View Profile - Internet & Mobile Association of India

Digital Marketing Stage- Sunny Nagpal, Co-Founder & Managing Director, Httpool
Sunny Nagpal is successfully leading the India business operations at Httpool - one of the
leading international online and mobile advertising providers with focus on emerging
He co-founded Httpool India in 2010, and under his leadership, the company has
successfully executed over 1000 campaigns across online, mobile, search and social,
partnering with major agencies and supporting over 100 top brands across all industry
categories, such as Airtel, Sony Ericsson, Nokia, Cadbury, Tourism Australia, USL,
National Geographic.
Managing Director and Co Founder at Httpool India, Sunny Nagpal heads the overall
strategy & corporate development.
An application developer from IBM, he brings with him rich experience in Product
Development. He has to his credit establishing a central point for Internet and Mobile
advertising activities on the local market through implementing advanced technology,
services and products and consultancy activities.
Httpool has consistently introduced innovative online, mobile, search and social media
advertising products, ranging from the award winning Rich Media Mobile solutions
combining micro sites, expandables or touch sensitive banners across popular global and
local applications to the very unique Luxury Hotel Advertising Platform providing
advertisers the opportunity to reach highly-desired demographic of upper market leisure
and business travelers.