August 2015 - Machrihanish seabird & Wildlife Observatory

Machrihanish Seabird Observatory
August Report 2015
Compiled by Eddie Maguire (warden)
Unless stated photos by the warden
Summary of the month...
This summer there has been some very conspicuous changes to the local status of
European Shags, Common Eiders and Common Swifts.
There was no large post-breeding influx of juvenile Shags to SW Kintyre this year.
Only very small numbers have been seen, although normally, 100’s would appear in
late July-early August. The warden on Sanda (off SE Kintyre) has reported that the
Shag colony on the SE side of the island was totally deserted this year: he attributes
this to an incursion of American Mink. Breeding numbers on Sanda peaked at c.
800 pairs during 2005-2006 but the colony had plummeted to 354 pairs by 2010 (Rab
Morton pers. comm.) Ringing of nestling Shags on Sanda over many years has
revealed that a high percentage of juveniles disperse north from the island and many
have been recovered on both E and W coasts of Kintyre. Over the years, the most
impressive post-breeding assembly of mainly juvs off MSBO was 500 on 15th-19th
July 2007.
Common Eiders...
Enough has been lamented by MSBO this season about the Common Eider
population crash followed by a truly insignificant breeding attempt around
Machrihanish. Now adult birds are extremely scarce off MSBO / Machrihanish Bay
with a top count this month of only 12 birds including 3 eclipse drakes.
Swiftless in Campbeltown...
After a slightly later spring arrival than usual, Swifts soon abandoned all attempts at
breeding in Campbeltown. No ‘cheery screams’ were heard over the town this
summer and during August, routine early evening assemblies over Burnside Square
were sorely missed. Is this the consequence of a lack of flying insects during the very
cold/wet early and late spring? This seems the most likely explanation. This amusing
quote by Derek Goode sums it up admirably...
‘The Burnside Square was wide-skied and Swiftless’
On a brighter note...,
The Strath Farm east pool near Stewarton (The Laggan) continued to be a
significant attraction for a selection of migrant waders. The celebrity bird this month
was a Wood Sandpiper. This first-class shallow wet grassland habitat also
attracted many Dunlins along with numerous Ruffs and Black-tailed Godwits.
Disappointment kicked in when the south half of the pool gradually dried up and by
18th all that remained there was mud: then, 7+ hours of continuous rain on 19th
reinstated much of this temporary locale to a classic marsh-like habitat.
Unfortunately, very heavy rain 26th-27th and again on 29th totally flooded the pool and
the main wader attraction, muddy margins, totally disappeared!
A small flock of up to 7 Shovelers were regular on the smaller, deeper, west pool.
This is a significant mainland Argyll occurrence.
Off MSBO, the horizon was mainly birdless. However, many days of inshore wader
passage and several light inshore movements of Black-legged Kittiwakes kept
interest afloat.
MSBO Photo of the Month
By Guest Photographer Neil Black (Arbroath birder)
Wood Sandpiper: a cracking flight shot by Neil at Strath Farm east pool nr Stewarton / The Laggan
This a very scarce / mainly autumn passage visitor to Argyll
Selected Species List
Whooper Swan
The first 4 (adults) of the autumn >S on 27th.
Greylag Goose
Gigha: flock c. 80 at the south end on 7th (Iomhar McMillan).
Strath Farm east pool: 17 on 9th. 5 on 11th. Flock c. 70 on 15th. 10 on 19th. 76 on
22nd. 9 on 23rd. 42 on 24th. 62 on 28th. 51 on 31st.
It would appear that the Gigha flock possibly moved S to The Laggan.
Flock 29 on 3rd. Flock 37 on 13th.
Strath Farm west pool: peak count was flock 40+ on 3rd.
Strath Farm east pool: peak count was flock 8 on 5th.
Strath Farm west pool: a small flock of female-types was seen almost daily to 26th.
Best counts included 7 on 3rd and 6 on 14th.
These are significant mainland Argyll occurrences.
Strath Farm east pool: 2 on 4th. A single bird was present 5th - 7th and again 24th 28th.
Common Scoter
Three drakes >S on 27th (the only record this month).
Common Eider
Peak counts this month included 9 (2 eclipse drakes) on 6th and 5 (2 eclipse drakes)
on 23rd followed by 12 (3 eclipse drakes) on 31st.
Red-throated Diver
Southerly passage movements included: one on 1st. One on 6th. One on 23rd.
Five on 27th included 2 >S. 3 >S on 30th.
Hen Harrier
Strath Farm east pool: an adult male >E close by on 16th.
Strath Farm east pool: a juv on 17th.
A juv handed in to MSBO had been found dead on 20th on a track by High Muasdale
Farm (Willie Watson pers. comm.).
Small numbers on passage most dates: the best movements >S included 330 / 4hrs
on 13th. This passage involved 12 flocks / largest 80+. Total 140 >S on 26th.
Flock 10 >S on 18th.
Ringed Plover
Southerly passage movements included: 30 on 1st: 45 on 3rd: 60 on 4th. 38 on 7th.
80 on 9th. Only small numbers on passage later.
Red Knot
Southerly passage movements included: two >S on 4th. 12 on 7th. 12 on 9th. 3 on
12th. 6 on 14th. 18 on 15th. One on 17th. 4 on 18th. Flock c. 40 on 19th. One on 23rd
- 24th. 3 on 25th. 40 on 26th. One on 27th. 40 on 28th. C. 80 on 29th.
