Personal Introduction Document in Word

Document in
H. Hammoud
CEP 810: Teaching for
Understanding with Computers
Just looking at my life
currently, I never thought
I would be a teacher. As
a child, I dreamt of being
an astronaut or a fashion
designer. However, today
after many years of
teaching and still
continuing to do so, I’m
enjoying what I thought
I’ll never do. I consider
myself lucky for having a
chance to impact
student’s lives for the
better. Statistics have
proved that most that
have attempted this job
have quitted in their
earlier years. This only
comes to indicate how
truly challenging this
profession is, and that
not everyone can become
a teacher. I believe that
being a teacher is not
only the most challenging
careers but the most
rewarding and fulfilling.
On a personal level,
being a teacher has its
perks. The school
calendar, gave me a
chance to be around my
family more often than
any other job would have
provided. It included,
having similar vacations
such as winter break and
summer holiday. Not
only did I have an
opportunity to spend
these vacations with my
family, but it as well
helped me develop as a
better teacher
development by
providing me with time
to attend courses and
The only person who
is educated is the one
who has learned how
to learn and change."
~Carl Rogers
I believe to learn is to,
change and to accept
change within yourself
and to adapt to the
change around . To learn
to teach in different ways
than those which we are
used to is the big
challenge. Not only we
teachers need to learn
how to better teachers
but to acquire and
practice the skills that
enable us to achieve this.
And most importantly, to
continuously assess the
learning process and
reflect on their
improvement The
traditional methods of
teaching that most of us
grew up with are fading.
Teacher’s role in today’s
digital world has changed
drastically. Teachers are
no longer the prime
source of knowledge and
information. Anyone with
access to the Internet can
have access to all what
they need to know and
learn. Therefore teachers
should be lifelong
learners and be able to
be ole model in the lives
oft heir students and to
be able provide insight
and to guide their
I have always loved
integrating technology in
my teaching, was not
always welcome or
provided with the
necessary help to do that.
I remember few years
ago the management nct
of the school I worked at
was impressed by my
technology integration
plans and ideas.
I can say that things that I
have self- taught myself
are much more than the
things that I have learned
as a child at school. I
never felt that I know
enough about any
subject. I’m in constant
search for new
technologies, resources
and ideas to learn first
then tto teach and and
put them into practice in
my classroom. I like to
have my students fully
engaged in my class by
I am always eager try
new things in my life. I
seek opportunities to try
new things and believe
that one should try
anything before they
decide whether they like
or not. I think one learn.
One thing that I yet to try
and dreamt about doing
ever since that I can
remember is do the Bull
Run in Spain. This
exicting thrilling run
I see myself as a person
with a passion for trying
new things. A person
who always
"One must learn by doing
the thing; for though you
think you know it, you
have no certainty, until
you try." – Sophocles