General Service Conference Report

2014 General Service Conference Report
Russ L., Area 34 Delegate, Panel 64
Diana and Travis dropped me off at the Muskegon Airport for my noon flight to New
York via Chicago O'Hare Saturday, April 26. Both flights were uneventful except for the
harrowing approach to LaGuardia over water until final touchdown. After calling the
shuttle for transportation to Rye Brook, a 50 minute ride, I arrived at the Hilton
Westchester at 5:45 pm. After checking in and unpacking, I met with Bill Farnsworth,
ECR Trustee and many of the delegates from the East Central, Southeast and
Southwest Regions for a dinner of pizza and salad. After dinner, I attended the
delegates only meeting from 7:30-9:30 pm. This meeting was geared to the orientation
of the Panel 64 delegates, with topics on the overview of the conference week, trusting
the committee process, and Panel 63 delegates recalling their experiences from last
year's conference. I also met my conference buddy Don F. from Area 15, South
Florida/Bahamas/Virgin Islands/Antigua and we spent 10-15 minutes getting
acquainted. After the delegates only meeting, I went to my room and began journaling
my conference week.
Sunday morning, I awoke as usual at 5 am, but stayed in bed until 6. The early morning
was spent with quiet time, daily meditations and coffee, then breakfast and exploration
of the hotel. Conference registration was at 9 am, where we received our Conference
Manuals, assorted AA Literature and our meals and incidentals allowance. The
Conference formally commenced at 10 am with a welcome from Terry B., GSB chair,
the seating of three alternate delegates, roll call and the keynote address given by
Roberta L., Class B General Service Trustee. The morning session concluded with a
presentation entitled, “Your Conference Week" with topics including the mechanics of
the conference and review of the agenda and manual. At noon was the Delegate
Orientation Lunch by region, attended by the 14 ECR Delegates as well as the ECR
Trustee. The afternoon session was titled "Living in the Heart of AA" with
presentations/discussions on Recovery, Unity and Service - Our Responsibility" and
"Passing It On Through Sponsorship". Later on that afternoon were the Joint Trustee
and Conference Committee meetings. My committee, Treatment / Special Needs Accessibilities had 17 present, 9 delegates, 7 trustees, and Rick W., our Committee
Secretary (GSO staff). John Fronson, Class A Trustees Chair and Steve O, Conference
Committee Chair conducted the meeting, with additional input by Rick W. No action
was taken at this meeting; the purpose was to acquaint ourselves with the committee
composition, scope and procedure; history of the committee; and report of the Trustees'
Committee. After the meeting was a short break, followed by the opening dinner and AA
meeting with 5 speakers and over 200 people in attendance. After dinner I returned to
my room to unwind with TV and my journal writing, finally getting into bed at 11:15 pm,
well past my usual 10 pm bedtime.
Monday morning I awoke at 5 am; again as usual. I started by morning with what would
become my routine: coffee, read daily meditations, breakfast and then Serenity Group
(M-F AA meetings). This morning was devoted to Conference Committee meetings.
My committee, Treatment / Special Needs - Accessibilities spent most of the morning
reviewing a proposal to revise the Bridging the Gap Pamphlet to include Corrections.
We also approved the Trustee's Committee Report and began a review of the
Treatment Kit and Workbook. After lunch we all assembled in the ballroom for the GSB
report, AAWS Board Report and AA Grapevine Board Report, followed by Panel 64
Delegates Service Highlights from 2 regions and the Finance Presentation given by
David Morris, Chair of the Trustees' Finance and Budgetary Committee and a Class A
Trustee. After an excellent dinner, we again convened for our evening session which
included a presentation on La Vigne, two more regions sharing their Panel 64 delegates
area service highlights and a general sharing session.
Tuesday was casual day, starting with Conference Committee meetings. Treatment /
Special Needs – Accessibilities reviewed the Special Needs Kit and Workbook,
reviewed and accepted our committee report for the Conference, and elected the new
chairperson and alternate for the coming year. I was elected chairman on the second
ballot – it didn’t have to go to the hat like one of my previous elections. Our final
committee action was a group photo for the outgoing chair and committee secretary.
After lunch, two more regions gave their area highlights, a presentation on “Living in the
Heart of AA” with speakers sharing Participating in our Common Welfare through
Contributions and Inventory – a Guiding Tool to our Future. This session was followed
by a power point presentation and address titled “The AA Grapevine – 70 Years” and
the final two regions area service highlights. The East Central Region participated in
this session and I was able to deliver my highlights within the allotted 2 minutes, unlike
two of my colleagues from the East Central Region. The afternoon concluded with a
general sharing session, followed by the delegates only dinner and sharing session
where Panel 63 delegates shared their experiences in preparing and giving Area and
District GSC reports. The final business of the session was the election of next year’s
Delegate Chair and Alternate. After the meeting several ECR delegates met with Bill F.
for ice cream, but I called it a night. I returned to the room at 9:30 pm to journal and
unwound with TV, bed at 11 pm.
