MANA 3318-001 - The University of Texas at Arlington

MANA 3318-001
SUMMER 2012 (Five-Week)
Instructor: Mrs. J. Manegold, MBA
Office: COBA 604
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 10:00am – 12:00pm, or by appointment
Preferred mode of communication: E-mail. Please use the email that UTA provided you
(MyMav). It is the official form of communication that will be used in this class. The best way to
reach me is through my email account, and I will periodically send notifications to you regarding
class instructions through your MyMav account.
Course Time and Location:
MANA 3318, Section 001
8:00am – 10:00am
COBA 150
Required Textbook:
Nelson, D.L., & Quick, J.C. (2011). ORGB 2. 2nd Edition, Mason, OH: South-Western
Cengage Learning. ISBN-10: 032478709X; ISBN-13: 978-0324787092
Course Description:
Organizational behavior is a field of study that is concerned with the behavior of individuals and
groups in organizations. This class will help you to increase your understanding of behavior in
organizational and social settings.
This class is available on Blackboard ( Please check
Blackboard often. There you will be able to access class material as well as your grades.
Learning Outcomes:
Through class discussion and the material covered in the textbook, by the end of this course
students should be able to:
Accurately define organizational behavior and identify and describe organizational
behavior (OB) concepts.
List and define prominent organizational behavior theories
Recognize and discuss the impact of personality, motivation, emotion, attitude, culture,
and communication in the workplace
Apply organizational behavior theories introduced in this class to real organizations that
are facing organizational behavior challenges.
Present topics in OB and solutions via slide show presentation.
Grading Policy:
Total Possible Points:
Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Exam 4
Group Project
Individual Current Event
Attendance & Participation
100 points
100 points
100 points
100 points
100 points
75 points
25 points
Total Class Points:
600 points
Total Points:
Concerns over grades:
If you are concerned about your grade in this class the best way to deal with this concern is to
study consistently throughout the semester and prepare thoroughly for exams. Grades are nonnegotiable. Grades are based solely on points earned on tests and in classes and I cannot adjust
or change grades because of personal troubles or difficulties.
Exams: (up to 100 points each)
There will be four multiple choice exams. Each exam is worth a total of 100 points. The exams
will be administered in-class and closed book. The test material will come from the textbook,
PowerPoint slides, and lecture. You will not be able to take the exam if you show up after
someone has already turned in his/her exam. Make-up exams will only be given if the student
can provide UTA approved documentation for missing examinations. If you do miss an exam,
you must contact the instructor within 48 hours to schedule a make-up exam. I reserve the right
to alter the contents of make-up exams. MANDATORY: Bring a SCANTRON for exams.
Final Group Project: (up to 100 points)
You will be divided into groups (the size of the group will be based on class size). You are
responsible for getting contact information from group members, as I will not be able to provide
that information to you. After groups have been assigned, there will be no changes in group
membership. If you do not work with your group to prepare the assigned case and present it, you
will receive a zero for the group case presentation.
You and your assigned group will need to choose any workplace (can be your own) where you
can identify and describe a business challenge that relates to the organizational behavior material
presented in class or found in the textbook. You and your group will need to pose possible
solutions for the business using strategies that you learned either through class discussion or the
textbook. A 15-20 minute presentation (via either PowerPoint or other instructor approved
media) will be due. You are required to email me you PowerPoint slides at least 24 hours before
your presentation so that I can review them. The rubric used to grade your group presentation is
posted on Blackboard (attached at the end of this syllabus). You will be asked to fill out an
evaluation form on your other group members. More information will be provided in class. An
example of the peer evaluation sheet is posted on Blackboard (and attached to the end of this
syllabus). Instructor approval is required, so please check with me once your group decides on a
workplace and the business challenge to be presented.
