Frequently Ask Questions


Questions and Answers regarding Adjunct Faculty Training


Q. Am I eligible to take the Adjunct training?


Adjunct Faculty training is determined by the Dean of the appropriate department. Their office provides LInC with list of individuals. If you are unsure please check with your Dean. Anyone who has contact with students and curriculum is encouraged to come, which includes but not limited to; lab technicians, clinicians and supervisors, program and course designers, learning specialists etc.

Q. If I have taken the training in the past, can I take the training again and get paid?

A . You are welcomed and encouraged to participate in Adjunct training as much as you and your Dean’s office would feel it benefits you. Know that, the remuneration for adjunct training is for

Adjunct Faculty who, have not participated before.

Q. If I am not an Adjunct faculty member but would like to take this training, can I?


Yes, any member of the Lambton College community (i.e. full-time & part-time staff, faculty or admin, or part-time instructors, teaching credit and non-credit course) are welcomed. Eligibility for remuneration is determined by the Dean’s office. Often individuals take this training because they have an interest in becoming adjunct faculty in the future.

What to bring

Q. What do I need to bring?

A . Please bring with you the course outline that you will be teaching with and a sample of the evaluations you plan to use. If you do not have the evaluations prepared at the time of training please bring the course outline. If you are teaching the lab components of a course, please ensure that you get the course outline from the Dean’s office .

Q. Will there be refreshments? Or should I bring snacks?

A: We will be providing coffee/tea, mini muffins and fruit for the evening sessions and lunch is provided for the full day sessions. However, it is very difficult for us to gauge how much to order, sometimes the food is left over and sometimes it’s gone before break, so bring whatever snacks you would like. Please also notify the LInC office of any dietary concerns.

Questions and Answers regarding Adjunct Faculty Training


Q. If I have taken the training in the past, can I take the training again and get paid?

A . You are welcomed and encouraged to participate in Adjunct training as much as you and your Dean’s office would feel it benefits you. Know that, the remuneration for adjunct training is for

Adjunct Faculty who, have not participated before.

Q. How will I get paid?

A. LInC will notify each school with a list of who has completed the training. At that point it will be up to each School notify Human Resources to disperse payment to the individual. (All follow up concerning payment needs to be addressed to your school). Receipt of payments varies from 1-4 weeks depending on Dean’s office capacity.

Q. Will I notify Human Resources or my Dean’s office of my completion?

A. No, LINC will be providing notification to Dean’s office who will notify HR. A record of successful completion of the training will be recorded in your HR file.

Mandatory Attendance

Q. What if I have a Certificate or Diploma in Adult Education, do I need to take this?

A. Yes, sharing knowledge and experience with peers is expected of our faculty. The training is synthesis’s teaching and learning experience with Lambton‘s policies, procedures and ongoing professional development expectations.

Q. What happens if I can't attend all the sessions in one term?

A. If the need arises and you miss a session than your record of completion and remuneration will be honoured when you complete all modules.

Q. I missed one evening session, last time it was offered; now the sessions are only offered in the day when do I come?

A. If you missed an evening session you will be expected to attend the entire Saturday session in which it occurs. To ensure the modules within the session are captured and to minimize the impact of new participants to the community of learners, you will need to attend the full day session. E.g.

Missed Wednesday or Thursday evening? Attend all day Saturday. Missed Saturday? Attend all day


Questions and Answers regarding Adjunct Faculty Training

Q. Is Adjunct training mandatory for me if I am not teaching credit courses?

A. Adjunct Faculty has been designed for individuals teaching credit course offerings. If you are unsure if this is mandatory for you, please consult with your Dean’s office. If you are not teaching a credit course, but would be interested in this training please consult your Dean or Manager, as we would be happy to have you in the training.

Q. How do I know if I am teaching a credit course?

A. If your course is taught as part of an Lambton College or Ontario College credential (i.e. Board of

Governors, Ontario College Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, and Ontario Graduate Certificate) it is a credit course.

Q. Can I attend only the parts of Adjunct training that I think I need?

A. No, as it impacts the community of learners.
