Mantle Working Group 1 Terms of Reference

Agresso ‘Expert’ Responsibilities – implementation plan Version 1.0
Following discussions with HR and the Financial Systems Sounding Board, the concept of the
Agresso ‘expert’ has been developed, with the aim of establishing a consistent approach to Agresso
system training in departments and of standardising the links between departments and the Finance
systems support team.
The responsibilities
A definition of the responsibilities is attached as Appendix 1. In summary it takes a ‘train the
trainer’ approach with central training only being provided to small group of expert Agresso users
round campus who in turn train other users in their own departments. Note general ‘Finance’
training is not included in this implementation - instead details can be found at:
Why the ‘Expert’ approach?
There are three reasons for adopting this approach:
1. The fragmented nature of business processes and finance working practices through campus
makes providing standard training difficult to provide and often less than helpful. Feedback on
previous training indicated it was felt not to be relevant – which given departments work in
different ways is not surprising. If training is provided locally, local Agresso experts should have a
good understanding of how their department works and can tailor training accordingly.
2. The finance systems support team is too small to provide a comprehensive training service for the
1000+ Agresso users on campus. By effectively delegating most training provision this constraint is
3. It is not unusual to receive training requests for staff to ‘be taught Agresso’; this kind of request is
difficult to meet given the size and complexity of the system. By providing training locally it should
focus on exactly what is required appropriate for the duties of the member of staff.
Implementation starts in November 2010, should take about 12 months to complete and will consist
of a visit to each department to discuss the expert responsibilities, who should be nominated, and
any training required by those experts. Training of the experts will be arranged subsequently with
typical competencies including Procurement, general Finance reporting and Research
Administration. Departments will be visited in size order, largest first.
Following guidance from Finance senior management and Human Resources for the smallest
support and academic departments it is recommended that an expert be shared amongst a group of
departments, with the aim of limiting expert numbers round campus to perhaps 100 or so. Equally
the largest departments may have several experts.
Andrew Busby, Business Systems Development Manager (Finance), 11th October 2010
Appendix 1 –Agresso Expert Responsibilities
What is expected of Agresso experts
To train staff on a one to one or a one to two basis within their department on the Agresso system,
usually for new users (for example when a member of staff leaves and is replaced), using training
materials provided centrally
To provide informal coaching and mentoring if necessary for Agresso users in their department
To be a contact point for their department, receiving important updates and communications such as
the monthly Finance systems update and responsible for onward departmental distribution
To achieve a good detailed understanding of the parts of the Agresso system relevant to their
department or function with a view to helping maximise the benefits of the system both to their own
department and the University
Training records may need to be kept, in liaison with the Departments Training Officer
Members of the expert community will be asked to volunteer time for testing of new Agresso features
and in particular during Agresso upgrades
What isn’t expected of the experts
Providing classroom or group training, either regular or for implementations of new systems
Detailed Agresso technical expertise or knowledge or providing technical support for Agresso itself
Benefits and support provided
Subject to team availability entitlement to one to one training from Finance systems support team
members and attendance on group training courses provide by the Finance systems support team
Refresher training on Agresso will be offered when a person first adopts the responsibilities
Pre-written generic Agresso training materials will be provided by the team
A sample of experts form the Finance Systems Sounding Board, an informal user group who meet
once or twice a year to discuss strategy, developments and other aspects of the Agresso and other
Finance systems
With regard to requests for minor developments and tweaking of the Agresso system (e.g. a new
report) priority will be given to those submitted by the expert community
Access to the online forum specifically for ‘experts’ (already prototyped in the VLE) to provide mutual
support and access to the lists of Agresso experts round campus
Typical expert person requirements
Appropriate skills and experience in coaching and basic one to one training
Highly IT literate, especially with regard to Agresso
Enthusiastic, positive and respected for their knowledge and experience within the department
Good problem solving and communication skills
Good business process knowledge of their area (e.g. procurement, research administration)
Other notes
This concept is used widely in organisations, including Universities, and is usually highly successful
Dependent on their size departments may have more than one expert
Links with the University policy on statutory and compliance training
Training will be compulsory for any new Agresso ‘Smart client’ users (Smart Client is the full version
of the Agresso software as opposed to the web version); i.e. access will not be granted until training
has been undertaken
Andrew Busby, Business Systems Development Manager (Finance), 6th August 2010