Current News Event Assignment: (up to 75 points)
Each individual student will need to identify one newspaper and/or reputable magazine article
(e.g. Bloomberg Businessweek, TIME, Fortune, Wall Street Journal, etc.) on a business that is
undergoing or has undergone a major organizational behavior challenge. You will need to
identify and describe the business challenge as it relates to the organizational behavior material
presented in class or found in the textbook. Additionally, you will need to either (1) pose
possible solutions for the business or (2) identify solutions that were implemented by the
business using strategies that you learned either through class discussion or the textbook. You
will be required to write a 2-3 page paper (12 point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced),
due at the beginning of class on June 28th. At least four references should be included in your
paper. The article you choose can count as one of the references. The textbook could also be a
potential reference, you can use materials that were covered in-class, or you are welcome to find
other relevant references from outside of class. Wikipedia is not considered a good reference
source. The rubric used to grade your paper is posted on Blackboard (and attached to the end of
this syllabus). You need to turn in the article you find with your completed paper. You individual
assignment topic cannot be the same as your group project topic!
Attendance & Participation: (up to 25 points)
Attendance is expected. On the days we do class presentations, attendance is mandatory and your
participation grade will severely suffer if you are not in attendance on those days. You are both
expected and encouraged to participate in class, as this class adopts an active learning
University Authorized Absences
The Office of the Provost provides lists of students who have absences authorized by the
University (e.g., participation in athletic events or scholastic activities that are officially
sponsored University functions). The student must contact the instructor one week in advance of
the excused absence and arrange with the instructor to make up missed work or missed
examinations. Instructors will provide those students an opportunity to make up the work or
otherwise adjust the grading to ensure that the student is not penalized for the absence. Failure to
notify the instructor or failure to comply with the arrangements to make up the work will void
the excused absence.
Drop Policy:
If you chose to drop the class, you have the responsibility to complete the paperwork according
to the University’s schedule. Not doing so may result in a failing grade.
Academic Dishonesty
It is the philosophy of The University of Texas at Arlington that academic dishonesty is a
completely unacceptable mode of conduct and will not be tolerated in any form. All persons
involved in academic dishonesty will be disciplined in accordance with University regulations
and procedures. Discipline may include suspension or expulsion from the University.
“Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the
submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another
person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a
student or the attempt to commit such acts.” (Regents’ Rules and Regulations, Part One, Chapter
VI, Section 3, Subsection 3.2, Subdivision 3.22)
Absences Based on Religious Beliefs
A student who misses an examination, work assignment or other project because of an
observance of a religious holy day will be given the opportunity to complete the work missed
within a reasonable time after the absence provided the student has properly notified each
instructor. To meet the proper notification requirements, students must notify each instructor in
writing of classes scheduled on the dates they will be absent in observance of a religious holy
day. Notification must be made within the first 15 class days and either personally delivered,
acknowledged and dated by the instructor, or sent certified mail, return receipt requested. The
student may not be penalized for these excused absences, but the instructor may appropriately
respond if the student fails to complete satisfactorily the missed assignment or examination
within a reasonable amount of time after the excused absence. (A “religious holy day” means a
holy day observed by a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property taxation
under Section 11.20 of the Tax Code.)
Americans with Disabilities Act
The University of Texas at Arlington is on record as being committed to both the spirit
and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation; reference Public Law 93112 -- The
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended. With the passage of new federal legislation entitled
Americans With Disabilities Act - (ADA), pursuant to section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act,
there is renewed focus on providing this population with the same opportunities enjoyed by all
As faculty members, we are required by law to provide "reasonable accommodation" to
students with disabilities, so as not to discriminate on the basis of that disability. Your
responsibility primarily rests with informing faculty at the beginning of the semester and in
providing authorized documentation through designated administrative channels.
Inclement Weather / Class cancellation:
If your class session is canceled due to inclement weather or other unexpected
circumstance please, do the following;
1. Check the instructor’s course(s) web links or page daily for bulletins or updates.
2. Continue to read and complete assignments as you are responsible for knowing all
course material for examinations.
3. If you are scheduled for a course examination, or have a due date for a written
assignment, all deadlines are deferred until the next course session unless otherwise
specified on any course links or web page for bulletins.
Evacuation Procedures:
In the event of an evacuation of the College of Business building, when the fire alarm
sounds, everyone must leave the building by the stairs. With the fire alarm system we now have,
the elevators will all go the first floor and stay there until the system is turned-off.
All those in the North tower side of the building should proceed to the fire escape stairs located
on the East and West sides of the wing.
