File - Jacqueline Vera

Jackie Vera
June 26, 2013
Natural Hazards
Water Crisis
There are several contributing factors to the current water crisis that we are
facing worldwide. Climate change, population growth, overconsumption and inefficient
use are a few of the many pressures our water resources face (Kumar).
Record droughts are being felt worldwide. River water levels are at record low
levels. Underground water wells are being drained. According to the United Nations
Food and Agriculture Organization and United Nations Water, global water use has
been growing at more than twice the rate of population increase in the last century and
world population is predicted to grow from 7.1 billion to 9.1 billion by 2050.
The effects of freshwater shortage are being felt throughout the world. The
Worldwatch Institute defines water scarcity as not having enough water to meet
demand. Symptoms include sever degradation, declining groundwater and unequal
water distribution (Kumar).
The Effects: Human Health
Nutrient pollution and harmful algal blooms create toxins and compounds that are dangerous for your health. There are several
ways that people (and pets) can be exposed to these compounds.
Direct exposure to toxic algae
Drinking water can be a source of exposure to chemicals caused by nutrient pollution.
Drinking, accidentally swallowing or swimming in water affected by a harmful algal bloom can cause serious health problems
Stomach or liver illness
Respiratory problems
Neurological affects
Nitrates in drinking water
Nitrate, a compound found in fertilizer, often contaminates drinking wate rin agricultural areas. Infants who drink water too high
in nitrates can become seriously ill and even die. Symptoms include shortness of breath and blue-tinted skin, a condition known
as blue baby syndrome.
A 2010 report on nutrients in ground and surface water by the U.S. Geological Survey found that nitrates were too high in 64
percent of shallow monitoring wells in agricultural and urban areas.
Byproducts of water treatment
Stormwater runoff carries nutrients directly into rivers, lakes and reservois which serve as sources of drinking water for many
people. When disinfectants used to treat drinking water react with toxic algae, harmful chemicals called dioxins can be created.
These byproducts have been linked to reproductive and developmental health risks and even cancer.
The Effects: Environment
Algal blooms can reduce the ability of fish and other aquatic life to find food and can cause entire populations to leave an area or
even die.
Harmful algal blooms cause thick, green muck that impacts clear water, recreation, businesses and property values.
Nutrient pollution fuels the growth of harmful algal blooms which devastate aquatic ecosystems.
Direct exposure to algae
Harmful algal blooms sometimes create toxins that can kill fish and other animals. After being consumed by small fish and
shellfish, these toxins move up the food chain and hurt larger animals like sea lions, turtles, dolphins, birds, manatees, and fish.
Even if algal blooms are not toxic, they can hurt aquatic life by blocking out sunlight and clogging fish gills.
Dead zones and hypoxia
Algal blooms can create dead zones, areas of water without oxygen where animals cannot survive. When blooms of algae die
they deplete the water of oxygen, causing animals to leave the affected area or to die. The largest dead zone in the United State,
found in the Gulf of Mexico, is about 6,500 square miles and occurs every summer because of nutrient pollution from the
Mississippi River Basin.
Acid rain
Acid rain, caused by nutrient pollution of the air, damages lakes, streams, estuaries, forests and grasslands across the country.
Air pollution
Airborne nitrogen compounds like nitrogen oxides contribute to the formation of other air pollutants such as ground-level ozone,
a component of smog which can restrict visibility. Wind and weather can carry ozone many miles from urban to rural areas.
Ozone pollution can damage trees and harm the appearance of vegetation and scenic areas.
The Effects: Economy
Nutrient pollution can have severe economic impacts on recreational fishing, businesses, and tourism.
Nutrient pollution causes millions of dollars in losses to the commercial fishing industry.
Nutrient pollution has diverse and far-reaching effects on the U.S. economy, impacting tourism, property values, commercial
fishing, recreational businesses and many other sectors that depend on clean water.
Drinking water costs
Nitrates and algal blooms in drinking water sources can drastically increase treatment costs. Nitrate-removal systems in
Minnesota caused supply costs to rise from 5-10 cents per 1000 gallons to over $4 per 1000 gallons.
