November - Murray State University



Faculty Senate

Regular Meeting

November 4, 2014

Present: President Goggins, Vice President Farmer, Senators Littlepage, Armstrong, Seib,

Binfield, Broughton, DeBella, Derting, Evans, Greer, Hassan, Hepworth, Hilton, Hoover, Hong,

Leedy, Loganathan, Regent Jacobs, Papajeski, Roach, Shemberger, Stambaugh, Utgaard, Walsh,

Worley, Wu, Coulter, and Donnelly.

Absent: Senators Atkerson, Hackathorn, Hill, Patterson, Lt. Col. Simon, Singh, Sutrick, Walker,

Wells, and White.

Guests and Proxies: Jay Morgan, Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs;

Robert Davies, Office of the President; Renee Fister, Office of the President; Chris Ferguson,

Smoke-Free Committee; Phil Schooley, Staff Regent, and John Young, Staff Congress.

The meeting was called to order by President Goggins at 3:30 p.m. The minutes of October 7,

2014 were motioned to be approved as amended by unanimous vote.

Distinguished Guests: Dr. Davies first congratulated Marty Jacobs on winning the Faculty

Regent election. He then updated senators about the strategic planning process, claiming that through several forums, he plans to keep the process inclusive and transparent. He then spoke very briefly on becoming a smoke-free campus, saying that he expects the Board of Regents’ discussion on the matter to be robust. Finally, he reported that he was in the process of getting a forum together for General Counsel to meet with the senate regarding advising liability.

Chris Ferguson, from the Smoke-Free Committee, then updated senators on what the committee has been doing since its activation. She reported that the university has three options for campus: improving the smoking environment, implementing a smoke-free policy, and implementing a tobacco-free policy. She took an informal poll of senators on the matter, and entertained questions and concerns about the potential policies.


Executive— President Goggins gave an update to senators on motions that have been previously approved and passed on to appropriate parties. He reported that the Provost has sent back the

University Budget Committee motion to Handbook and Personnel Committee for revisions. He then reported that Academic Council has received the motion to address internship hours. He next discussed future projects for the senate, which included: compiling taxonomy of nontraditional adjunct roles, which was passed to Academic Policies to complete; salary recommendations, which was given to Finance to complete; and assembling information on hiring competitors, which was given to the Executive Committee.

Board of Regents— Regent Jacobs thanked senators for their support, and stated that all input regarding faculty matters would be greatly appreciated and welcomed.

Academic Policies— No Report

Finance— Senator Roach reported that the senate will have a forum with General Counsel to discuss advising liability. He asked that senators send potential questions for this forum to him by November 14, 2014.

Governmental Affairs— Senator Evans brought forth a motion from the committee regarding

Faculty Handbook Section 2.2.2. After discussion, the motion passed 25-0. She then brought forth a motion from the committee regarding Section 2.7.3. After discussion, the motion passed with a 26-0 vote. Motion was then brought forth from committee. The motion to amend the language was made by Senator Binfield and was seconded by Senator Hassan. The vote passed after discussion with a 22-4 vote. The motion was then made to send the amended motion back to Governmental Affairs committee for further review. After discussion, the motion passed

25-1. Motion 2.9.3.D was then brought forth from the committee. After discussion, the motion passed with a 24-1 vote.

Handbook and Personnel— Senator Binfield reported that while the committee has no new motions to bring forth presently, there are still several motions on the table from the

Organization Meeting last May. Senator Worley made the motion to remove the Professorial

Merit motion from the table, to which Senator Evans seconded. The motion passed with a 20-3 vote. After discussion of the Motion 2.12.1, Senator Evans made the motion to amend the language, replacing the word “merit” with “promotion.” After discussion, the motion passed 18-

0. Then Senator Leedy made the motion to refer the amended motion back to the committee for further review, to which Senator Seib seconded. After discussion, the motion passed 15-8.

Rules, Elections, and Bylaws— The Rules, Elections, and Bylaws committee made a motion to pass Motion of the Faculty Senate Bylaws. After discussion, the motion passed with a

22-0 vote. The committee then brought forth Motion, which was passed with a 22-0 vote after discussion.

Insurance and Benefits Committee— No Report

International Studies Advisory Council— No Report

Old Business— No Report

New Business— No Report

Adjournment time: The meeting was adjourned at 5:03 p.m.
