
Progress Report 5

: 30 August 2005

Emergent behaviour in virtual agents

(by Colin Chibaya)

Short term goals

 Revising some of the articles we discussed before in an attempt to identify common and contradicting arguments between different authors thereby continuing to build my research notes

 Continue improving my literature through further reading of related articles.

 Read about various implementation strategies and design methodologies used in amorphous computing and pattern formation algorithms.


I have been revising and analysing some of the articles we have already recommended and I find this quite helpful and essential for my research notes. We also looked at another new article which will contribute a lot to the structure and content of the related work. The following articles have so far been fully analysed. o o o o o

Amorphous Computing by Harold Abelson et. al , 2000

Collective Effects on Individual Behaviour : 3 questions in the search for universality, I.N Trofimova, et al, 2000

Towards programmable material, Rhadhika Nagpal, 2000

Robots in Formation using Local Information, Jakob Fredslund,2002

The Behavioural Self-Organization of Nanorobots Using Local Rules, M.

Anthony Lewis and George A. Bekey, 1992 o Organizing a global coordinate system from local information on an amorphous computer, Radhika Nagpal, 1999 o Cooperative mobile robotics : Antecedents and directions, Y. Uny Cao, Alex S.

Fukunaga and Andrew B. Kahng, 1997

Some time was spent adding and revising some features on my website.

Problems encountered

No problems were encountered

Next goal

Proceed with the improvement of the literature review.
