useful computing

Computing Science Department
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Computing Science prepares learners with the knowledge and skills they will need to
succeed in the workforce and further or higher education in the 21st century.
Computing Science underpins the technology sector, which has made tremendous
contributions to the economy, as well as numerous other economic sectors that depend on
innovative, highly skilled computing science graduates. Computing touches everyone’s daily
lives. Securing our cyber infrastructure, protecting national security, and making our energy
infrastructure more efficient are among numerous issues dependent upon computing,
computing literacy and a strong computing workforce.
In Alva Academy, pupils develop their problem solving and computational thinking skills by
undertaking computing science courses. Pupils who take on secondary school computing
classes demonstrate improved readiness for post-secondary studies.
Courses Taught
S1/2 CfE IT course taught collaboratively with the Business Education Department
with the concept of enterprise underpinning the course. Pupils are introduced to
software applications, games development and business tasks.
S3/4 National 3/4/5 Computing Science
S5/6 Higher Computing Science
Useful Links
Useful for National 5 Exam Revision
Useful for all Computing Science Students
Useful for Higher Computing Science Students
Useful for all Higher and Advanced Higher Courses