
MAER-Net Colloquium Conference 5-7th September 2013
The colloquium is the 7th in the series of international conferences organised by the Meta
Analysis of Economic Research Network (MAER-Net). MAER-Net is an international network
of scholars committed to enhancing meta-analysis methods and encouraging their use in
economics and business research.
With more than 40 papers on a wide range of policy-relevant topics in economics, business,
public administration and public policy and around 60 delegates per day, around 45
speakers including 3 keynote speakers: Tom Stanley-Professor of Economics and Business,
Hendrix College, MAER-Net Convenor, Kip Viscusi-Distinguished Professor of Law and
Economics at Vanderbilt University, and Stevan Lee-Research and Evaluation Division,
Department for International Development (DFID).
The MAER-Net colloquium conference was overall hugely successful. All delegates
commented on the great organisation of the conference, the good service and the overall
Delegates enjoyed the speaker’s content particularly from keynote speakers, and the
entertainment organised, the conference fulfilled its objectives and purpose. The budget
was in surplus, due to careful planning between Mehmet Ugur and the business school
events team the conference was well structured and delegates had an informative and
positive experience.