5.4.g.4 - CSU, Chico

5.4.g.3 Professional Development Results
These notes were compiled by participants at the English Learners workshop on January
16, 2014.
Start-up Professional Development Workshop Feedback
Three Modes of Communication to Support English Learners
January 16, 2014
3…Things You Learned:
How planning a lesson can develop according to a scaffolding progression.
Proficiency level continuum is related more effectively to student learning
needs and capacities in a very applicable manner.
Designated ELD time is important for emerging (early stage) students.
The productive mode should provide evidence of student learning and
Quick writes and reflections. The structure of the ELD standards. Emerging,
expanding, bridging.
Integrated ELD/designated ELD. Preview in native language or use of
We will have improved resources available.
EL standards are the “planned” curriculum. They will be a huge change for
NCLB student leadership.
Department assessment.
“Engagement” activities; EL students.
Details regarding the GLD descriptors.
Models of Communication regarding ELL students.
The applications of this material to teacher candidates.
Clearer understanding of ELD standards structure; proficiency, modes of
communication, etc.
Use of conceptual journals in native language to help prepare students for the
“next step.”
Preview/review strategy for ELs.
“Media that Matters” website
ELD training materials.
Strategy: Preview/Review native language for ELD.
New proficiency level descriptions for CA ELD, technology; website.
Differences in perspective regarding assessment purposes (standardized
testing in native language for English.)
Terminology (integrative, designated) Graphic organizer for candidates;
synthesizes ideas/concepts.
New resources.
Preview/review strategies.
ELD standards structure
ELD consideration in teaching, conceptual journals.
ELD teaching resources.
Deeper awareness and new proficiency descriptions across modes of
communication. More discussion of falsehoods-what they mean, how to
Videos on ways to frame them, debrief them, and apply them in practice with
teacher candidates (i.e. what supports would you provide that we’re
Simple techniques to use with heterogeneous groups. Easily applied to
multiple contact areas.
The how phases: Interacting in meaningful ways; collaborative interpretive
Modes of Communication: PLD labels; emerging, expanding, bridging.
Appendix: A. Foundational Literacy Skills for ELs
Use of conceptual journals (for older students) Brainstorm in L1.
New ELD proficiency levels.
Importance of scaffolding.
Strategies to apply in multilingual classrooms.
Language Proficiency Descriptions: Emerging, Expanding, and Bridging.
Targeted time (30 minutes). Whole school. Not removing students from
content areas.
Collaborate, integrate, and production (rubric).
The difference between the two ELD times: Designated vs. Integrated and
their respective standards.
Largest group of EL are from long-term ED designation.
The three designations (classifications) are emerging, expanding, and
LPD’s. Emerging, Expanding, and Bridging, A continuum of proficiency.
Breadth and Depth. Integrated instruction for all Designated EL instruction.
Shift to targeted intervention time for all learners.
Just a reminder of how English learner resources interface with other areas
(GATE, SPED, etc.)
Looking at how the continuum of standards works and how to apply them to
the video-really helpful.
Difference between designated and integrated ELD.
Clear understanding of how to incorporate/apply the English Language
Development Continuum. “What are the proficiency descriptors?”
Strategies for working with diversified language levels in the classroom to
support learning. Targeted intervention strategies.
Examples of how to integrate the different levels of the continuum
(emerging, expanding, and bridging) into a diversified classroom setting.
How that would look, etc. Moving from concepts to appreciation of
Clear explanation/understanding of description.
Numerous types of scaffolding to support EL students.
Better understanding of the three modes of communication and how to
recognize them.
New standards.
Identify levels.
LPD-3 descriptions (emerging, expanding, and bridging).
There are similarities and differences in strategies (R & I, TIG)
There are helpful and “false” cognates.
Proficiency level descriptors for CA ELD standards.
Better understanding of the different levels within the ELD standards.
Better understanding of the “modes of communication.”
Site for roles. “Media Matters,” an additional resource.
Graphic for ELD helps focus.