FOR DISABLED PERSONS: Please go to the Northeast fire stairs. We have an evacuation chair
located in the 6th floor stairwell. We have people trained in the use of this chair and there will be
someone that will go to the 6th floor to get the chair and bring it to any lower floor stairwell to
assist disabled persons. Should this be a real emergency, the Arlington Fire Department and
UTA Police will also be here to help.
Student Support Services Available
The University of Texas at Arlington supports a variety of student success programs to
help you connect with the University and achieve academic success. These programs include
learning assistance, developmental education, advising and mentoring, admission and transition,
and federally funded programs. If you require assistance academically, personally, or socially
should contact the Office of Student Success Programs at 817-272-6107 for more information
and appropriate referrals.
Business Career Services
(College of Business Administration, Room 106, 817-272-5201; Hours, Monday-Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) The following services are designed to assist students as they navigate
through their college career. It is recommended that you visit the Business Career Services office
early in your college career to take full advantage of all available services.
• Career Counseling/Job Search Skills: Individualized guidance on employment choices
and techniques for gaining employment.
• Career Days: Events designed to allow students to meet company representatives to
explore employment opportunities.
• Career Development Workshops: Group sessions where job search skills such as
resume writing, employer research, dining etiquette, dressing for success, salary
negotiations, and interview skills are taught. Specialized sessions on topics such as
internships, diversity in the workplace, making wise job choices, first year job success
tips, and interview skills for international students are also offered.
• Mentor Program: The opportunity for students to be paired with professionals in
corporate settings to explore and/or solidify their major/job interests. This is done
through informational interviews and/or job shadowing. Freshman and sophomore
students are targeted for these opportunities.
• Resume Critiquing: The opportunity for students to have their resume professionally
critiqued by staff members who can make suggestions for improving and/or changing it
to suit employers’ specifications.
• Internship Program: The opportunity for students to gain real-world work experience in
their degree field prior to graduation. Some internships can be completed for academic
credit. Junior, senior, and graduate students are targeted for these opportunities.
• Mock Interviews: An individual session where students can practice various types of
interview questions that may be asked during an actual interview. A critique of students’
interview skills will be given, as well as tips for improvement.
• Career Classifieds: On-line job postings that students who are registered with Career
Services are encouraged to review and respond to when seeking full-time, degree-related
• Web Resume Book: Students who are registered with Career Services also have the
option of having employers view their resume via the on-line system when they are
seeking qualified candidates to fill available employment opportunities.
• Resource Library: Career, company and job search resources are available for students
to use during regular office hours. Computers are available to assist in conducting job
• Career Development Handouts: Materials covering various job search skills are
available for students to take home and utilize as they are preparing for all facets of their
job search.
• On-Campus Interviews: The opportunity for students who are registered with Career
Services to interview with companies during the fall and spring semesters when corporate
recruiters visit the campus.
Class Schedule for MANA 3318-001, Summer 2012
Date: Day:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Review Chapters 1-4
Exam 1 (Chapters 1-4)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Review Chapters 5-8
Exam 2 (Chapters 5-8)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Review Chapters 9-12
Exam 3 (Chapters 9-12)
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Group Meeting Time
Chapter 18
Group Meeting Time
Current News Event: individual writing
assignments due at the beginning of class
Group Presentations
**Slides due 24 hours before your group
Group Presentations
**Slides due 24 hours before your group
Independence Day Holiday
Exam 4 Review (Ch. 14, 16, 17, 18)
Exam 4 (Chapters 14, 16, 17, 18)
Introduction, Syllabus, divide into groups
Organizational Behavior and Opportunity
Challenges for Managers
Challenges for Managers
Personality, Perception & Attribution
Attitudes, Emotions,& Ethics
Review Ch. 1-4
Exam Ch. 1-4
Motivation at Work
Learning and Performance Management
Stress and Well-Being at Work
Review Ch. 5-8
Exam Ch. 5-8
Work Teams and Groups
Decision Making by Individuals and Groups
Power and Political Behavior
Leadership and Followership
Leadership and Followership
Review Ch. 9-12
Exam Ch. 9-12
Jobs and the Design of Work
Organizational Culture
Career Management
Group Meeting Time
Managing Change
Group Meeting Time
Current Event (individual assignment) Due
Happy Fourth of July!
