Course Requirements

In the acute care setting, the student is required to satisfactorily complete:
1. A Patient Assessment on instructor approved patient including:
a. pathophysiology of patient disease(s)
b. highest priority physiological problem
c. textbook comparison of disease process(es)
(Must score at least 17/20 (85%) or will assess other patients until 85% is reached)
2. A perinatal case study, including
a. Assessment of patient parts 1, 2, 3
4. A presentation on an assigned topic in clinical seminar.
5. Utilize Blackboard for course enhancement. The student must check the postings on Blackboard for
announcements, interactive assignments, and web mail communication.
The following skills should be checked off independently by the end of clinicals:
1. Administer oral medications
2. Administer subcutaneous injections (insulin, anticoagulant); all dosages must be
Verified by the instructor.
It is the responsibility of the student to find the required skills.
The following skills should be performed but not checked off independently by the end of the semester:
1. Administer two (2) intravenous piggy backs (IVPB)
2. Administer one (1) intravenous push medication (IVP)
3. Perform one sterile procedure of some type (must don sterile gloves)
In the community setting, the student is required to satisfactorily complete:
1. Self Cultural Assessment (Criteria sheet and questions from Level I Syllabus) for 2 community
hours, submitted online to clinical instructor.
2. A group teaching project designed for an obstetric population for 8 community hours.
3. Interactive pediatric and obstetric requirements for 6 community hours.
4. Poison Control Presentation for 4 community hours.
5. Pediatric Assessment on a sick child for 2 community hours.
6. Community log sheet – minimum 30 hours – 22 hours assigned, plus an additional 8 hours of
volunteer time by student and approved by instructor.
Failure to submit any written assignment on time will result in an automatic deduction of 50% of the
possible points. Completion of the assignment will still be required for successful completion of the
course. The deductions received for late work will not fail a student but may decrease their grade to a
“B” or “C” unless formal disciplinary action has been taken for consistent late work. See the
Grading/Evaluation/Academic Progression Policy in the student handbook for grading and progression
information, and more information about late work.
See the Attendance Policy in the student handbook for attendance requirements.
ADN Syllabus/Freshman/Spring /RNSG 2561 Clinical II Course Requirements
Revised 11/12