There are now over 260 titles published in the Middle East available

What’s new in ProQuest Central?
Middle East
Content added in the last 12 months. Updated May 2015.
New Local Content
The current full text of schoalrly journals from 13 publishers from the region have been
added in the last 12 months, including Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research,
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and Scientific Publishing Centre (Saudi Arabia).
There are now over 260 titles published in the Middle East available in active full text in
ProQuest Central including 240 scholarly journals and news coverage including Middle East
Financial News.
We also continue to add the best in market and industry reports, forecasts, analysis and data. Local
examples include:
By-Country Industry Forecasts > Saudi Arabia. Spring 2015, updated
quarterly. Oxford Economics
Middle East & Africa Telecommunications Insight - June 2015 and Kuwait
Petrochemicals Report - Q3 2015 Business Monitor International
Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa economy: EIU's latest assumptions.
EIU ViewsWire. (Apr 1, 2015). EIU Viewswire.
CountryData Saudi Arabia. (May 2015). EIU Country Data
Researchers worldwide continue to tell us how important it is to get the latest thinking in their field in
the form of working papers, dissertations, and conference proceedings and we continuously add these
from the region.
Thousands of conference papers from the region have been added from series such as Economic
and Social Development: Book of Proceedings, Global Conference on Business & Finance
General Highlights
We added over 700 periodical titles in
ongoing full text to ProQuest Central across
a number of disciplines, including 430
scholarly journals.
Social Science
General interest
Arts & Humanities
This content comes from publishers
 90 scholarly journals available in active full text from Springer Science and Business
Media including Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Plant Molecular Biology
Reporter, and European Journal of Ageing
 Scholarly journals from other publishers including Oxford University Press, Nova
Science Publishers
130 new news and current affairs sources including:
 The China Daily and its sister publications
 27 newspapers and trade journals from Mclatchey
 Full coverage of The Week
 Hundreds of new curriculum aligned videos from the National Institute of Health
and INTELECOM Sociology Video Collection
With the peer review process taking up to 3 years, researchers also need to read the latest thinking in
their field long before it appears in a scholarly journal:
Thousands of new working papers from OECD and other providers added across all subjects
bringing to total number to 165,000.
New conference proceedings added from providers including European Conference on eGovernment and Academy of Business and Retail Management
Thousands of full text dissertations and theses added across all disciplines bringing the total
number available in ProQuest Central to over 100,000
Resources for teaching:
 44 million company records from Experian providing company contact information, brief
financials and credit data, corporate linkages, and more
 1,000 reports from Euromonitor covering 85 industries and up to 18 segments
 Hundreds of curriculum aligned training videos added from National Institute for Health and
INTELECOM Sociology Video Collection
 Financial service industry reports from Economist Intelligence Unit covering 20 nations
Full coverage of 79 out of 200 of Economist Intelligence Unit’s Country Reports
An updated list of editorially selected alternatives to those HBR articles restricted in Ebsco
available with no restrictions in ProQuest
36,000 global annual reports from Reportal
Coming Soon:
Over 600,000K working papers including metadata and links from the highly
prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research and from RePEc.