live clinical case simulations. Journal
of Allied Health, 37 (2): 109E-123E.
Connaughton, J. and Edgar, S. (2011). Framework for reflective practice. Focus on Health
Professional Education, 12(3): 89-93.
Hammick, M., Olckers, L., and Campion-Smith, C. (2009). Learning in interprofessional teams: AMEE
Guide no 38. Medical Teacher. 31(1): 1-12.
Khan, K., Tolhurst-Cleaver, S., White, S., and Simpson, W. (2011). Simulation in healthcare
education. Building a simulation program: A practical guide. AMEE Curriculum Planning Guide 50,
Association for Medical Education in Europe, Dundee, UK.
Knowles, M. S. (1990). The adult learner: A neglected species. 4th Ed. Houston: Gulf Publishing
Lee, A., Dunston, R., Matthews, L., Nisbet, G., Pockett, R., Thistlewaite, J., et al. (2009).
Interprofessional health education in Australia: The way forward. Sydney: University of Technology.
Ross, A. J., Anderson, J. E., Kodate, N., Thomas, L., Thompson, K., Thomas, B., et al., (2013).
Simulation training for improving the quality of care for older people: an independent evaluation of an
innovative programme for interprofessional education. BMJ Quality Safety, 2013: 22; 495-505.
Rudolph, J.W., Simon, R., Raemer, D.B. and Eppich, W.J. (2008). Debriefing as formative
assessment: Closing performance gaps in medical education. Academic Emergency Medicine.
15(11): 1010-1016.
Walker, J., Behrens, H., and Dow, A. (2007). Building relationships through multi-disciplinary
education in the northwest Tasmania rural palliative care project. 9th National Rural Health
Conference, Albury NSW. 7-10 March 2007.
Whelan, J.J., Spencer, J. and Dalton, L. (2009). ‘Building rural health care teams through
interprofessional simulation-based education’, 10th National Rural Health Conference Proceedings,
17-20 May 2009, Cairns, pp. 1-10.
WHO study group on Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (2010). Framework for
Action on Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice. Geneva.