In-depth look at supervisor rubrics.
Elaborating on the importance and benefits of scaffolding the relationship to
the standards.
The three different components, Re: English Language Development.
Proficiency Level Continuum.
Modes of Communication: Collaborative, Interpretive, and Productive.
Mode of Communication---Collaborative, Integrative, and Productive.
ELD-proficiency level continuum. ** Very helpful to have the stages of
development defined in a very concrete way.
CELDT-didn’t know about this tool and how it is factored into the standards
Importance of collaboration.
Need to begin with less complex ideas and increase complexity.
Lots of resources! Collaboration: How are we preparing opportunities for
students to exercise language in social ways.
Interpretive: What listening and reading opportunities have we prepared.
Productive: What activities have we prepared to allow kids to talk and write.
Clarification of the three levels.
Differences in the new understanding. Three levels of EL proficiencies.
Emphasis on what the students’ strengths are.
The importance of scaffolding and then removing the scaffolding as the
student progresses across the continuum.
Three new language proficiency descriptors: emerging, expanding, and
Two ways of teaching English learners: Integrated ELD (embedded in
lessons) and Designated ELD (specified to language proficiencies.)
English Language (ELL) Learners are now called Emergent Bilinguals (EB).
I have a better understanding of new LPD standards-an overview
understanding only. My next step is to develop deeper knowledge of LPD.
Refreshed knowledge of instructional strategies that better support EL
Emerging, Expanding, and Bridging proficiency levels.
First video-wow very insightful. The system: Learned that some schools
aren’t allowing the “buddy” system or other Spanish resources.
The new capacities/categories.
New EL development proficiency level continuum.
Three modes of Communication (Collaboration, Interpretation, and
Productive.) Facilitated by heterogeneous grouping.
Emerging, Expanding, Bridging levels of ELD.
Targeted Intervention grouping to support designated EL’s without using
subject matter instructional time.
I learned about the “three proficiency levels continuum”.
New ELD standards-website.
Extra resources.
RTI and TIT-Designated ELD time and not pull out of content time, but rather
organize a school wide system (30 minutes total.)
Preview/Review-lesson in native language instead of having all of the lessons
in English or build on basic English.
Conceptual journals-write in own language.
2…. Applications to Your Practice:
Planning a session with candidates to use the videos presented today, as well
as modeling the three Modes of Communication.
Provide new resources to candidates and time for them to discover the
application in their own context.
New ways to show student teachers how to set up lessons so that they work
for EL students. Brainstorming. Preview/review, also for determining prior
knowledge and interests.
Accurate examples of scaffolding steps to make content accessible that will
be helpful in science methods.
Focusing candidate awareness of concerns regarding the entire process of
ELL instruction, but within the framework of beginning practice.
Resources for ELL instruction and planning.
Alignment of collaborating, interpreting, and production to the experiences
encountered in arts and media. New 2014 visual art and media arts
standards that are coming out this spring (national.)
Integrated ELD time versus designated ELD time. How might I develop this
into an art class activity? All of the arts have a language.
Use of video to highlight the concepts. The videos selected were excellent to
carry across.
All of it. Promising resources.
Direct student teachers on how to interact with ELD Specialists at their
school sites to meet the needs of all ELL’s.
Encourage students to use language support resources and teach them how
to use them.
Encourage candidates to apply seminar concepts, application, and theory to
classroom practice.
PACT scoring for #11 and #12.
The CDE website resources for ELD
ELD discussion starters and activities.
Ask learning questions of aspiring teachers.
Look for “engagement” in EL students.
Module for EDTE 302, 532, EDMA 600. Deepening and having a specific focus
on preparing candidates to target their lesson planning.
Share phases with candidates; ask what they would fit into each category.
Watch for areas of potential application of preview/review strategy
consistency. (Intro-concept L, Intro-academic language in English, Review all
in L.)
Important to include in CSU classes.
Important to know how to support candidates.
Present new vocab and concepts to future teachers (classroom-based and
outside of class.)