Wednesday morning began with discussion of inventory questions. My group
discussed questions 6-10 and included Terry B., Class A Trustee and Chairman of the
General Service Board and Mary Clare., GSO staff. We also heard a presentation on
the AA Archives from Michelle, the Archives Director. Lunch was again by region, with
a focus on regional forums. After lunch were the Regional Trustee elections for both
East Canada and the Pacific Regions. I sat as an observer during this time as I had no
vote in the elections. Both regions saw 5 ballots with the election going to the hat, with
both selected having received fewer votes – again, a God thing. Following the elections
we started the committee reports and discussion. Treatment / Special Needs –
Accessibilities and Grapevine were heard, much discussion and debate on the
Grapevine – Formatting Right of Decision. After a friendly amendment, the vote was
76-49 so the motion failed due to no 2/3 vote. At this time, we broke for dinner and then
resumed at 7:30 pm with additional questions for the Grapevine Committee. The
Corrections Committee then presented their items, both passed after discussion and
debate. The committee reports and discussion concluded with Policy and Admissions
recommending a trial use of electronic voting. After much discussion, an accepted
friendly amendment and call for question, the motion failed 84-43 (needed 85 votes),
minority opinion followed with motion to reconsider which passed – revote 94-37, so a
trail period of electronic voting was approved. With no questions for the committee, we
went to the general sharing session. Topics included proposed agenda items not
forwarded to the GSC and the Board Confidentiality Statement. The session adjourned
at 9:45 pm, allowing me to return to the room to read two proposed pamphlets (Circles
of Love and Service and Many Paths to Spirituality), organize background materials for
all committees, and do my journal. I got to bed at midnight.
Thursday continued with committee reports and discussions. We started with the
Literature Committee; first item was Circles of Love and Service, which passed with little
discussion. Next on the agenda was the spiritualty pamphlet which evoked much
debate. After rejecting both an amendment to the motion and an amended amendment
to the motion, the new pamphlet passed with substantial unanimity. We then proceeded
to new language for the open meeting section of the blue card, adding the phrase “nonalcoholics are welcome to attend open meetings as observers”. After much debate, the
recommendation passed 82-41, exactly 2/3. Minority opinion was presented and I
made a motion to reconsider, which passed 62-61. After much more discussion and a
call for the question, the revote on adding language failed on a 60-55 vote. Debate on
the spirituality pamphlet and the blue card was so intense all other literature items were
accepted with little debate. The next committees, Cooperation with the Professional
Community, Report and Charter, and Public Information all had their items presented
and accepted with little discussion. The one exception was a wording change to the
anonymity card, which originally passed. After the scheduled dinner, a presentation on
the 2015 AA Convention – 80 years – Happy, Joyous, and Free and a general sharing
session which lasted until 9:10 pm, we again addressed the anonymity card with
minority opinion, a motion to reconsider which passed and finally at 9:50 pm voted on
the original motion which failed 55-61. After questions on additional committee
considerations, the day ended at approximately 10 pm.
Friday morning I again woke at 5 am, but got up soon thereafter. I followed my usual
early morning pattern, but also took pictures of the hotel and displays, signed delegate
books and still had time to make the Serenity Group AA meeting. Final committee
reports and discussions started at 8:30 am with a viewing of the draft video, “Markings
on the Journey”. All items discussed this morning for the Archives, Finance, Trustees,
and International Conventions/Regional Forums Committees passed with substantial
unanimity. After the mid-morning break, six floor actions were heard, with none
passing. The afternoon session included a preview of the new website, inventory
reports and discussion, farewell talks by rotating Panel 63 delegates and closing
remarks by Terry B., GSB chair, The 64th General Service Conference adjourned at
6:58 pm with the serenity prayer in four languages; English, French, Spanish, and
Navajo. Dinner was on your own – the ECR delegates, ECR Trustee and guests went
to dinner at a New York-style pizza joint. Back to the room by 10:30 pm, packed and
went to bed.
Saturday morning was the closing brunch and farewell talks by the three rotating
trustees. It was difficult to say good-bye to my Panel 63 friends as I will probably not
see many of them again. I was blessed, however, to have been able to serve with them
at the 64th General Service Conference and wish to thank the members of Area 34 for
the opportunity to serve and the trust and support you have given me.
Thank you for allowing me to serve - Whoo Hoo!!
Russ Larsen, Area 34 Delegate / Panel 64