Eastwood Heights Swimming Pool

Kaitlyn Urenda
“The Pool”
Home to over 100 families in El Paso.
 One of six remaining city neighborhood
 Operated by governing board members.
Mission & Values
To create a safe and secure second
home for children and families around
the neighborhood
 For the kids by the kids
Meet the Board
Jesus Bocanegra, President
 Genevieve Urenda, Vice President
 Irma Rojas, Treasuer
 Cindy Nieto, Secretary
 Eddie Rojas, Pool Manager
 Jimmy Nieto, Delia Martinez, Jesus
Urenda, Advisory Board Members
Communication Problem
Lack of communication among the
 Lack of communication from the board
to the members
 Conflicts of interest among the board
 Undistinguished supervisors for
 Job duties not specified
How is that a problem?
Lack of communication among the
board can lead to the deterioration of the
foundation of the pool.
 Lack of communication to the members
can lead to the decrease in members,
meaning a loss of profit
A communication bulletin board for
members to be informed and involved
 Open house for members to meet the
board and employees
 Annual letters sent to members with
application letters and updates
Solutions Continued
Reduce conflicts of interest among the
 Spouses not able to be on board
 Children not permitted to work for pool
 Designate supervisors for employees
 Establish employee relations
 Specify job duties for employees