School Parent Compact - Revised (Tenth Grade)

Robert W. Groves High School
School – Parent Compact
Tenth Grade Student
Dear Rebel Parent,
Robert W. Groves High School staff and their families agree that this compact outlines how we will all
share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement as well as build and develop a
partnership that will help children achieve the state’s high standards.
To understand how working together can benefit your child, it is first important to understand our
district and school goals for student academic achievement.
Savannah-Chatham County Public School System Goals:
 Increase academic achievement
 Increase percent of students passing the End-of-Course-Tests
 Increase the District Graduation Rate
Robert W. Groves High Goals:
 Increase Robert W. Groves High School Graduation Rate
 Increase percent of students passing the End-of-Course-Tests
 Increase reasonable access to staff through an “open door” policy
To help your child meet the district and school goals, the school, you and your child will work together
School Responsibilities:
Robert W. Groves High School will adhere to the following:
Provide quality curriculum and instruction to support student achievement
 Provide Parent Facilitator to give assistance and technical support to parents.
 Provide tutorial for End-of-Course Tests, Georgia High School Writing Tests, and Advanced
 Provide state study guides for EOCT’s
 Administrative support with Career Technical Agriculture Education Pathway (CTAE)
Hold parent-teacher conferences as it relates to the individual child’s achievement
 Parent-Teacher conferences will be held daily during planning or after school
 Parent nights for academics that focus on being successful in high school will be held first and
second semester.
 Parent night that focuses on Math will be held in February.
 Parent Workshop, “No Graduate Left Behind”
Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress and reasonable access to staff.
 Parent Access (online system)
 District Email
 Phone Conferences
 Informational meetings first and second semester for incoming Freshman
 Open House to be held in August and January
 Parent Conferences scheduled through the Guidance Office
 Title I Meetings and Workshops
 Parent Resource Center
Provide parents opportunities to volunteer, participate and observe students’ class (es)
 Volunteer for fieldtrips, extra-curricular activities and booster organizations
 Observe child’s classes
 Schedule morning, evening and weekend meetings to support parents.
Parent Responsibilities:
I/We, as (a) parent(s), will:
 Make sure my child attends school regularly and arrives on time.
 Communicate with teachers on a regular basis by attending and participating in parent
conferences to track and monitor my child’s academic and behavior progress.
 Attend parent workshops to assist in understanding how to support my child at home.
 Create and maintain a home environment that promotes higher learning.
 Ensure my child participates in programs designed to help improve academic achievement such
as: 21st Century, Saturday School, and Twilight and after school tutorial.
 Talk with my child about respect for himself/herself, teachers and other students.
Student Responsibilities:
I, as a student, will:
 Have respect for myself, my school, staff members, and other students at all times.
 Obey all the school and bus rules.
 Participate in class and submit all assignments on time.
 Speak up and ask for help when I do not understand.
 Share school and teacher communication with my parents.
 Monitor my grades by using Student Access.
 Meet all Community Service requirements.
 Meet with Counselors for course requirements for graduation.
 Utilize GAcollege 411 to prepare for post-secondary education.
Please review this School-Parent Compact with your child. This School Parent Compact will be discussed
with you throughout the year at different school-family events as we work together to help your child
succeed in school.
Please sign and date below to acknowledge that you have read, received, and agree to this SchoolParent Compact. Once signed, please return the form to your child’s teacher. We look forward to our
school-parent partnership!
School Representative Signature:_________________________________ Date:_______________
Parent/Guardian:______________________________________________ Date:________________
Student Signature:_____________________________________________ Date:_______________