AP Spanish Syllabus

Sra. Ferryman
Student Expectations for AP Spanish Language
Students are expected to:
 Express themselves in Spanish throughout the class
 Read and write extensively
 Read various authentic texts and demonstrate comprehension through oral and
written evaluation
 Become proficient in the four language skills: listening comprehension, speaking,
reading, and writing
 Become more familiar with the Spanish-speaking countries with respect to culture
and language
 Become proficient in using the language to deal with daily situations
Weekly Course Goals for AP Spanish Language
Students will participate in the following activities every week:
 Writing compositions of 250 words or more based on written and aural
documents with a high degree of structural accuracy
 Completing simulated every-day conversations in Spanish based on the AP
Spanish Language Exam as well as giving formal 2-minute presentations based
on a cultural comparison
 Performing in-class listening comprehension exercises and combined
listening/reading exercises
 Reading selected samples of authentic texts to serve as vehicles for language
study and expansion
 Performing an in-depth study of grammar and syntax
 Discussing literary and cultural topics, current events, and personal experiences
 Reviewing and broadening vocabulary related to the six course themes for AP
Spanish Language (Global Challenges; Science and Technology; Contemporary
Life; Personal and Public Identities; Families and Communities; Beauty and
Overview of AP Spanish Language Exam
*Section 1: Multiple Choice
Total # of questions and % weight of final score: 65 questions and 50%
Total Time: Approximately 95 minutes
*Part A: Interpretive Communication: Print Texts
Total # of questions: 30
Time: Approximately 40 minutes
*Part B: Interpretive Communication: Print and Audio Texts (combined)
and Interpretive Communication: Audio Texts
Total # of questions: 35
Time: Approximately 55 minutes
*Section 2: Free Response (four sections)
Weight of final score: 50%
Total Time: Approximately 85 minutes
1. Interpersonal Writing: Email Reply (1 prompt; 15 minutes, 12.5% of score)
2. Presentational Writing: Persuasive Essay (1 prompt, at least 200 words, 55 minutes,
12.5% of score)
3. Interpersonal Speaking (Conversation) (5-6 response prompts, 20 seconds to
respond to each, 12.5% of score)
4. Presentational Speaking: Cultural Comparison (1 prompt, 2 minutes to respond,
12.5% of score)
AP Spanish Language Program of Study
On Mondays, several assigned textbook translations and exercises are due at the
beginning of the period. This work is assigned a week in advance. During class, the
assignment, including readings, vocabulary, translations, and grammar exercises, is
discussed, reviewed, and analyzed. Small group discussions will also occur.
On Tuesdays, a reading assignment will be done in class. The reading may come from
the textbook, workbook, or another source. Bring your blue Amscos to leave in the
classroom. The previous week’s reading will be discussed. Also, workbook activities
corresponding to the week’s textbook assignments will be due and discussed in class.
Semester 1: A composition will be due at the beginning of the period. Compositions are
graded using rubric guidelines for the AP Exam. Compositions will be assigned a week
in advance. 250 words is the minimum desired length-yours will likely be much longer.
Compositions should be typed and double-spaced. Put your total word count at the top of
the page. Review of the textbook and workbook material will continue in preparation for
the test on Thursday. Practice activities of various types will be completed. Note: We
may start writing in class before second semester.
Semester 2: An in-class composition will be written. Review of the textbook and
workbook material will continue in preparation for the test on Thursday if needed.
