Student Employees & Graduate Assistants

Student Employees & Graduate Assistants
W2 Wage and Tax Statement
The 2015 W2 Wage and Tax Statement contains information related to income earned from 12/12/2014 through
12/10/2015, and is used to file your 2015 federal and state income tax returns. The State is delivering the 2015
Statement electronically. If you worked during this timeframe, an electronic W2 Statement will load on your Core-CT
Reporting System employment record, however, how you receive your Statement will be set according to a default
status - based on set of criteria.
If you worked as a student employee or a graduate assistant between 12/12/2014 and 12/10/2015, you must
receive a W2 statement.
Student employees who are employed beyond December 10, 2015, are considered to be active employees and
will receive their Statement according to the Active Employee Default Criteria noted below.
Student employees who have their employment ending – on or prior to December 10, 2015, are considered to
be terminated employees. Terminated employees lose their access to Core-CT, and will default to a W2 mailed
to their home address in mid-January.
If you have questions or need a Core-CT password reset, please contact the Human Resources department.
Sarah Davin,, 203-837-8661
Active Employee Default Criteria
Electronic W2 – Employees who receive their paycheck through direct deposit will default to an electronic W2. These
employees must log onto Core-CT to print their W2 Statement. It’s anticipated that the 2015 electronic W2 will be
available on their Core-CT record by the last week of December.
Paper W2 - Employees who receive a hardcopy paycheck will default to a paper W2 Statement. Paper W2s will be mailed
to the employee’s home address in mid-January. These employees can also print an electronic W2 through Core-CT.
Directions to log onto the Core-CT
Log onto the State of CT Core-CT System website: & enter your User ID and Password.
If you need your User ID and/or password, please contact the Human Resources department.
Directions to print your Electronic W2
Log onto Core-CT, under the Payroll section select >View W-2/W-2c Forms, then select >tax year 2015 Year End Form.
Information found on the back of W2 is located under the section > Filing Instructions.
Re-Printed W2s
Employees must receive their W2 Statement according to the default criteria. Please direct W2 questions to Payroll.
In exceptional situations, employees can seek assistance from the Payroll department for a re-printed W2.
Employees will have to pick-up their W2 in the Payroll Office (University Hall Room 224) or request to have it mailed.
W2s cannot be faxed or emailed.
Payroll Contact Information
Sarah Baywood, tele: 203-837-8366
Patricia Bartolo, tele: 203-837-8364
Resa Sawyers, tele: 203-837-8365