Women`s Ministries - pkcommunitychurch.org


Community Church of PK Lake Women's Ministry

Contact: Julie Murray...........805-404-4064

Ministries to serve in

Food/Children's Church

(bereavement, Wednesday night Children's church,

Fellowship lunch, etc.)

Contact: Lou Stovall.......940-745-0551

At times where a funeral is scheduled at our church, Lou Stovall will call and ask for a prepared dish or dessert for the family meal after services.

Lou with the help of several ladies, plan and serve meals on Wednesday nights from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to our Children's Church. This is also another great time to fellowship with other ladies. Just come at your leisure.

Fundraisers are another area of this ministry when desserts are needed for auction to support our children's camp fundraiser, the Youth Pastor's mission trip to Guatemala, etc.

Blanket Ministry

Contact: Julie Murray....805-404-4064

The blanket ministry meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month (unless otherwise scheduled) at 10:00 a.m. The ladies tie fleece fabric and make blankets for those in need not only in our local community, but wherever there is a need for comfort. All you have to do is come to the fellowship hall.

Blankets have been taken to local hospitals, Ronald McDonald house in Dallas, as well as to Nicaragua and Kenya by missionaries.

We also crochet baby caps for the newborns in local hospitals. This is usually done at night and then brought to the meetings for collection and distribution.

The ministry is always looking for someone to help and prepare fabric for the meetings.

This is done either at home or at the church prior to the meeting.

The meetings last about 90 minutes followed with lunch at Tootie's Cafe.


Contact: Ardie Brock..........940-779-3348

This ministry follows up on church visitors by sending out a welcome letter in response to their visitors card filled out at the service.

They also visit with local community people and our church members.

Nursery Care

(during Sunday school and services)

Contact: Paula Lightner.......


This ministry provides care for babies and those children too young for children's Sunday school as well as during Sunday services.

It is done on a rotation basis one Sunday a month with two ladies in the nursery. If you are interested in serving here, please contact Paula to be put on the schedule.

Cards and Flowers

Contact: Debbie Reynolds................817 480-5558

Birthday cards, sympathy, get well cards are sent to our church members and attendees when needed. Flowers are sent through illness and loss.

Ladies Breakfast

On the fourth Wednesday of the month, the ladies gather at Tootie's cafe at 9:00 a.m. for an hour's worth of fellowship and breakfast. Please join them.
