Sample Earth Day Press Release - Institute of Scrap Recycling

Sample Earth Day Press Release
Instructions: As an ISRI member, you have access to the sample press release below for use with Earth Day. You
are welcome to use as much of it or as little of it as you wish, and modify it in accordance with ISRI bylaws.
1. Copy and paste the text below onto your company’s letterhead or press release template, or insert your
company’s logo and name in the yellow highlighted header.
2. Replace highlighted yellow sections with information specific to your company.
3. Earth Day falls on April 22. It is recommended that you send the release to your local media 3-5 days in
advance with it embargoed until April 22 (meaning a reporter can’t publish a story about it until then,
but still gets advance notice so can write a story to appear the morning of). This is the default in the
sample release.
4. Make sure to delete any unused sections such as extra sample headlines, these instructions, etc.
5. Email or fax to your local reporters, post on your website, and/or link to it in your social media.
6. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact ISRI’s communication team at
(202) 662-8500.
April 22, 2015, 9:00 a.m.
CONTACT: Contact Name
Contact Phone Number
Sample Headline 1: Company Name Holds [Event Name] to Celebrate Earth Day
Sample Headline 2: Company Name Joins Recyclers Everywhere in Celebration of
Earth Day 2015
Sample Headline 3: Company Name Joins Recyclers Everywhere in Highlighting
the Importance of Recycling on Earth Day
(City, State) – In recognition of the 45th Earth Day today, [Company Name] is joining individuals and organizations
around the world in celebration of the earth and what can be done to preserve the planet. Earth Day, started in 1970,
takes place every April 22 in a worldwide effort to save and nurture the environment of which recycling plays a crucial
role. As part of the activities this year, [Company Name] will [Insert events, activities, etc. that company is taking part in
if any].
[QUOTE FROM COMPANY-SEE SAMPLE] “Earth Day brings together all of humanity to celebrate the planet that we all
share. Recycling is such a vital component in the health of both the environment and the world economy. We hope
generations to come continue to realize the importance of recycling to the preservation of the earth and its resources,”
said [Name of Company Leader], [Title] of [Company Name].
[INSERT COMPANY DESCRIPTION – in addition, include any local economic or company related information on scrap
recycling (i.e. how much you company processes each year, number of employees, etc.]
Each year the scrap recycling industry recycled roughly 130 million metric tons of materials, thereby transforming
society’s outdated and obsolete products and materials into useful raw materials needed to produce new products. In
doing so, the scrap recycling industry has made great savings in both energy and natural resources and thus has had an
extremely positive impact on our environment. Further, by purchasing products at the end of their life and processing
them back into raw materials used in the manufacture of new products, scrap recycling reduces the need for virgin
materials, such as iron ore, trees, and other natural resources. Recycling reduces energy consumption and the emission
of greenhouse gases that contribute to global climate change, while helping to maintain a steady supply of raw materials
for the U.S. and global economies.
“Each year Earth Day provides us with an important reminder not only of the need to do our part to protect the earth,
but also the positive impact the recycling industry has on the environment and energy savings,” said Robin Wiener,
president of the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI). “Together with our members, ISRI serves as an
environmental steward to not only promote recycling at all levels, but also educate future generations on the
importance of recycling, encourage manufacturers to design products with recycling and earth conservation in mind.”
A few examples of how recycling helps preserve the environment include:
There is up to 87 percent reduction in energy consumption when producing recycled plastic compared to
producing plastic from virgin materials.
Recycling one ton of paper saves 3.3 cubic yards of land fill.
Recycling 5 PET bottles produces enough fiber for one t-shirt.
On average, the United States processes enough ferrous scrap daily, by weight, to build 25 Eiffel Towers every
day of the year.
[Company Name] is a member of ISRI, the Voice of the Recycling Industry™. ISRI represents more than 1,600
manufacturers and processors, brokers and industrial consumers of scrap commodities, including ferrous and
nonferrous metals, paper, electronics, rubber, plastics, glass and textiles.