Everything you need to know about First Grade….

Everything you need to know about First Grade….
Welcome to First Grade! I am excited about having your child in my
class. I am looking forward to working with you and your child this year.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. Please read the
following information to make this year a success.
Handbook: Please read the Loxley Elementary School Handbook
carefully. This handbook will answer many questions that may
arise throughout the school year. Please complete the acknowledgement
form in the back of the handbook and return it to me as soon as
Breakfast: This money should be paid first thing every Monday
morning. Breakfast is served from 7:15-7:45. Car riders need to be at
school by 7:30 to eat breakfast. Class begins at 7:50. Please make sure
your child is at school in time to eat and get to class by 7:50.
Regular Breakfast
Reduced Breakfast
$1.50 per day
$.30 per day
$7.50 for the week
$1.50 for the week
Lunch: I will collect lunch money in the classroom. You will receive a
lunch menu each month from the cafeteria. Please send correct cash or a
check made to Loxley Elementary School. No change will be given. All
money will be placed in your child’s account.
Do not send lunch and snack money together. I cannot separate the
money. Your child will be assigned a lunch number. They will need this
number everyday for breakfast and lunch. If you are sending a check,
please put your child’s lunch number on your check. Please send lunch
money in an envelope with your child’s name, my name and lunch
Regular Lunch
Reduced Lunch
$2.25 per day
$.40 per day
$12.50 per week
$2.00 per week
Snack: Send snack money in a separate envelope. It is important that
snack money is in an envelope everyday. It is very confusing and
time consuming when money is placed in the snack bucket with no
labeled envelope. Please label the envelope with your child’s name
and what your child would like to purchase. Drinks and snacks are
.50 each. Also, please send snack money daily. I cannot be responsible
for keeping money in my room if sent for the week.
If you child is tardy, make sure he/she brings a snack. Snack cannot be
purchased after the snack basket has been turned into the office.
Remember candy is not a snack. You may send a nutritious snack from
home. Please send a snack that your child can eat in 10 minutes. No
sodas or glass containers.
Absences: Good attendance is very important. If your child is absent
you must send a written note explaining the absences or doctor’s
excuse. If I do not receive a written excuse within three days, I am
required to mark the absence as unexcused. Students should not exceed
9 absences during the school year. A written note will excuse these
absences within the 3-day period. After 9 absences I will have to have a
doctor’s excuse. A parent conference will be required after two
unexcused absences. If your child misses more than ½ day it will be
counted as an absence.
Dismissal: If you change the way your child goes home, I must receive a
written note that morning. If I do not receive a note, I am required to
send your child home the way he/she normally goes home. I must have
a note. Your child cannot tell me he/she is going home a different way.
Your child’s safety is important to me.
Communication/Conduct: Your child’s agenda will come home every
day in their binder. Please check and sign your child’s agenda daily. It is
very important that you see your child’s conduct grade. Your child’s
conduct directly impacts his/her learning. We are working towards
developing behaviors and work-study habits that are conducive to
learning. Rules are necessary for making our classroom a safe and
productive place. Lost or stolen agendas can be replaced in the office.
Photography/School Web site: If you do not want your child pictured
in a newspaper or on the school web site you must send a note stating
this request.
Uniforms: Students may not wear jeans. However, they are able to
wear a Loxley t-shirt any day!! Yeah!!! Also, students must wear
closed toed shoes each day. Please read the Baldwin County
uniform policy if you have any questions about what your child can
Discipline: Each day your child will receive a letter grade in the agenda
that indicates his/her behavior. A detailed letter will be sent home
explaining my discipline policy at a later date.
G- Great
S- Satisfactory
N- Needs Improvement
U- Unsatisfactory
Homework: Your child will also have a homework section in their
binder. Please check this binder for assignments, unfinished work, study
guides, etc. Your child will receive a weekly newsletter that will contain
weekly concepts, spelling words and homework assignments. Your child
should only spend 15-20 minutes on homework each night. He/She will
write spelling words each night and have a short reading assignment.
Grading: There are four grading periods during our school year. Report
cards are sent home for each of these grading periods. Daily work will
be sent home in the binder. Please keep daily work at home. Graded
papers will be sent home weekly in a folder. Please keep papers at
home, sign folder and return to school. We give letter grades with a
numerical base for reading, spelling, math, social studies, and science.
A= 100-90 B= 89-80 C=70-70 D=69-60
F= 59 and below
A and B reflect work that is above average for the grade level. C reflects
work that is average for the grade level. D is work that is below average,
and F reflects failure to achieve mastery of skills on grade level.
Handwriting, art, music, physical education and conduct are graded
with G, S, N or U.
Parent/Teacher Relationships: I encourage you to send me a note
when you have questions or concerns. I will be available for conferences
before and after school regarding your child. I can also meet with you
by appointment during school hours. My goal is for your child to have a
wonderful experience in my classroom.
The first few weeks of school are very important. During this
time we will be developing our classroom routines and procedures.
You will be amazed with what this year holds for your child. I
encourage you to help at home by reading to and with your child
daily. Research shows this makes all the difference in the world. It
is important to look at the binder each night. The binder will
contain important notes, daily work, homework and daily
behavior. This will help keep them organized and you informed. I
would also like to suggest that you keep this letter for future
reference during the school year. If you have any questions please
let me know. We are going to have a great year.