
Roman Catholic vs. Eastern Orthodox
Orthodox=in agreement with the traditional beliefs
Why did Christianity split?
-Constantine officially split Rome
-Latin vs. Greek
-Time and Distance changed beliefs
-Rome declines and Constantinople increases in power
1. Remember these two religions are both Christians
a. Main beliefs are the same (Jesus, Bible, God etc..)
b. Can point back in time to the same beginning of their religion
2. It’s the beliefs and practices that differ (see below)
Icons-visual representatives of God, Saints or religious people (can be statues, paintings, stained glass
windows with stories of the Bible. Orthodox/Eastern Church does not believe in worshipping Icons.
Whereas, the Roman Catholic Church does.
Pope vs. Patriarch- Pope is the leader of the church in the Roman Catholic Church. Patriarch
Secondary beliefs
First argument Orthodox/Eastern does not believe in Icons because it is directly written in the 10
Commandments “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images”
Pope in the west and the Patriarch in the east
Second argument Charlemagne gets caught in the middle because he is called to St. Peter’s in Rome and
was crowned emperor by the Pope. Pope Leo III refuses to recognize the Empress as the ruler of the
Byzantine Empire because she is a women. In the result, the pope’s action outrages the Byzantines who
feel their empress in the rightful ruler of the Roman Empire.
Third argument Patriarch closes all churches that western rites. In the response, the Cardinal on the
pope’s order excommunicates Patriarch who in rewgun excommunicates the cardinal. In result, the
SCHISM is final and the future attempts to heal the division are ineffective.
Quiz Friday!
1. Information- Section 2 of History Alive-Constantinople what was so great about it?
2. Section 3 of History Alive-Justinian’s Reign
-Code of Law
-Nika Riots
3. 535 Event –sources-One Note (can’t find in text)
4.Section 4 Compare the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church beliefs
5. Section 5 Problems between the 2 churches