Supervision of candidate schools to see their use of filled placements.
Build new learning strategies into the courses I am teaching.
Use the resources that have been provided purposefully.
Lots of specific strategies and ideas to share with candidates as they support
learners, i.e. graphic organizers, jigsaw, etc.
The need for video---I don’t want to over use Moises’ video so maybe be
more strategic about which classes see which video.
Really emphasizing academic language for English learners.
Resource support to new teachers and on-going educators in designing
lessons to address ELD learning.
Ways to scaffold learning to share with new teachers so we are able to
provide professional learning experiences with positive outcomes.
Provide specific strategies for supporting these levels (in supervision) and
the importance of ELD content area support.
Reinforce acceptability of students’ brainstorming in their own language.
Some schools tell students that they must use English, even at lunch.
Use the new standards with lesson plans and use the videos to help preservice students understand the levels of proficiency with EL.
Form a pilot group of RTI, TIG, and GE/content specialists who can model or
co-teach these strategies across the pathways. This could be a “co-op,” in
which hours from the pilot team are “banked” and the receiving class
instructor can come and present their area of expertise.
Drawing parallels between EL students with/without disabilities and how
many of the same tools can be used in both populations.
Link new students to IEP goals.
Use the Media Matters website in all of the classes to help teach and target
Inform work as a PACT scorer.
Accessibility to related and additional resources.
Use the models as I talk with student teachers, as they give me the language
to discuss scaffolding with teacher candidates.
Definitely raises my awareness of ELD issues, which will translate into
conversations I have with student teachers.
Share these ideas with student teachers that I’m supervising.
I am prepared for teaching my students.
Integrating the three new learning strategies into the undergrad courses I
Share graphic organizers with TC’s and explain how they can be used, as well
as encouraging them to use heterogeneous grouping.
I will require all of my student teachers to research the CELDT scores/EL
levels of their students and bring that information into the first cluster group
meetings. The focus of the meeting will be how to support these students in
their instruction.
While supporting student teachers, we’ll focus on instructional strategies
that support EL students in their classes. If we don’t have any EL students,
we will still discuss “what-if’s” during our debriefing.
Share information and resources with students and teach them to use these
resources so they can use them, at least in their own collaborations.
Modeling and argumentation relate well to the 3 Modes of Communication--we can make this explicit in 536 (science methods.) Use this to help bridge
science students into NGSS and ELD standards.
I will share this information with my students for the new ELD standards.
More research!
Introduce these concepts to students and use graphic organizers to study
1…. Question, Comments, or Suggestion:
How does this information and new approaches to ELD instruction impact
the course sequence in our credential programs so that candidates develop a
deep understanding and confidence to use the ELD standards effectively?
Talk about school arrangements for ELD services needs to be part of the
admin program, also how to bring resources into a school for teachers to use
and learn from. I’ll use this form occasionally in my classes.
As always, how do we address the challenges without becoming
overwhelmed? Delegate, change perceptions, or find a strong voice and
central focus to promulgate effective practice for ELL students to the broader
Need for follow-up with today’s information throughout the years. We need
to come back and discuss how it’s been applied and what new questions we
have, as well as configuring the next step(s). We need to have a spiral effect.
I still do not know how to support candidates in their early emergence as
ELLs in the classroom without sacrificing the needs of bridging ELLs/nonELLs.
How to integrate ELD considerations throughout the courses? Can I get this
template for use in my classes?
How should structures and school customs change? How well do
superintendents need to integrate new EL standards? Interpretation?
Need more discussion of what linguistic supports look like across all
proficiency descriptors, videos with debriefs, and support materials that
would be useful for specific modes of communication.
Colored handout is an excellent tool to take directly into the field during
supervision observations.
Rollout in current schools. Where will candidates be placed?
Further use of teacher candidates to help implement these activities in school
placements as a part of courses (EDTE 302 and others). Need more real
exposure--tutors/teachers to help students who need extra assistance.
Love to continue the conversation around strategies.