It can also cost billions of dollars to clean up polluted water bodies. Every dollar spent on protecting sources of drinking water
saves in water treatment costs.
Tourism losses
The tourism industry loses close to $1 billion each year, mostly through losses in fishing and boating activities, as a result of
water bodies that have been affected by nutrient pollution and harmful algal blooms.
Airborne nutrient pollution can also affect visibility at popular outdoor destinations like national parks. This kind of pollution can
also damage buildings and other structures, especially those made of marble and limestone.
Commercial fishing and shellfish losses
Fishing and shellfish industries are hurt by harmful algal blooms that kill fish and contaminate shell fish. Annual losses to these
industries from nutrient pollution are estimated to be in the tens of millions of dollars.
Real estate losses
Clean water can raise the value of a nearby home by up to 25 percent. Waterfront property values can decline because of the
unpleasant sight and odor of algal blooms.
Where this occurs: Ground Water and Drinking Water
As ground water works its way through the soil, it can pick up excess nutrients and transport them to the water table. When
polluted groundwater reaches drinking water systems it can pose serious public health threats.
Nutrient pollution can affect vital ground water sources and our drinking water. Surface waters, like lakes, rivers and streams,
provide drinking water for about 170 million people in the United States. Some of these waters are impaired or affected by
excessive amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus. Ground water is water that soaks into the soil and into the water table, and close
to 90 million people rely on ground water as a drinking water supply. As ground water works its way through the soil, it can pick
up nitrogen and phosphorus and transport them to the water table. This polluted water then reaches public drinking water systems
and private wells, where it can pose serious public health threats. Public drinking water systems can also bear a substantial
financial burden to treat drinking water polluted by nutrients. EPA's 2010 report on nutrients in the nation's streams and
groundwater found that nitrate contamination of ground water used for drinking water, particularly shallow domestic wells in
agricultural areas, is a growing concern.
Case Study: Waupaca, Wisconsin
The City of Waupaca, Wisconsin, identified elevated levels of nitrate, a form of nitrogen, in its municipal ground water supply in
the early 1990s, mainly due to agricultural activities. Highly-permeable soils in the area facilitated filtration of nitrate into the
soil, allowing it to easily contaminate the ground water, the primary drinking water source for Waupaca.
The Waupaca government, technical experts and citizens developed a wellhead protection plan, which included the tracking of
nitrate levels. The resulting monitoring data was used in land use decision-making. The commission also provided educational
crop consulting services to farmers about nitrate reduction. By 2009, Waupaca reported average nitrate concentrations below
EPA's maximum contaminant level.
What You Can Do: In Your Home
Quick tips
Choose phosphate-free soaps and detergents.
Pick up after your pet.
Use water efficiently.
Wash your car on your lawn or in commercial car washes.
Cleaning Supplies-Detergents and Soaps
Choose phosphate-free detergents, soaps, and household cleaners.
Select the proper load size for your washing machine.
Only run your clothes or dish washer when you have a full load.
Use the appropriate amount of detergent; more is not better.
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Pet Waste
Always pick up after your pet.
Avoid walking your pet near streams and other waterways. Instead, walk them in grassy areas, parks or undeveloped
Inform other pet owners of why picking up pet waste is important and encourage them to do so.
Take part in a storm drain marking program in your area to help make others aware of where pet waste and other runoff
goes when not disposed of properly.
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Septic Systems
Inspect your septic system annually.
Pump out your septic system regularly. (Pumping out every two to five years is recommended for a three-bedroom
house with a 1,000-gallon tank; smaller tanks should be pumped more often).
Do not use septic system additives. There is no scientific evidence that biological and chemical additives aid or
accelerate decomposition in septic tanks; some additives can in fact be detrimental to the septic system or contaminate
ground water.
Do not divert storm drains or basement pumps into septic systems.
Avoid or reduce the use of your garbage disposal. Garbage disposals contribute unnecessary solids to your septic
system and can also increase the frequency your tank needs to be pumped.
Don't use toilets as trash cans. Excess solids can clog your drainfield and necessitate more frequent pumping.
