Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will soon

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
May/June 2014
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Christ is Risen!
Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will
soon journey to the Holy Land where they will meet in
Jerusalem on May 24-26, 2014.
This meeting will recall the historic encounter between
Pope Paul VI and Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras in
1964 in Jerusalem. That meeting opened a new period in
the relationship between our churches. We began a process
of reconciliation through prayer, theological dialogue and
common witness. Since that time, Popes and Patriarchs
have met together regularly. Our churches have established
formal theological dialogues in this country in 1965 and
internationally in 1979. These dialogues have been
nurtured by the prayers of the faithful and countless acts of
mutual respect. As Popes and Patriarchs have affirmed, we
have come to see ourselves as ‘sister churches’ who are
responsible together for affirming the faith of the Apostles.
When Pope France and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
meet in Jerusalem, they will have an opportunity to give
thanks to God for the dramatic developments that have
taken place between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox
Church in the past fifty years. In so doing, they will also
have a unique blessing to reaffirm the commitment to the
restoration of full communion between the Orthodox and
Catholic churches, and to their witness to reconciliation in
the world today. Both churches recognize that disunity is
contrary to the will of the Lord who prayed for the unity of
his followers. (Jn. 17:11).
Let us remember in our prayers Pope Francis and
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. Let us continue to pray
for the unity of the Church.
With love in Christ,
Fr. Tom
Mark Your Calendar!
Annual Lamb Barbeque
Saturday, June 14th
11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Additional Information Coming Soon
Fr. Tom’s Message
New Additions
Holy Week Wrap-up
Back by popular demand, the church will
be having a series of yard sales
throughout the summer. If you are
interested in participating or wish to
donate unwanted items, please see
Michael Poulios or email him at
New Additions!
Last month the church was excited to witness
the Forty Day Blessing of our newest
members to our church community.
Holy Week and Easter
Thank you everyone who participated in
Holy Week and Easter. From decorating
the church, scripture readings and
attending services throughout the week,
this Easter season was another successful
year for our parish.
Above: Louisa Cartier holding daughter Beatrice
Sybil, Fr. Tom, Jenna Seavey holding son
Camden David and Kelly Ryan holding daughter
Aubrey Alexandra.
Coffee Hour Sponsorships
As always, the church is always looking for
volunteers to sponsor coffee hour after
church. What a wonderful opportunity to
give back to your church, perhaps on your
favorite name day or in memory of a loved
one. See Amy Florek and the calendar in the
church hall for available dates.
Above: Alexis Britton and the Pre-K Sunday
School Class on Palm Sunday
Aluminum Cans
The church continues to collect aluminum
cans. Please bring your rinsed aluminum
beverage cans and tins and place them in
the bins next to the garbage cans in the
church yard. Money collected from
aluminum (no bottles or vegetable cans
please) go right back to the church.
Did you know St. Nicholas Church has a
website? We do and it has recently been
redesigned! Check us out at
Reminder: The church will be closed for the
entire month of July.
St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
1160 Bridge Street Extension
Manchester NH 03104