Spanish for Spanish Speakers I Course Syllabus: Rules

M/J Spanish Beginning, MJ Spanish Intermediate/Advanced, Spanish 1 for Non-Speakers, & Spanish 2
for Non-speakers
Course Syllabus: Rules, Expectations, Obligations
Instructor: T. Chavarría
11100 NW 27th street
Miami, FL 33172
Phone: 305.597.9950 (Office)
Welcome to another wonderful school year! The following are rules and guidelines that the parent and the student agree to by
signing, dating, and returning to the instructor. If parents have any questions and wish to contact the instructor, please do so by
either calling the school and leaving a message (parent’s name, student’s name, telephone number), or an e-mail can be written to
the e-mail address shown above. Please note that if the parent chooses to contact the instructor via e-mail, the subject line should
have the student’s name.
Students will develop the skills needed to communicate in Spanish. Reading, writing, comprehension, and oral skills will developed
throughout the course. An immersion approach will be taken where practice of the language is required on a daily basis.
Classroom Rules and Expectations:
1. Always be prepared for class.
2. Be on time to class; otherwise, it is a TARDY**.
3. Respect classmates and teacher alike.
4. When asking a question and/or making a comment, a student must raise his/her hand and be recognized before doing
5. Class participation is a MUST.
6. All assignments must be turned in on the due date.
7. No gum, food, or beverages allowed in the classroom.
8. The bathroom will be used before and after class time.
9. Students must use appropriate language and have appropriate conversations.
10. Every student must be properly attired in accordance with school policies.
**Note: Tardies to class may result in detentions as per school rules.
Consequences for NOT meeting Rules and Expectations:
- verbal warning
- teacher/student conference
- detention and a call home to parents
- counselor/parent/teacher conference
- referral, Administrative disciplinary action
*Note: Certain situations may cause order of disciplinary plan to be bypassed, according to the gravity of action taken by the
Medical conditions
If the student has a medical condition or needs to take medication, parents must inform the school with all of the necessary
information. A student will not receive be able to take any medication unless the parent has informed the school beforehand.
Materials: * will be used on a daily basis
1. Spanish/English dictionary *
2. 2 different colored pens: Blue or Black ONLY for writing*
3. paper, paper, and more paper *
4. Crayons or Color pencils
5. 3 Ring, 1 inch Binder
Class fee:
- A $10 fee per student is asked in order to provide other materials used in the
classroom such as videos, crafts, materials, and resources as called for by the
textbooks and the curriculum. ONLINE payments are the only acceptable form of payment.
Remember that learning a new language involves much work outside of the classroom and it is up to the student to keep up with it.
Homework will be checked on the due date and will be graded at least twice a week. It is the student’s duty to study at home every
day for the subject.
There will be at least one exam for every lesson as well as vocabulary tests, oral tests, quizzes, and pop quizzes. Other types of
evaluation will be announced and explained.
Cheating of any form will not be tolerated! Cheating will result in an ‘F’ on a given assignment/exam, F in conduct for the current 9
weeks, a call to parents, and a detention.
Make-up work policy:
Students are responsible for making up class work and homework when absent from class. The work will be accepted only if it was
an EXCUSED absence; otherwise, it will count as a zero for that day. Parents, please note, each time a student is absent and has a
make-up assignment, the work will be ready for the student on the next class meeting time.
Every student is required to have an email address and have access to that email address.
Electronic devices:
Recordings will be part of the curriculum and can be done using a cellular phone from home. In class, there will be no use of any
electronic device unless instructed by the teacher. Use of electronic devices in the classroom without permission are subject to be
confiscated and turned in to the office for a 24-hour holding period where ONLY the parent is allowed to pick it up.
Grading Scale:
Grades will be based on exams, projects, quizzes, participation, notebook checks, class work, and homework. Everything assigned
Academic Grading Scale
90% 100% A 4.00-3.51
80% 89%
B 2.51-3.50
70% 79%
C 1.51-2.50
60% 69%
D 1.00-1.50
0% 59%
F 0.00-0.99
Grading Breakdown
30% Test/Essays
22% Quizzes/Oral Skits
20% Projects
18% Class work/ Homework
10% Participation
As the parent, I have read and understand what is expected of my child in the course. I pledge to do my best
to help my child fulfill class responsibilities. I also understand the consequences for not following these
guidelines set by the teacher.
By submitting the contact information on the school’s website under Ms. Tatiana Chavarria’s class, you are
giving the understanding that you have read and acknowledge the class rules as set forth by the teacher. It
will take place of your printed signature on this form.