Andrew Taylor

Andrew Taylor
Andrew joined the Co-operation and Competition Panel for NHS-Funded Services (CCP) as
Director in November 2008. He has worked extensively in the field of competition and
regulation across a range of industries, including grocery retailing, water and wastewater,
energy and financial services. Before joining the CCP, Andrew worked at the Competition
Commission, where he was an inquiry director and then Senior Director, Inquiries. He led the
Competition Commission's groceries market investigation as well as merger inquiries in
industries including grocery retailing, stock exchanges, food and drink manufacturing, and
waste treatment and disposal. From 1999 to 2005, Andrew worked as a consultant at London
Economics and Stone & Webster Consultants advising on utility sector economic, regulatory
and financial issues both in Europe and elsewhere. Andrew started his career in the
Australian Government working at the Federal Treasury on financial regulation, and later as
a special adviser to a Cabinet Minister, where he advised on the introduction of choice and
competition into government-financed labour market programmes for unemployed
jobseekers. Andrew has an honours degree in economics from the University of Adelaide
and a masters degree in regulation from the London School of Economics.