1. Call 2012 Recycling - Road construction in a post-fossil

CEDR Call 2012: Recycling - "Road
construction in a post-fossil fuel society"
EU land transport policy recognises the importance of road transport through its stated aim of promoting “sustainable
mobility that is efficient, safe and with reduced negative effects on the environment”. Large investments in road
infrastructure are being planned and performed across Europe each year, and these play an important role for economic
growth and improved welfare on one hand, and use high amounts of construction products on the other. These products are
partly based on fossil resources (e.g. asphalt) which become increasingly scarce and expensive as the demand for petroleum
products increases considerably.
This research programme aims to develop new concepts for road construction especially for pavements in the context of the
finite nature of fossil fuels and other resources. Recycling and a minimised use of resources is therefore inevitable and of
increasing importance. This research call focuses on the following issues:
A) Development of strategies for how to deal with finite resources or unaffordable high prices for road construction
materials. Creation of technological replacement solutions for currently used resources;
B) Investigate recycling and multiple recycling of construction materials, e.g. asphalt;
C) Availability of the road network in a post-fossil fuel society;
This programme of research was funded by Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands and Norway. Eleven proposals
were received and, following evaluation by the Programme Executive Board (PEB), three projects selected for inclusion.
CoRePaSoL: Characterisation of Advanced Cold-Recycled Bitumen Stabilised Pavement Solutions
AllBack2Pave: Toward a sustainable 100% recycling of reclaimed asphalt in road pavements
EARN: Effects on Availability of Road Network