This is what we are learning about in AUTUMN 2

Homework reminders:
Homework will be sent out every Friday and needs to be returned by the
following Wednesday. Spellings will also be sent home on a Friday. These need
to be frequently practised as your child will be tested on them the following
Friday. Dojo points are awarded for completing homework and handing it in on
time and taken away if not completed.
Year group messages to home:
Please make sure your child has their PE kit in school on a Wednesday and
Thursday. Preferably it should be in school all week as the timetable can
change and PE might be taught on a different day. Healthy Heroes after
school club will run every Thursday until Christmas.
This is what we are learning about in AUTUMN 2.
The children will be increasing their
knowledge of number and place
value, using numbers up to 30, for
example being able to count up and
back in 2s and knowing one more
and one less than any number to 30.
They will practice addition and
subtraction and will learn a wide
range of useful strategies for
working the calculations out. They
will explore 2D and 3D shape and
begin to measure weight, length and
capacity using non-standard units of
measurement. They will learn to tell
the time to the hour and how to half
and quarter shapes.
English, science, geography and art
are all taught using the theme of the
four seasons and changing weather
this half term. English will focus
heavily on learning to recognise the
difference between non-fiction and
fiction texts. They will then learn
about the seasons and put this
knowledge into making their own
non-fiction information book about
the seasons. The children will then
read ‘cloudy with a chance of
meatballs’ to link to the theme of
Science will focus on how the
weather changes over the four
seasons. Including, creating their
own tools for monitoring the
weathers and collecting results and
drawing conclusions.
Geography will focus on how
weather changes across the world
and our country. Using the book
‘cloudy with a chance of meatballs’
the children will understand how a
weather forecast works and also
make and film their own!
This half term we are looking at how
God created the work in a week.
Then we will look at the religious
side of Christmas. The children will
also learn about this through
practising and performing the
nativity play.
PSHE will be taught by Mrs Hatton and
the children will focus on the school’s
value for this half term which is
We will look at artists such as Monet
and Andy Warhol, creating
interpretations of their work based
around the four seasons. Many craft
activities will also take places, one
example will be to do with
Remembrance Day.
Games will be taught this half term
by myself on a Wednesday and the
Healthy Heroes instructor will
teach gymnastics on a Thursday.
The children will develop their
basic movement skills and different
types of balance. Along with basic
throwing/ catching skills.
Children do not learn French in Year
Music will be taught during the next
half term.
This Term the VALUE we will be looking at is: FORGIVENESS
must learn how to forgive” Mother Theresa
“If we really want to love, we