Total logged >S at MSBO during August was 283.
Red Knots on passage MSBO 29th
Red Knot off-passage 29th
Southerly passage movements included: 12 on 1st. Flock 20+ on 2nd. Two
totalling 38 on 3rd. Many flocks totalling 140 am on 4th. 40 on 5th. 10 on 7th.
flocks totalling c. 180 on 9th. 40 on 12th. 70 on 13th. 30 on 27th. 80 on 28th.
29th. 10 on 31st.
Total logged >S at MSBO during August was 730.
Strath Farm east pool: 9 on 3rd. 13 on 5th. 2 on 6th. 22 on 10th. 14 on 11th.
12th. 50 on 15th.
60 on
13 on
Southerly passage movements included: 18 on 3 rd. 25 on 4th. One on 8th. 16 on
9th. 12 on 21st. 20 on 27th. 22 on 29th.
A poor August showing.
Common Sandpiper
Three >S together on 2nd. Total of 8 on the shore and 5 >S on 3rd. Ones and twos
daily to 8th. 5 on 9th. 12 singles >S on 12th. 10 >N on 13th. 12 >S on 15th including
4 together. 6 on 17th. 4 on 18th. Singles >S 19th and 21st. 2 on 22nd. 5 on 23rd.
Total of 22 >S on 24th including a flock of 5. Total of 8 on the shore on 25th. 4 on
27th. 6 on 28th. 3 on 29th. one on 31st.
Green Sandpiper
One >S 30m above MSBO at c. 10:00 on 25th (Eddie Maguire / Iomhar McMillan).
One >S on 26th.
Wood Sandpiper
Strath Farm east pool: One on 6th (Eddie Maguire / Neil Black).
A very scarce / mainly autumn passage visitor.
Southerly passage movements included: 30 on 9th. 10 on 17th. Flock c. 70 on 19th.
20 on 27th. 35 on 28th. 45 on 29th.
Common Snipe
The only record during the month was 2 at Strath Farm east pool on 16 th.
Black-tailed Godwit
One on 27th.
Strath Farm east pool: one on 9th. 5 on 10th. 3 on 11th. 2 on 12th - 13th. One 14th 16th. 9 on 17th. 10 on 20th. 14 on 21st.
Common Snipe: Strath Farm east pool 17th
Black-tailed Godwit: Strath Farm east pool 16th
Black-tailed Godwit: MSBO 27th
Wood Sandpiper: Strath Farm east pool 6th
Ruff: Strath Farm east pool 17th
Bar-tailed Godwit
Four >S on 28th was the sole record.
Strath Farm east pool: 12 on 5th. 3 on 11th. One on 12th - 13th. 2 on 14th - 16th. 6 on
Ruddy Turnstone
Flock 5 >S on 4th. 8 on 7th. 2 on 9th. One >S on 19th. One on 24th. 6 on 27th. 12
on 28th. 12 on 29th.
Arctic Skua
A pale adult >S on 9th. 2 dark adults and a pale adult >S on 10th.
Herring Gull
Campbeltown: 2 large chicks were ‘piping’ for food by a chimney stack above the
veterinary surgery, Longrow South on many dates from 3rd. At least 2 chicks were
‘piping’ all month at Killean Place (High St).
Strath Farm east pool: 3000+ on 28th including a leucistic adult-type (seen earlier
here in spring).
Black-headed Gull
Strath Farm east pool: 82 on 28th.
Great Black-backed Gull
Strath Farm east pool: 40 on 28th.
Common Gull
Strath Farm east pool: 210 on 28th.
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Strath Farm east pool: 61 on 28th. 26 of these were juvs.
Black-legged Kittiwake
The first juv of the year >S on 15th. A total of 464 >S / 5hrs on 16th. Of these, 328
(70%) were juvs. A further 11 birds (not included in the analysis) were first-summer
A light southerly movement on 27th revealed that only 56 / 216 (26%) were juvs. No
first-summer birds were noted.
Black-legged Kittiwake (juv) >S off MSBO
Sandwich Tern
Two adults on 1st. An adult on 2nd. Two adults and a juv. >S on 5th. An adult and a
juv >S on 7th. Two adults and 2 juvs >S on 9th. An adult and a juvenile >N on 13th.
An adult on 14th. A juv on 19th. Two adults >S on 21st. Two in non-breeding
plumage >S on 24th. 5 on 27th – 29th including a juv.
Wood Pigeon
One flew in off the sea on 16th – a very rare sighting at MSBO.
A flock of 12 >S over Strath Farm on 20th was also a surprise.
One was seen well at Saddell Water on 4th (Mike / Linda Peacock et al).
A rare bird locally - and in Argyll.
White Wagtail
The first juveniles (4) arrived on 13th. Total of 8 on the shore on 27th.
Small numbers regularly noted.
Campbeltown: many folk have reported one / occasionally two birds between the
Grammar School and Kintyre Gardens (Callum McLean et al pers. comm.).
This is only a few hundred metres from last year’s known failed breeding site.
Flock 400+ all month.
Flock 700+ ranging over The Laggan all month.
Arrivals at MSBO feeding station included 6 on 19th, 14 on 20th, 19 on 21st, 25 on
24th, 38+ on 28th.
A total of 41 were trapped and ringed.
Resightings at MSBO
L586106: (juv). Colour ring = green: code = 17D.
Ringed MSBO 29th September 2014.
Reappeared 1st / 2nd August 2015.