September 20, 2015 From The Pastor`s Desk

Pope Francis will be making his first pastoral visit to the United States on September 22-27, 2015 visiting Washington
DC, New York, and Philadelphia. The information below provides an outline of his schedule and activities during that
time. Using this schedule, you are all encouraged to follow the events of this momentous visit, to watch TV coverage
when possible, to join Pope Francis in prayer, and to listen to his message to the American Church.
Let us together, in our parishes and in our homes, pray for the health and safety of Pope Francis during his travels and
for the success of his visit to our country.
Wednesday, September 23 in Washington, DC
9:15AM: Welcome ceremony at the White House
11:30AM: Midday prayers with the bishops of the United States at the Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle. Text
used from the Liturgy of the Hours will be from the current day, (Wednesday, Week 1), and will be predominantly in
English, with Introduction and Conclusion in Latin. The Holy Father will give his homily to the bishops following
the readings.
4:15PM: Mass of Canonization of Blessed Junipero Serra at the East Portico of the National Shrine of the Immaculate
Conception. This Mass formulary and readings will be those of a Votive Mass in honor of Blessed Junipero Serra.
The Collect is proper, (July 1), and the other prayers are drawn from the Common of Pastors: Missionaries.
The majority of the Mass will be celebrated in Spanish, with Pope Francis offering his homily in both Spanish and
English. One of the Scripture readings will be in a language close to that spoken by some Native American
communities evangelized by Blessed Junipero.
Thursday, September 24 in New York City
9:20AM: Address to Joint Session of the United States Congress
6:45PM: Evening Prayer with priests, men, and women religious at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick. The texts of vespers
will be those of the current day, (Thursday, Week 1), with a mixture of English, Spanish, and Latin. The Holy Father’s
homily will occur after the short reading. In lieu of the responsory, the Cathedral choir plans to sing “Laudate
Dominum” by Mozart.
Friday, September 25 in New York City
9:15AM: Address to the United Nations General Assembly
11:30AM: Interreligious Prayer Service at the National September 11 Memorial and Museum. This service , though
not strictly liturgical, will include the prayer of remembrance first used by Pope Benedict XVI in his 2008 visit to
Ground Zero. In addition, prayers for peace will be offered in multiple languages according to the Hindu, Buddhist,
Sikh, Christian, and Muslim traditions. The Kaddish (from the Jewish tradition) will be sung, as will a choral piece
by Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim.
4:00PM: Visit to Our Lady Queen of Angels School in East Harlem, New York
6:00PM: Mass for the Preservation of Peace and Justice at Madison Square Garden. The second option of the Collect
will be used, but neither the Gloria nor the Creed will be said. Musical selections will include both classical and
modern pieces in a variety of languages. The First Reading will be in Spanish, the Gospel in English. Eucharistic
Prayer II will be prayed in Latin.
Saturday, September 26 in Philadelphia
9:15AM: Meeting with the bishops at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary
10:30AM: Votive Mass of Our Lady, Mother of the Church at Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. The
readings will be in Spanish and English, an Eucharistic Prayer I in Latin will be used. The official song of the 2015
World Meeting of Families, “Sound the Bell of Holy Freedom,” will be sung as the recessional hymn.
11:00AM: Visit to the Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility.
Sunday, September 27 in Philadelphia
4:00PM: Concluding Mass of the World Meeting of Families at the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. Mass texts and
readings will be those of the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Gloria and Creed will be sung in Latin, The first
reading will be in Vietnamese, the second in Spanish, and the Gospel in English. Eucharistic Prayer II will be prayed
in Latin.