ambing time - Spring Barn Farm

Lambing Time on the Farm (KS1) (March – May)
In this talk, children learn about what happens at lambing time – a natural
seasonal process that takes place yearly on this Sussex downland and wetland
farm. The children learn about the growth of the lamb inside the ewe, the
process of birth (and how the farmer sometimes helps!), and the changes that
happen as the lamb starts to grow into an adult sheep. This is a seasonal talk,
and takes place in the main lambing barn, with a chance to see the ewes and
their lambs.
This talk supports the following curriculum learning outcomes:
Science KS1
Sc2 Life processes and living things
Life processes
1b) Pupils should be taught that animals, including humans, move, feed, grow, use their
senses and reproduce
1c) Pupils should be taught to relate life processes to animals and plants found in the local
Humans and other animals
2f) Pupils should be taught that humans and other animals can produce offspring and that
these offspring grow into adults