October 10, 2013 District BRC Meeting Minutes

BRC Meeting Friday 10/4/2013
Library 2nd Floor Center NAHS @ 1:05PM
Essential Question:
How can we as a BRC District Committee contribute to the NAPS Strategic District Improvement Plan by
supporting teachers in engaging all students to critically think, collaborate, communicate and demonstrate
Next Meeting 11/22 at 1:05PM NAHS Library
Attendance: Lauren McDonald, NAHS Nurse; Barbara Whidden, NAMS PTAC & NAHS Parent;
Laurie Burzlaff, School Committee; Gretchyn Gallagher, Parent; Karla Dulin, Kittredge Guidance;
Stacey Pizzano, Kittredge Parent; Gregg Gilligan, Assistant Superintendent; Chet Jackson, Assistant
Principal; Jim Gosselin, NAMS Guidance; Kristen Sullivan, Sargent Guidance; Barbara Hedstrom,
Sargent Nurse; Jennifer Scarpa, NAMS/NAHS Parent
1. Introductions
AI: Take Cindy Jalbert, Natalie Howard off website and distribution list as members of BRC
2. Celebrate success of 2012-2013 and discuss this year's focus towards SDIP (C. Jackson and G. Gilligan)
2012-2013: Made a shift toward essential question and goal 7.1
Principals all came to final meeting to report out on progress.
We made a shift to being united as a school community.
This year SDIP focus with help from parents
AI: Get BRC link on the front page of each school's websites.
Current Happenings as Schools:
NAMS - 6th Grade assembly, Magazine drive, Brooks Gibbs presentation on anti-bullying, very direct, how do we
arm kids with skills to take care of themselves. Link will be on NAMS website, you can get book and audio, one
parent can make a difference
Trying to upstart the BRC parent group, Jim G is the point person, will focus on student work and social media
Educate parents on social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine…etc
AI: Chet Jackson - Can we identify HS students to demonstrate to parents the different social media tools and
how students use them (Chet will work with Steve Nugent)
Sargent - Catch me do something good is back for another year, revised to be more inclusive
There will be a monthly whole school assembly where at least one child from each class will be recognized in front of
peers and staff
Found a school song, music teacher infused RAISE into it to make it current
Kittredge - Community efforts to raise money for new gym, raised $10,000, 125 tickets sold, Stacheys donated
everything, parents and community alums were there, great event
RAISE rallies are continuing, NAHS football team and pep squad were there for the first rally, HS talked about raise,
school BRC committee will plan raise assemblies
Kittredge Kreations in the works, we are pleased to have new BRC member, Stacey Pizzano join us for this year
Thomson and Atkinson - Schools have a high percentage of students on free and reduced lunch, Each school had
welcome back nights that were inclusive to Title One students on a recent Saturday, stations were set up for kids to
signup for youth sports and places to go for homework help were identified
AI: Gregg will check in with Greg L to see if members of the BRC committee can we help Atkinson with additional
parent support
A member shared that the Atkinson PTO may disband because of lack of interest
National Night Out - Town collected supplies, G Gallagher is on the hunt and will find out where the school supplies
are located so that they can be distributed to students
NAHS - Successful Spirit Week that coincided with Homecoming
Successful homecoming dance with over 700 students that raised money for the Class of 2014
Positive Orientation with Grade 9 and new students to NAHS coming in early and the returning students coming in
later in the day
S Nugent is the district's K-12 Guidance Director and has been working with counselors during professional
development on our response to intervention
3. How can we help to establish systems to showcase student work? (Everyone)
BRC Newsletter and Brainstorm ways to showcase student work
o Realistic goal for number of newsletters is two
 Need a few hard copy Newsletters for the Superintendent's office and the town library
 May need to look for funding
 Can the newsletter be sent by attachment in Superintendent's Newsletter? Yes
o Shift to student writing
o JG - Video Newsletter?
o GG - RAISE commercial, preK -12, all types of kids, on front page of website
o BW - Kids in Cam program are itching to work and produce
o Will someone volunteer to contact Brian Fraser and coordinate?
o AI: Jim Gosselin will get in touch with Cam (Tiffany to coordinate) and students, Jim will get in
touch with Gilly to get information out to Principals
o BH - like Gilly's idea of commercial
o AI: Chet Jackson will get in touch with Mary G and Allyson D to put together timeline for two
4. BRC website
Lauren McDonald is our contact for additions to website.
o Kittredge and NAMS had their own BRC website, others are links
o All BRC information should be on BRC website and we can have sections for individual schools
o AI: Carla Dulin will confirm with Mr. Cushing about moving the Kittredge site to the BRC site
Can each principal send a representative to the meeting if they cannot attend?
5. Parent Resource Network update (G. Gallagher)
10/15 - Thompson, Raising Cain
Wellness committee meets 4x a year and also wants to focus on drug/alcohol
Parent Resource Network is recruiting volunteers
Can there possibly be childcare at Parent Resource Network events to increase attendance
6. Branding (G. Gilligan and anyone that wants to participate)
Down to the last five magnets
The Nazzaro family went to Japan and bought the magnets to give to relatives overseas.
We have $849 in the accounts
JG - will investigate costs on bracelets, pencils, pens
Gretchyn will order 100 magnets
There was an idea presented to get NA t-shirts made with RAISE theme or logo on them.
More discussion next meeting.
7. Other
AI: Chet Jackson will work to get the school start times and bell schedule for NAHS on the NAHS Website
Next Meeting 11/22 at 1:05PM NAHS Library