
Date: Thursday, January 15, 2015
Terry Honer, Keith Boggs, Leticia Roberts, Tracey Scown, Alyssa MacKrous,
Eldora Gruber, Sandra Westhall, Trish Burnett, Stephanie Parsons, Barbara
Rhonda Wylie
Meeting called to order by Tracey Scown at 6:47pm.
Motion to adopt the agenda by Barbara Sieben; 2nd by Alyssa MacKrous; Carried.
Motion to adopt the previous minutes by Barbara Sieben; 2nd by Leticia Roberts; Carried.
Treasurer – Alyssa MacKrous
- Gaming Account Balance: $18,079.00
- General Account Balance: $2,156.39
- Cheques written for AVID, pencils for prizes, volleyball, BC school membership, & a
teacher request from Ms. Nixon
- $435.78 cheque received from Co-op; deposited into General Acct.
President – Tracey Scown
- Welcomed everyone back & hope everyone had a good holiday
- Still 4 Member At Large Positions open; any takers? NONE
Secretary – Leticia Roberts
- Received card from Linda James (former Spencer secretary), thanking us for the
retirement gift last year.
SPEAC – Stephanie Parsons
- Transitions Forward 2015 information has been distributed.
- Both high schools will have similar time tables to allow students the possibility to
move between the high schools.
- Winter Formal and safe grads for high schools will be spent together. Graduation
ceremonies will be held separately.
- Facilities and buses will be moving March 2015.
- Gov’t would like SD to move from BCESIS to MyEdBC system.
- All Presidents Dinner for PAC presidents, VP and Co-chairs is Jan 28/15 at the School
Board Office @ 6:30 pm
- VIPC (Vancouver Island Parent Conference) is Feb 7/15 at Spectrum School @ 8:30 am
– 4:30 pm, early bird registration closes Jan 21/15 $75 includes meal and snacks.
SPEAC sponsoring two tickets per school (SD62SPE01 & SD62SPE02). Anyone
interested should contact Stephanie to get the codes for the free ticket; first come
first served. Full registration after Jan 21/15 $100. Link: www.vipc.ca
Featuring Robin Grille, Gary Anaka (The Teenage Brain)
This year's speakers include:
Sophia Baker-French, MSc, RD
Jennifer Gibson
Kelly Graham
Monique Gray-Smith
Sydney Massy
Adrienne Ngai, MSc, RD
Dr. Richard Stanwick
Brenda Whittam-Neary
Feb 25/15: Sex Drugs and Social Media parent night present by Healthy Schools
Committee. 7 – 8:30 pm Dunsmuir Cafeteria. Information can be viewed on SPEAC’s
webpage: http://www.sd62.bc.ca/Parents/SPEAC.aspx (or go through
www.sd62.bc.ca; parents tab; speac)
Have teens or soon will? Learn how to talk to your kids so they can thrive in today's
world. We will openly discuss the BIG issues facing today's youth including:
pornography, consent, sexuality, drugs, social media, and decision making. Bring your
TOUGH questions!
Principal – Mr. Honer
- Happy New Year!
- We will be starting a new student tracking/reporting system called MYEDBC starting
in February. The implications are that we need to learn a new system in order to take
attendance and generate report cards. We are hoping this goes smoothly. Stay tuned!
- And speaking of report cards, due to the implementation of the new report cards
system, semester report card marks will be sent out with the Term 2 report card on
March 6th if all goes well with the new system.
- With the sale of the Belmont land comes the move of the facilities buildings to the
area of the tennis courts on Spencer property. We will be sending out information
and a link to a survey monkey (to current Grade 5 and 6 parents as well) in hopes of
getting some feedback on playground equipment that happily comes with the deal!
- Hockey academy registration will be taking place starting on January 30th. This will be
an on-line system. We will be sending the link out to current grade 5/6/and 7 students
as soon as we have it. Current grade 7 Hockey academy students will automatically be
registered for Hockey Academy 8. There is still space for Hockey Academy 8 next year.
- 4 Hockey Academy 7 girls made a presentation at the Grade 5/6 Parent night at
Spencer (on January 14) encouraging girls to join the academy. They did a great job!
And speaking of the evening, we had approximately 500 people in attendance. A great
- We are looking forward to our first recognition assembly on January 30th at 12:30 in
the gym. Parents are welcome!
Vice-Principal – Mr. Boggs
- Here to discuss the construction at Spencer School
- School district is taking over 2.2 acres we have at the back
- This is where the new District Facilities & Maintenance Shops will be; bus compounds
will be at a different location
- The current baseball diamond is being moved & upgraded!
- The basketball court will also be moved, as well as an outdoor play/fitness area built!
- Survey will be sent out to parents as well as students for feedback, asking: What do
we want as a school for the outdoor play/fitness area?
Presentation – Mr. Honer
- Gr. 8s in a 6-7-8 Middle School
- PDF version of presentation will be posted to the school website
Next meeting date: Thursday, February 19 @ 6:45 in the library
Motion to adjourn at 7:49 by Sandra Westhall, seconded by Trish Burnett. Carried.
Tentative Meeting Dates for 3rd Thursday of each month:
March 26 (a week later due to Spring Break)
April 16
May 21
June 18 - AGM