On Thursdays, class will begin with a test on the week’s assigned textbook material. The
focus will be on grammar and vocabulary. After the test, listening practice activities will
be completed. If time permits, additional practice activities of various types will be
Every other Friday, weekly journal entries are due at the beginning of class (dated from
Friday to Thursday). You will submit 14 days at a time this year instead of seven. Use a
separate composition notebook. Journal entries should be made every day and should be
a minimum of eight full lines in length. Journal entries will serve as “bell work” each
day. One weekly entry should be a summary and response to a Spanish language printed
news/current events article (citation should be listed for source) and one should be a
summary and response to a broadcast in Spanish found on the radio or Internet (citation
should be listed for source). For the remainder of the week, journal entries will be on
topics of your own choice, including your activities, plans, thoughts, etc. Be creative and
make it interesting. Don’t be repetitive; no credit will be given for repetitive or copied
journal entries. The focus of Friday’s class is speaking, including oral exercises, formal
presentation practice, conversation, and question and answer practice. Presentations will
be assigned some weeks. Speaking skills are graded using the rubric guidelines for the
AP Exam.
Grading System
Grading will be on a total point system. Listed below are the usual point values assigned;
the point values are subject to change at my discretion. Grades may be combined into
weekly or unit grades.
Textbook assignments (per week): 50 points
Workbook exercises (per week): 25 points
Reading assignments: 50 points
Compositions: 100 points
Tests: 100 points
Journal (per week): 25 points
Oral Activities/Speaking Skills: 100 points
Quizzes (if assigned/given): 50 points
Listening Activities: 25 to 50 points
Class Assignments
*Assignments are due at the first of the period in its entirety. Homework should be
finished before coming to class. Completing homework in the classroom before the bell
is not allowed, and late work will not be accepted.
*Academic honesty is expected on all assignments. Translation services are strictly
prohibited. Working together on independent assignments such as translations, readings,
etc. outside of class is absolutely unacceptable and will be considered to be academic
dishonesty. Both parties involved in copying assignments will receive a zero, an honors
infraction with all included consequences, and a parental phone call.
Make-up Policy
*It is the student’s responsibility to get his/her makeup work after an absence.
After an EXCUSED absence, the following guidelines apply:
*If a student misses a test or a quiz, he or she has 3 days to make up the test or quiz,
including the first day he or she returns to school. I reserve the right to make make-up
tests or quizzes different than the original test or quiz.
*Make-up tests or quizzes may not be taken during the student’s class time. Students
must schedule a make-up with me.
*Since class assignments are given well in advance, the missed assignment must be
turned in the day the student returns to school. Make-up work should be shown or given
to me at a convenient time.
*If a student is absent on Friday when journals are due, the journal is due the day he or
she returns to school. If a student is absent on Friday due to school-sponsored absence,
the journal should be turned in Thursday. Students are welcome to turn journals in
Thursday if they wish to have them returned on Friday to work in them over the
*If class participation points were taken on the day of an excused absence, the points will
neither count for nor against the student. ALL graded listening and reading
comprehension or speaking/writing activities MUST be made up.
After an UNEXCUSED absence, the following guidelines apply:
*A student may not turn in an assignment due on the day of the absence. If an
assignment is given on the day of the unexcused absence, the student may turn it in if
he/she returns to school on the due date; however, the student is responsible for finding
out and completing the assignment by class time. Come by before school or check with a
*No tests or quizzes may be made up that were given, and no projects/presentations that
were due may be turned in. No credit will be given for journal entries for the day.
*If class participation points (i.e., listening) were taken, the student will receive a zero.
*AP students may be required to purchase an additional test preparation workbook during
the course of the school year. The cost of the workbook and the due date for the money
will be discussed in class.
*Supplies: The following items will be needed: three-ring binder, college-ruled paper
(preferred), manila folder, pen/pencil, red pencil/pen (not for use on HW/tests),
composition notebook, book/workbook/journal/dictionary daily, and designated supply
for each class period. No spiral paper will be accepted.
*All AP students are required to take the National Spanish Exam in the spring. The cost
is typically around $5.
*This class requires a lot of dedication and personal responsibility on behalf of the
student. It is essential that students write down and keep track of all class assignments,
essay topics, and so forth. Being disorganized will not be to the student’s advantage.
Students should plan to spend a significant amount of time outside of class completing
course work.
*Please sign and complete the acknowledgement statement and return it to me.