Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Personal, Social and Emotional
Key activities & starting points:
*Collective worship with Nursery every Friday.
*Talk about who to trust.
*Discussion about handing animals.
*Discussion about the needs of animals.
*Discussion of water safety.
*Table activities- sharing and taking turns.
*Talk about how we can help each other and the
importance of working as a team.
Key activities & starting points;
*Daily counting forwards, backwards in 1s, 2s, 5s
and 10s.
*Doubles and halves
*Addition and subtraction number sentences.
*Investigating floating and sinking.
*Ordering numbers.
*Tally charts and pictograms.
*Ways of making numbers 5-10
*Repeating patterns
*1 more/1 less
*Paying for items using pennies.
*Revising names and properties of 2D and 3D
*Telling the time o’clock and half past.
Topic: The Farm
Physical Development
Key activities & starting points:
*Moving like different animals.
*Animal lacing cards.
*Holding a pencil correctly.
*Using playdough
*Using play equipment safely.
*Building dens outside.
*Farm jigsaws.
*Using rollers and brushes outside.
*Using large wooden blocks to make their own chicken coop.
*Riding on small tractors and trucks outside.
Literacy (Reading & writing)
Key activities & starting points;
Core stories;
*Week 1- Chicken Licken
*Week 2- Chicken Licken
*Week 3- Pig in the Pond
*Week 4- Pig in the Pond
*Week 5- Farmer Duck
*Week 6- Farmer Duck
*1 to 1 reading each week.
*Guided Reading each week.
*Handwriting practise 3 times a week.
*Non-fiction books about the farm
*Sequencing stories
*Writing information about farm animals
*Acrostic poems
*Writing lists.
*Writing a recount of the day at the farm.
Term: Spring 2 2015
Communication and Language
Key activities & starting points:
*Reading core stories. Talk about characters, fiction, nonfiction, the blurb, the author, the illustrator, feelings.
*Watching video clips about the Farm
*Character descriptions.
*Retelling and sequencing the core stories.
*Reading acrostic poems about the Farm.
*’Hot Seating’ characters from the core stories.
*Reading aloud and using expression.
*Discussion of our Farm Visit.
Understanding the World
Key activities & starting
*Observational drawings of farm animals
*Looking at feathers through magnifying
glasses and microscope.
*Look at things that are made of wool.
*Exploring mud.
*Where does milk come from?
*Talk about different people that work with
animals on the farm.
*Talk about the role of the farmer.
* Talk about types of weather that are good
for the farm.
*Weekly ICT lesson- using paint programs
and using the keyboard.
Expressive arts and design
Key activities & starting points:
*Growing Grass
*Singing nursery rhymes linked to the farm.
*Constructing a farm house
*Making a farmyard collage.
*Farm animal masks
*Animal printing
*Weaving pictures
*Farm finger puppets
*Constructing animal enclosures.
*Designing/drawing their won farmyard.
*Patchwork patterns
*Welly printing.