Definitions - Hartpury C of E Primary School

Hartpury C of E Primary School
SMSC Termly Links
Class: 3 (Y3/4)
Term: Autumn 1 2014
Key Learning Foci:
History- Invaders; RE – Harvest; English – Greek myths; Science – Magnets and forces; French – Colours, greetings and numbers
Opportunities to explore the termly value: ‘GENEROSITY’
 Whole school and class worship.
 Display in the classroom promotes generosity within classroom.
 Discussing generous behaviour and noting the impact this has.
 Rewarding generous behaviour through class reward scheme
Exploring Personal Beliefs
RE Harvest – trees as symbols in
Looking into our own approach to
others and how generosity can
affect people around us.
Understanding Islamic beliefs
Identifying other faiths use of
symbols and stories to support
Recognising Right & Wrong
 Class rules and charter
 PSHE- decisions and
Developing Social Skills
 Mixing of groups during lessons
to open up new friendship
 Discussions based around
current events and class based
 PSHE- how to work as a team
and interacting with others.
 Using the ‘Five Bs’ system to
find help in the classroom.
 Aiding others when work is
completed in foundation
subjects such as art and DT.
Understanding Consequences
 Invasion and settlement- what
happens to those on either side
 Group writing in English
 PE- working as military units
/Scientific Opportunities
 Internet research and digital
image use.
 Use of mathematic and Literacy
based interactive games and
 First news comprehension using
current newspaper editions.
 Music playing during art and
drawing lessons to expose to
different musical types.
 Using of different materials and
designs to re-create ancient
Roman mosaics.
 Investigate and experiment
using magnets and magnetic
 Using various materials to
construct working chariots with
Understanding British Culture
 School Council elections
 Learning about Harvest festivals
Hartpury C of E Primary School
SMSC Termly Links
Class charter regarding interaction
with others.
Enjoyment & Fascination with
Learning about the impact of myths
Dance- involving marching and
battle drills
Provide discussion time to further
interest in the topic
Encourage children to bring in any
equipment or display materials they
Working towards and achieving
Class trip to topic based Corrinium
Imagination & Creativity
Designing and creating Roman
Using Christmas image to create
Christmas cards
Personal assignments
Harvest thanksgiving service
RE Harvest – what do symbols
mean and how can they affect
those in any faith.
Class assemblies
Reflecting on progress at the end of
each lesson and unit of work.
Editing and improving upon
creations within DT and art
of these decisions?
Use of behaviour policy within
the class and class charter.
Ensure understanding of
consequences when breaking
class/school rules.
Investigating Moral Issues
 RE Harvest – how symbols
affect followers of faith.
 English – discussing Pandora’s
Box and other Greek myths.
 Topic- Why do people invade?
What happens to those who are
invaded? Is it right? Who is
right and wrong? What are the
costs and benefits?
 Why do people take from
others? Looking at iron age
Different groups for each lesson
PSHE- working as a team and
cooperating with others.
All jobs in class are given in
Understanding Communities
 Developing and adhering to the
class charter
 Interaction with other classes
within the school
 Adult helpers from within the
community aiding with reading
 Identifying ancient communities
through topic work.
and what this means to people.
Discover where the current
British culture originated from
through invasion and
Understanding Diversity
 Studying Judaism, Christianity
and Hinduism through symbols
in RE
 Understanding what different
cultures can bring to the
country through Invaders.
 French – learning about French
greetings and interactions.
 Class writing sessions to
encourage different points of
view and ideas.
Hartpury C of E Primary School
SMSC Termly Links