Fellowship Hour - Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church

The Fellowship Hour provides a wonderful time to meet members of our church
family, commemorate an anniversary, birthday, or a memorial. Sharing the
responsibility with another family or families makes it easy and more enjoyable!
Plan to purchase the following items:
Coffee – 3-4 lbs (not Kirkland brand please)
Juice or punch – 6 gallons or make your own from concentrate (optional)
Cream or Half and Half – 3 qts
Sugar – 1 lb
Sugar substitute – 1 box
Cookies or pastries (approximately 800 cookies/pieces; only 500 pieces if
Fruit is optional
400 small napkins, 4 rectangular (8 ft) plastic tablecloths – available at Dollar Store
or Party Outlet.
Plan to arrive at church by 9:30 to allow time for set-up.
There are several items already available at church: Doilies, trays, cups, stirs, coffee pots,
paper towels, cream and sugar serving sets.
Turn on large coffee pot and dishwasher to allow time to heat water. (See directions on wall
near coffee pot and dishwasher.) Parish council members are available to assist in making
coffee or to answer any questions.
Set up coffee service to include: large brown coffee urns, Styrofoam coffee cups, at least 2
sets of cream and sugar set-ups and stirs on smaller trays. Usually the coffee is set up on
the granite counter adjacent to the kitchen.
Set up plastic tablecloths on the 8 foot tables with napkins. The tables are set up ahead of
time by our maintenance crew. Feel free to arrange the tables in any way.
Optional juice and children’s table: set up to one side, closest to the children’s rooms.
Include cups, napkins, and children’s cookies.
Assign someone from your family to serve the coffee, serve the punch if applicable, and act
as runners to replenish.
Clean up: allow 30 minutes. Clean large coffee maker by rinsing a cycle of plain water
through it. See directions next to coffee maker. Make sure you clean out coffee grounds and
turn off the coffee pot. Rinse brown urns and put back on top shelf. Please put the lids
inside the urns; do not close shut with lids. Clean tables in multipurpose room, put trays,
creamers and bowls through dishwasher and place the back on the shelves.
Please turn off kitchen lights and make sure the kitchen door and back door (near the
church office) are closed and locked.
Thank you for hosting the Fellowship Hour!