Tuesday, January 13, 2015

College of Business and Public Management Alumni Affinity Group Meeting
Tuesday, January 13, 2015, 7:00 p.m.
Hanawalt House
I & II. Welcome and Call to Order
Jerry called meeting to order at 7:02PM. There is a quorum present (3 of 3 Board of Directors
are present) * NOTE – AAB Bylaws will be in effect replacing the CBPM AAG’s previous
governance documents.
III. Call to order
Present: Hoang Dinh, Renee Deming, Jerry Gonzalez (called in, arrived at 7:35PM), Alfred
Magallanes, Monika Moore, Abe Helou, Carrie Hasse, Rick Hasse.
Present via conference call: None.
IV. Agenda
Motioned, seconded, and passed.
V. Minutes
Motioned, seconded, and passed.
VI. Executive and Chair Reports & Housekeeping
A. President (Jerry) Report:
B. Vice President (Renee) Report:
1. Recapping the Fri. December 5th Holiday/Networking Mixer event.
a. Carrie M. provided the guest lists. Asked if anyone has contacted the guests
since. Alfred said probably not due to the holiday break. He’ll talk to Mark
Vidal, Marketing, to get the photos from the reception. Then we’ll come up
with a game plan on sending a followup thank you. Good turnout than the
previous year.
b. Jerry thanked Renee and everyone else who helped put the event together.
2. Recapping the Sat. November 22nd Winter Grad Finale interest cards.
a. According to Jerry, Rick and/or Ebony may have the cards so we will followup
on this.
b. Abe mentioned that there will be more faculty attending as there is a
function at 5:30PM.
C. Secretary (Hoang) Report:
1. Previous month’s meeting minutes submitted.
2. Conference Call # and Codes.
a. Hoang has obtained permanent conference call phone # with Ebony. In the
meantime, Carrie M. has cancelled the previous WebEx conference call
phone # created primarily for the CBPM AA. Moving forward this will be the
# used monthly and the procedures will be sent out to everyone on the
distribution list.
D. Outreach Chair (Rick) Report:
1. Rick’s updates on upcoming events.
a. Reception/lecture to be presented by Mr. Willard Caddell at the Orange
County Campus in Irvine has been rescheduled due to an illness in his family.
Tentatively will be rescheduled now for March.
b. Hockey Night in Ontario, Sat. February 14th is still on. He has the tickets and
apologizes for not having the time to advertise it. Limited number of 22
seats in the suite. Rick also wants to obtain additional tickets in the seating
bowl area in front of the reserved suite so the announcement is being
delayed until confirmation. Monika suggested that Alumni Relations can
begin the process right away. Rick will get with Monika on this tomorrow.
c. TBA - May 2015 potential baseball game and meeting with marketing
professionals at the Rancho Cucamonga Quakes.
E. Events Chair (Rick) Report:
1. Winter Commencement on Sat. January 31st. Carrie H. asked if we could get
volunteers from this affinity group to help out. Monika will have Sarah contact
Ebony on the materials.
F. Marketing Chair (Ebony) Report:
1. No report.
G. Burbank Chapter President (Joe) Report:
1. No report.
H. Alumni Advisory Board Representative (Raymond) Report:
1. Covered under Monika’s report. AAB Constitution & By-laws handed out to those in
VII. Alumni Relations Office (Monika/Alfred)
A. Monika mentioned that the Distinguished Alumni Awards nominations email went out
at 5:00PM tonight. There will be a sub-committee of the Alumni Advising Board will
discuss the submitted nominees. Rick asked if he should have Alumni from the Regional
Campuses, yes absolutely Monika said along with additional Affinity Groups. Went over
the demonstration of The Spot website during the meeting this past Sun. January 11 th.
A digital copy of the internal events calendar will be updated and sent out soon. Fair
warning, the parking situation on La Verne city streets have changed to limited time
slots. The City of La Verne will not let the University proceed with the Campus Master
Plan until parking is addressed. Therefore, Lot D will be used as a parking garage
structure (to be determined on height/floors). Targeting October 5th groundbreaking
date which will conflict with Homecoming. This will impact volunteers who come onto
campus. A new shuttle lot will be opened at the Fairplex to handle that extra parking
load. Staffing updates in University Advancement including Kevin Doody (new Assistant
Vice President) coming on board; Denise Gutierrez is leaving for CSULA and her last day
is January 31st.
B. Alumni affinity group leaders and volunteers retreat to take place on Sat. January 24 th.
Lunch at 12:00PM, retreat to start at 1:00PM and end around 4:00PM. Asked Jerry to
share that with the group. Agenda will be finalized this week.
C. Jerry asked about the status of fundraising. Count Me In Challenge is ramping up big
time as goals have been met (360 new donors by June 30th, 2015) and the anonymous
donor will be giving the University $100,000 in phase 1. The Challenge continues in
future phases. Target goal of all alumni participation across the board was 4%, currently
at 2.9%.
D. Q&A session regarding the parking structure and how the University-City of La Verne
relationship is.
VIII. Old Business
A. None.
IX. New Business
A. None. But Monika mentioned the Homecoming Weekend dates has been scheduled,
October 9th-11th and the probably football opponent is potentially Whittier.
X. Announcements
A. Abe had to leave early but he announced that there will not be a reception for
graduates of the CBPM Commencement Ceremony. He proposes having material
inserts to be given in conjunction with the license plate frames distributed.
B. Carrie H. proposes having some type of communication regarding the CBPM AAG’s
mission, purpose, etc. going out to future graduates (undergraduate and graduate
levels). Discuss this before the Spring semester starts. Hoang will join with Carrie on
this subcommittee. Alfred has an upcoming partnership meeting with Abe soon so he
will bring that up as well.
XI. Adjournment of Meeting with next Meeting Confirmation
A. Renee adjourned the meeting at 8:05PM (63 minutes total).
B. Next scheduled meeting is set for Mon. February 9th, 2015 7:00PM at Hanawalt House.
/S/ Hoang V. Dinh (’01, ’13), Secretary