20 Function Verbs Simply defined

20 Function Verbs ELLs Must Know / Feb 10th, 2015 Mid-State RBERN
Analyze- Separate into parts, as you look at each one closely and carefully.
Cite- To use someone else’s exact words as evidence.
Clarify- Go back and make something more understandable.
Compare- How are they the same?
Contrast- How are they different?
Describe- Use descriptive words (adjectives) to tell what something looks
like-and/or feels like, sounds like, acts like, smells like, tastes like. What
does it remind you of?
7. Develop- Add details, expand.
8. Determine- Find out something by getting more information about it.
9. Evaluate – Tell the good, the bad, the value, or importance of something.
10. Explain- Tell in your own words- only easier for someone else to
understand; give some reasons why it is/was that way.
11. Formulate- Put together clearly as you make a plan.
12. Identify- Figure out, find out who or what something is.
13. Infer – What is the text asking you to believe? (You can’t infer if you don’t
14. Interpret- Tell how and why you think a certain way-your personal
understanding of the text.
15. Make a Connection-how does one idea shape the other? How does an
event shape a person, how does a person shape an event?
16. Predict- What do you think will happen?
17. Support (1)- Find the facts in the article/story/etc...
18. Support (2) - Defend or argue for something or someone.
19. Summarize- Tell what happened in a few words. Give the shortened
version! Summaries are shorter than the original.
20. Trace- Follow the pattern or path.