Community Cohesion

St Jude’s C of E Academy
Promoting Community Cohesion at St Jude’s C of E
We aim that all our pupil’s will:
Understand others and value diversity
Fulfil their potential and succeed at the highest level possible, with no
barriers to access and participation.
Have real and positive relationships with people from different
backgrounds, and feel part of a community.
The Every Child Matters outcomes are integral to our policy and practice
Our duty to promote community cohesion, wellbeing and safeguarding
responsibilities ensure that our pupils:Stay safe, are healthy, achieve and enjoy, make a positive contribution and
achieve economic wellbeing.
Our motto ‘Children are the Rainbow of our World’ promotes the academic
and personal, social and emotional development of all our pupils regardless of
their ability or background.
We aim to prepare all our pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and
experiences of their futures.
Our Community
Our school is a thriving cohesive community that takes account of Local,
National and Global factors.
At St Jude’s C of E Academy, community cohesion is about working towards
a society which:
 There is a common vision and sense of belonging by all communities
 The diversity of people’s backgrounds and circumstances is
appreciated and valued
 Similar life opportunities are available to all
Evidence of impact to promote community cohesion
RAINBOW motto- ownership of pupils and use in classroom
Pupils survey-positive responses regarding five outcomes
Traffic Light-positive behaviour system-promotes respect for school
Anti-bullying policy-raised awareness of concern for each other.
Differences and similarities are celebrated-curriculum overviews.
Home Liaison -case studies and positive responses.
Pastoral Manager promotes positive links with community
Provision for EAL pupils
Induction procedures
Successful Race Equalities Policy-procedures for recording and
monitoring incidents.
Links with schools within the community and wider.
Geography studies of places- UK, European and World.
Use of the local area in geography and history topics
Strong links with local secondary school ‘Kings’ and other Primary
schools in the city
Hosting community events- Family clubs(Boxing, discos, carnival, open
mornings, coffee mornings
Outside agencies working within school
Black history month and religious and cultural festivals-Spiritual,
moral, social and cultural overview.
Charity collections for causes outside school community.
Monitoring actions to promote community cohesion are part of the rigorous
cycle of self evaluation. Overall effectiveness and future are actions are
This policy was agreed by the Governing Body
To be reviewed July 2015