When installing a septic system, maintain a safe distance from drinking water sources to avoid potential contamination.
Avoid areas with high water tables and shallow impermeable layers.
Plant only grass in the drain field and avoid planting trees, bushes, or other plants with extensive root systems that
could damage the system's tank or pipes.
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Water Efficiency
Devices like low-flow showerheads can reduce the volume of wastewater discharged to home septic systems and sewage
treatment plants.
Choose WaterSense labeled products which are high performing, water efficient appliances.
Use low-flow faucets, shower heads, reduced-flow toilet flushing equipment, and water-saving appliances such as dishand clothes washers.
Repair leaking faucets, toilets and pumps.
Take short showers instead of baths and avoid letting faucets run unnecessarily.
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Energy Efficiency
Using less electricity at home can reduce emissions of nitrogen pollution from energy production.
Turn things off or unplug them when you're not using them.
Adjust the thermostat by a few degrees to be slightly warmer in the summer and cooler in the winter.
Replace old light bulbs with new energy efficient bulbs.
Use a power strip to turn on and off electronic devices.
Open shades to utilize daylight instead of turning on lights; on cool days this helps to keep rooms warmer.
In the summer, close shades when not in the room to keep rooms cooler and use less electricity.
Hang-dry clothes instead of using the dryer.
Find out if it is possible to switch to wind generated energy.
Check out EPA's Energy Star homepage for more tips on how to reduce your electricity use
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Washing Your Car
Use a commercial car wash; commercial car washes are required to properly dispose of wastewater and many filter and
recycle their water.
If washing your car at home consider the following actions:
o Wash your car on a pervious surface such as grass or gravel (not concrete or asphalt) so water is filtered
before reaching a water body.
o Use nontoxic, phosphate-free soaps.
o Use soap sparingly.
o Minimize runoff by reducing water use, using a spray nozzle to restrict water flow.
o Wring out sponges and rags over the bucket or in a sink, not the ground.
o Empty wash water into the sink or toilet, or the grass if you wish to dispose of it outside.
o Use waterless car wash products for spot-cleaning or a car wash kit, which redirects water from storm drains.
When conducting car wash fundraisers use a car wash kit; many cities will lend kits free of charge to groups conducting
car washes for fundraising, or you can buy car wash kits.
What You Can Do: In Your Yard
Quick tips
Use fertilizer responsibly.
Don't overwater gardens and yards.
Landscape with native plants.
Lawn care:
Apply fertilizers only when necessary and at the recommended amount.
Don't apply fertilizer before windy or rainy days.
Apply fertilizer as close as possible to the period of maximum uptake and growth for grass and other plants, which is
usually spring and fall in cool climate, and early and late summer in warm climates.
Avoid applying fertilizer close to waterways.
Do not overwater lawns and garden; use a soaker hose, a porous hose that releases water directly to the ground, which
can reduce overwatering that carries away fertilizers that would otherwise enrich lawns and gardens.
Fill fertilizer spreaders on a hard surface so that any spills can be easily cleaned up.
Properly store unused fertilizers and properly dispose of empty containers.
Maintain your lawn mowers, snow blowers, chain saws, leaf vacuums and similar outdoor power equipment to reduce
nitrogen oxide emissions.
Garden care:
Plant a rain garden of native plants, shrubs and trees that reduce the amount of fertilizer needed and provide a way for
water to soak into the ground.
Install a rain barrel to collect rainwater; the rainwater can later be used to wash your car or water your plants and lawn.
Adopt techniques that utilize natural processes to manage stormwater runoff and reduce the impact of impervious
surfaces on water quality.
Use pervious pavers for walkways and low traffic areas to allow water to soak into the ground.
Install a green roof on your home or business.
Incorporate best management practices, such as grassed swales, filter strips, or buffer strips on your property to control
and temporarily store stormwater runoff.
Use yard waste, which includes grass clippings and leaves, in mulch or compost for your garden. If this is not an
option, prepare all clippings and leaves for community composting, or in barrels or secured papers bags for disposal,
which keeps them from washing into streams.