Review Ch. 14, 16, 17, 18
Exam Ch. 14, 16, 17, 18
***The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus as needed throughout the semester. You will
be alerted to all changes in class and on Blackboard***
Current Event Individual Assignment Rubric for MANA 3318
100 points are possible
Identify and describe
the organizational
behavior business
challenge in the chosen
Application of the
course material to the
chosen news article
Excellent (15-20)
Clearly identifies
business challenge,
thoroughly describes
the challenge
No questions regarding
the chosen article and
its connection to OB
Good (10-14)
Clearly identifies the
business challenge, but
do not fully or
correctly describe the
A few questions
regarding the chosen
article and its
connection to OB
Identify only one
solution and thorough
discussion of the
solution posed OR
identify more than one
solution, but the
discussion is
Identify and discuss
possible solutions for
the business
Identify more than one
solution; thorough
discussion of the
solutions posed
References: at least
four relevant citations
from a reputable
Includes 4+ references
that are both relevant
to the chosen topic and
Includes at least 2-3
references that are
both relevant to the
chosen topic and
Format: 12 pt. font,
Times New Roman,
Correct format;
Correct grammar and
punctuation; No
writing errors;
Appropriate length (23 pages)
Correct format; Some
grammar and
punctuation errors;
Some writing errors;
Appropriate length (23 pages)
Total Points:
Needs Work (0-9)
Misidentification of the
business challenge
and/or description is
not included
Too many questions
No identification of a
solution (would result
in 0 points in this
category) OR one
solution is identified,
but the discussion is
underdeveloped or
Includes 0 references
(would result in 0
points in this category)
OR includes only 1
reference that is both
relevant to the chosen
topic and reputable
Format incorrect or too
many grammar,
punctuation, or writing
errors; The paper is
either too long or too
Group Presentation Evaluation Rubric for MANA 3318
100 points are possible
10 - 9
Needs work
Knowledge of the
company’s challenges
relating to OB is evident
throughout; all
information is clear,
appropriate, and correct.;
presented in a logical and
interesting sequence
Knowledge of the
challenge is evident in
much of the
information is clear,
appropriate and correct;
somewhat logical
Not only address but fully
and correctly discuss and
explain how course
content is applied to the
problem and solution;
Solutions are well-thought
out and viable
participation by all group
Addresses relevant
content in the course
material, but does not
fully or correctly
discuss and explain
how the content applies
to the chosen solutions
Most group members
Knowledge is not
information is
incorrect or flawed;
difficult to follow
(no logical
sequence of
Minimal or no
application of
course content to
the chosen
with class
Gets the class engaged
and involved
Simple Q & A at the
end of the presentation
Slide Quality
No typos; Use of
appropriate graphics;
Well organized;
interesting enough to
attract attention but not
too busy.
A few typos (1-2);
Easy to read and follow
contents; Somewhat
well organized
Wordy; many
typos; difficult to
read and follow
× 1.5
Maintains eye contact
with the audience, seldom
returns to notes
Maintain eye contact
most of the time but
frequently returns to
Voice is clear;
pronounces most words
correctly; most of the
audience can hear the
Read notes most of
time or no eye
× 0.4
Knowledge of
the OB
challenge faced
by the chosen
Application of
course material
to the solutions
Team work
One person speaks
most of the time;
little participation
from other group
No interaction
× 1.5
Eye contact
Attire & Posture
Uses a clear voice and
correct, precise
pronunciation of terms so
that all audience members
can hear your presentation
Voice is low;
pronounces terms
and words; it is
difficult to hear the
You should dress like you are in a business situation. This does not require
you to wear a formal suit, but you should at least dress to the level of
business-casual. No chewing gum, No hands in your pocket, etc.
× 0.3
× 0.3
Peer Evaluation Sheet (This may change)
Team #
Team member
Team member
Team member
(Please fill out below and write legibly.)
Student I.D. Number
Year in School (i.e. junior, senior)
E-mail Address
Number of Years at UTA
Management classes taken:
What is your reason for taking this class?
What do you expect to learn in this class?
Sign your name below to indicate you have received, read the syllabus for the course MANA
3318.001, Managing Organizational Behavior Summer 2012, and read the guidelines on
academic honesty and intend to abide by the University rules.