WANA Class Form - WANA International

WANA International Artist/Instructor
Class Request Form
1) Does Shawn have a copy of your 1/2 page bio? If not, please forward it to shawn@wanaintl.com,
along with your completed Class Request Form.
2) Class Title:
3) Instructor Name(s):
4) Instructor E-mail (Used for notification of new registrations):
5) Price for Basic Class: $
(all prices in U.S. dollars)
If offering different service levels, indicate total price for each level, if not leave blank:
Bronze: $
Silver: $
Gold: $
Platinum: $
6) Do you want to offer promo or giveaway discount codes? Yes: /No:
7) Number of zero payment students (other AIs, etc.) you’ll accept (0-?):
8) Structure of Class:
Live Classroom:
If both, are Live Classroom Dates/Times to be determined later (i.e., by agreement of the
students in the WANATribe)? Yes: /No:
9) For WANATribe Classes:
Start Date:
Duration (indicate days/weeks/months):
10) For Live Classroom:
Number of Live Class Meetings:
Date(s) of Meeting(s):
Meeting Time (Use Eastern Time Zone): Start:
EST / End:
Technology to be Used:
PowerPoint Presentation:
Screen Sharing*:
*Has TechSurgeons Verified Sufficient Bandwidth? Yes: /No:
 If no, please contact Jay at jay@techsurgeons.com.
11) Save Recordings after Live Class for (weeks/months):
12) Classification: (What category or categories does your class fall under?)
Social Media:
13) Is there a maximum number of all students you want in the class?
14) Allow late registration:
If so, what time and date would you like it closed?
(Registration will close between noon and 5 p.m. EST on the day before the earlier of the WANATribe Start
Date or the first Live Meeting unless indicated.)
The Class Description should be a marketing-style blurb, covering:
 Whom the class will help (people who need…, beginners vs. advanced, etc.),
 What they’ll learn and what they’ll walk away with by the end,
 The style of instruction (live classes vs. work on your own time, etc.),
 What specifically comes with upgrades (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum).
15) Class Description:
The Welcome Message will go out to your students once they have signed up for your class. This could
include a detailed schedule, private WANATribe information, explaining handouts will be sent later, preclass links to read, your contact info, etc.
16) Welcome Message:
17) Please send your completed form to Chad at ccarver@wanaintl.com
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For Office Use Only ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clearly mention EST in the class description and in the welcome message (where applicable.)
- Selected “Current Class”
- Select “Yes” for the option to send custom confirmation e-mail upon registration.
- Added email address for custom confirmation in alternative email field?
- Added $10 for administration fees to the price, and input the total (less the dollar sign).
- Noted in public admin calendar to notify AI 76 hours prior class commencement regarding
enrollment and login information.
- Noted in public admin calendar to e-mail all students login information 24 hours prior to all
- QC check (Staff member that has not input class)
- Forwarded copy of link to WANA International posting to the AI for review.