How do teachers use the new ELD standards to develop lesson objectives and
plan instruction?
Great so far, thanks!
More ideas on how to apply these things.
Any information about how the CELDT will reflect the new ELD standards?
How will the levels be defined? Share instructional strategies being taught in
class with supervisors.
Still want to see how to pull scaffolding away and still help students.
Wonderful job! The proficiency level descriptors rubric could give more
examples of what “substantial language support” looks like. I will show the
Moises video and discuss what EL elements students saw being were used in
comparison to my lessons.
Linking and differentiating between SPED and EL.
Link these ideas to the final two rubrics in PACT-academic language. Both for
faculty scorers and the candidates who will complete PACT.
Enjoyed the relativeness and importance of the videos to the application of
activities. Re: the workshop. The admin program needs to have the ELD
Services and the instructions on how to arrange these services. Ex:
scheduling, target intervention, etc.
Thank you for sharing these resources, graphic organizers, links, etc. I don’t
feel like I need to take note but know where this information is.
Thanks! This was great information. I appreciate you for all of your hard
K-3 resources.
Still not clear how to address multiple languages in the classroom. How can a
teacher facilitate a brainstorm or journal activity without the ability to speak
the student’s language?
How will TC’s be taught about the new ELD framework in their classrooms so
that I can support them in the field?
At the MSP meeting, have instructors share strategies that they are currently
using to teach their classes so that supervisors support the use of those
strategies during student teacher lessons.
Excellent morning! Thank you.
Can you teach the use of NGSS and ELD standards simultaneously? Especially
vital for MS and 9th grade science teachers, but applicable to all.
Thank you for this great day!
Keep up the good work!
Other Comments and Suggestions: (backside of paper)
This was a well-organized workshop. The variety of activities worked well. I
liked the combination of videos and discussion.
Great workshop! Well-paced/plenty of time to process the information and
interact with colleagues. Suggestion: Ask faculty groups to mix up a little
more so that the groups are heterogeneous by program.
Fantastic presentation and resources. Having the resources posted on the
faculty blackboard would be great.
Handouts and links shown were extremely helpful.
Extremely well done and well planned---the group/individual work,
gathering input/sharing, and valuable new information and resources!
Excellent information, great pacing/timing and helpful resources.
Well paced and organized, a perfect balance of content and application.
Good [pacing, thank you to Maria for walking us through the information and
making it understandable.
Well presented, clear explanations of the new ELD descriptors with excellent
examples and discussions. Would like more on strategies that are being
taught in the classrooms so that supervisors can support/guide teacher
candidates in their use of these strategies. 5.4.g.2)
All of the activities. Very engaging! Link to SPED.
There are two outstanding presenters—Maria and Mary. They understand K12 needs/practices, along with IHE faculty needs/practices. They could take
their “show on the road” to any Ed faculty and receive genuine kudos. Next
time, link directly to O.P.A.L. from last year and/or previous presentations to
show the continuum. In addition, link to the rubric 11/12 academic language
for PACT scorers and candidate expectations. How will Multiple
Subject/Single Subject, etc. be readjusted by these ideas?
Timing was well-used, good combination of groups, videos, reflections, etc.
Kept to the agenda, but still allowed for the discussion of individual questions
and concerns. Helped get me motivated to apply new ELD standards.
Everything was perfect. My next step is to ask that we have workshops on
practices/strategies, the “how to” in the classroom.
Well-organized, well-paced, interactive workshop. Next step would be more
instruction strategies. Very minor, but hot water for tea drinkers at these
workshops would be much appreciated.
Excellent presentation all the way around. Great idea incorporating all three
modes of communication. Loved the graphic organizers. Don’t forget to share
them! Thank you.
Good pacing. Focused on one specific area of a very large and complex
subject, which helped participants deal with it in a very realistic way. Nice
Engaging and relevant. Suggestion: Ways to check in, ask questions, address
issues, as we continue to roll out of these standards with our candidates.
Thank you!!
Workshop was superb!!