Meeting of Rosemarkie Amenities Association Wednesday 19th

Meeting of Rosemarkie Amenities Association
Wednesday 19th June 2013 Beach Cafe
1.Present: Anne (Chair), Myra (Minutes), Graeme, John, Marean, Philip,
2.Apologies: Angie, Iain, Rachel, Robert
3.Minutes of previous meeting Minutes of 15th May approved.
4. Matters Arising
AP Anne to try & contact John Macdonald at the council again re lease of land
Kitty Macwilliam of Avoch AA advised us that there were problems with borrowing the train & so
they were not going to borrow it.
Media & Website: Both very successful with Trip Advisor showing 4.5 stars
Seeds & plants which we planted on the banking are struggling due to the dry weather.
Philip said the sanitary bins & baby changing are now in place
The dog problem seems to be under control
PAT Testing: John has spoken to Keith Miller and this is in hand
5.Fun Day Preparation
Iain has not yet heard from Fortrose Pre-School. Toddlers Group will take a table & the Scout & Cub
Group will have a catapult and water balloons stall. Iain will also help with burgers or driving train.
Million Miles Bike Project confirmed they are coming.
Rachel & Sandy are both unavailable & so we will need a Face Painter.
AP: Anne to ask locally eg Hayley or Caroline
John will organise the Fire Engine
AP: Philip to confirm with Whale & Dolphin Society
RSPB unlikely to come
AP: Philip to ask Coastguard & Sea Scouts
Marean & Graeme have organised Bouncy Castle, Slide & Teacups
Joanna Chance will have a plant stall
Amanda will organise the Tombola
Gerry Beasley is away but will give us ducks for the duck game
As yet we do not have a Tea & Cake Stall AP: Philip will contact St Andrews to see if they are
We can get 6 tables & trestle tables from the Hall. John & Graeme have offered to pick up tables &
chairs from St Andrews Hall if necessary.
Extra Gazebos to be borrowed from Community Council
We need extra help on the Fun Day AP: All committee to ask around Possibles are Zac, Gail, Sofia,
Janet & Mike, Lynette ..........+
6. Cafe Report
Groam House are producing 4 up-to-date postcards of the seafront with Verity’s help. These will also
be sold in the cafe.
RSPB : There will be a sleep -out next month for families & so the Cafe will be open very late and
very early. No alcohol will be allowed. AP: Philip to organise this
The cafe needs a new fridge. The Committee agreed he should purchase one. Around the cafe needs
strimming. Philip agreed to do it & the committee agreed to purchase a strimmer. Members will
help with strimming if necessary.
Dedication Ceremony of new benches is on 30th June.
There have been school trips almost every day and the cafe has been very busy.
It was felt that co-operation with the Chanonry Group was important for future developments.
There will be a meeting at the cafe on Wednesday 26th at 11.30
7. Bonfire Night Preparations
Police to be informed and will be present AP: Anne to contact police
Anne has ordered 200 swords for the bonfire as there was a 15% reduction
8. Future Development
Planning for the tennis courts and the promenade will take place over the winter. A visit to Resolis
was suggested, as they have an all-weather multi purpose sports facility.
This will be expensive and AP: Anne to look into funding from the Core Paths Network for the
promenade path
9. Next meeting: Wednesday July 10th 7pm Beach Cafe