Transplanting Traditions Community Farm CSA application

Transplanting Traditions Community Farm CSA application
Please read and fill out the application and return to
The Mission of Transplanting Traditions Community Farm is to provide refugee
adults and youth access to land, healthy food and agricultural education
and entrepreneurial opportunities. The farm provides a cultural community space for
families to come together, build healthy communities and continue agricultural traditions
in the Piedmont of N.C.
The Transplanting Traditions Community Farm is a vocational agricultural program that
works to build economically viable, environmentally sound, and socially sustainable local
agricultural business opportunities for refugees living in N.C. This non-profit project
seeks to address the challenges of food insecurity, healthy food access and economic
well-being inequity in the refugee and immigrant community. The project also recognizes
that refugee and immigrant youth growing up in the U.S. face unique challenges but have
the potential to develop into leaders and ambassadors for their communities. Our
programs strive to teach refugee and immigrant youth culturally appropriate leadership
development skills and the importance of engaging in a socially equitable and sustainable
food system.
This CSA is a unique melding of traditional seasonal vegetables common to North
Carolina and traditional Asian vegetables common to Thailand and Burma. By supporting
this CSA you are directly supporting skilled refugee farmers aspiring to become farmers
in the US. Although we are not certified organic due to the cost of certification we do
use all organic practices and strive for sustainability and environmental stewardship. This
fall we are excited to add an option to include a share of pastured eggs.
Cost and Dates: The Fall CSA will run the month of October for a total of 4 weeks. $20
a box per week for a total of $80. As a thank you to our CSA customers we always over
fill the weekly shares so that the value is more than $20! NEW!: Option to add an egg
share for additional $20.00 total (1 dozen eggs per week for 4 weeks)
Box Size: We currently don’t do half share boxes although we have many customers who
sign up as paired households and split their boxes at the pick up site. How many people a
box can feed will depend on how many fresh vegetables you eat. Our boxes can be great
for a family of 4 or for an individual or couple who eat a lot of fresh vegetables. The Fall
CSA will include many quick prep ingredients for salads such as lettuce, salad mix,
turnips, carrots etc. It will also include a lot of our end of summer vegetables such as
tomatoes, peppers, sweet potatoes and potatoes. These are just some examples you will
get a lot more diversity than that!
CSA Newsletter: We provide an amazing CSA newsletter that is full of weekly recipes
and information about the vegetables in your box as well as farm happenings and our
farmers. Please let us know if you aren’t receiving the newsletter and make sure to check
your spam or junk mail filter. The newsletter will be sent each Tuesday morning.
The CSA is filling up quickly! If you are interested in signing up please let us know
ASAP. The deadline for signing up is September 15th.
Email(s): _______________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________ Phone: __________________
Total Number of People Sharing the Membership:_____________
We currently have two pick up sites to choose from. Please indicate which site
you prefer in the table below. Note the time restrictions at the different pick up
sites. We have a specific number of boxes that can be picked up for each
location so if you do not have flexibility in where you pick up it is best to sign
up EARLY to reserve a box at a specific location.
Pick up Site
____ Transplanting Traditions Community Farm
2912 B Jones Ferry Rd.
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Pick up time
Anytime between 1-8pm
_____Carrboro Farmers’ Market
301 West Main Street
Carrboro, NC 27510
Anytime between 3-6pm
Would you like to add an egg share for additional $20.00 total?
(1 dozen eggs per week)
__________ NO
CSA Agreement
Please read and let us know if you have any questions
I understand that farmers have bought seed, planted and tended the vegetables
specifically for my CSA months in advance of harvest. I understand through a CSA I am
committing to support a more progressive form of agriculture that recognizes that we all
must eat and we all depend on farmers and should seek to support them from start to
finish. I understand that I am committing to the 2014 growing season at Transplanting
Traditions CSA and will respect the parameters of being a CSA shareholder. I understand
that the farmers will do their best to provide a season’s worth of fresh produce. I
understand that I am sharing in the risks and challenges inherent to farming and that
quantities and the timing of my share of the harvest may be affected by adverse weather
events. I understand that it is my responsibility to pick up my share at the designated time
and location. I understand that there will be no alternative arrangements for missed pickups. I understand that if I can’t pick up someone else can pick up for me. If there is no
one to pick up my box, I will notify the CSA coordinator 24 hours ahead of time and my
box will be donated to a local hunger relief organization. I agree to pay my balance by
September 30th, 2014. I understand that no refunds are provided.
(This will be in your box to sign and bring back your first week or if you can sign
and scan and send back to us that would be wonderful!)
Print Name
Signed Name
Please return application to
Questions? Contact
Thanks so much!