Tarea 1 para el glogster

Tercer Año – Chapter 8
Glogster Assignment
Busca fotos del campo y de la ciudad.
Vocabulario útil:
después, - after
después de + inf - after doing something
(Target 8.5 - Writes about the future.)
entonces – then
próximo – next
Párrafo: Describe tu vida futura. (15 oraciones)
pronto – soon
el/la siguiente – the following / next
En un párrafo bien desarrollado, describe los
hacerse – to become / make yourself into…
acontecimientos importantes que lograrás, desde tu
llegar a ser – to become / arrive at being
graduación, tus estudios futuros, tu futura vida familiar, lograr – to achieve
el acontecimiento – life event
y tu futura vida profesional. ¿Cómo será tu vida a
casarse – to marry
la edad de 20, 30, 45, y 65 años?
mudarse – to move
Tarea 1 para el glogster:
Tarea 2 para el glogster:
(Target 8.6 - Compares living in the city and in the countryside)
Think about all you have learned so far about the countryside and the city in parts of Latin America. Using
vocabulary and information contained in the chapter, write a short essay comparing and contrasting life in
the countryside with life in the city. Conclude your essay with a paragraph in which you predict what the city and
the countryside will be like in fifty years. In what ways do you think they will change and why?
Possible themes:
The people of each
What each looks like
Where people live
The environment
Create a Venn diagram like the one below to help you illustrate the similarities and differences between the city and
the countryside. List the similarities in the area where the two circles intersect. List the differences in the main body
of each circle. Try to maintain a balance of the details that you would like to include in your essay. In other words, for
each detail that you provide for life in the city, you should also provide a detail about the countryside.
• Be sure to include a topic sentence that presents the purpose of your essay to the reader.
• Use the information from your Venn diagram to present similarities in an organized way.
• Use the future tense in your concluding paragraph to predict what you think the city and the countryside will be like
in fifty years.
Writing Strategy
Comparing and contrasting When you write an essay that compares and contrasts, you write about similarities and
differences between two things. To start organizing the main ideas of your essay, ask yourself a few questions. How
does life in the countryside differ from life in the city? What similarities are there? What aspects of city and country
life do I want to focus on and do I have enough information to compare and contrast them?
ASD2 - Ch 8 Glogster Rubric
Story of future is presented
impressively. It’s neat, welldesigned with color and
titles. It includes pictures,
music or other to enhance
reader’s comprehension.
Story of future is presented
using pictures or other to aid
reader’s comprehension.
Story of future is presented
in text only.
Story of future is presented
poorly. It’s hard to
understand what the
student is trying to do or
Both tasks have been
completed. Student used
only appropriate reference
resources. Story of future is
significantly detailed. There
is ample evidence of the
student’s ability to use the
present and future tenses to
talk about the cities,
countryside and future.
All four tasks have been
completed. Student used
only appropriate reference
resources. Story of childhood
is detailed, all questions
answered. There is evidence
of the student’s ability to use
the present and future
tenses to talk about the
cities, countryside and
Student finished some of the
tasks. She/he used only
appropriate reference
resources. Tasks are partially
there, some questions are
answered. There is little
evidence to measure the
student’s ability to use the
present and future tenses to
talk about the cities,
countryside and future.
Few of tasks have been
completed. Student used
inappropriate reference
resources. Story of childhood
is not presented, questions
not answered. There is little
evidence of the student’s
ability to use the present and
future tenses to talk about
the cities, countryside and
Main structures
Main structures
Main structures
Main Structures
The student correctly uses
the present and future
tenses to talk about the
things that will happen. Very
few incorrect conjugation.
The student makes few
errors using the present and
future tenses to talk about
the things that will happen.
Few incorrect conjugations.
The student’s use of the
present and future tenses to
talk about the things that
will happen. Verbs
conjugated incorrectly.
The student shows little
evidence of ability to use the
present and future tenses to
talk about the things that
will happen.
Holistic Measure
The student uses correct
structure, vocabulary and
grammar to talk about
cities, the countryside and
the future.
The student has few
problems with structure,
vocabulary and grammar to
talk about cities, the
countryside and the future.
Significant problems with
structure, vocabulary and
grammar make it hard to
understand student’s
The student’s work shows
little to no evidence of ability
to use appropriate structure,
vocabulary and grammar to
talk about cities, the
countryside and the future.