cll adjunct faculty department topics checklist

Have you:
 Forwarded a completed faculty packet to the department chair? This packet
includes: a résumé, official transcripts, and (at least) two letters of
 Filled out your W-4 and I-9 forms? Requires showing either: (1) your passport or
(2) your driver’s license and social security card. (If you do not wish to use a
social security card, you can use an official, state-issued birth certificate instead.)
(optional) Completed a direct deposit form? You will need to submit a
canceled check if you want paychecks deposited directly to your checking
account. Please note: direct deposit requests will become active only with
second pay period.
 Submitted an Immaculata University e-mail account/network login request
form? An IU e-mail is required for all adjunct faculty and allows you access to
library resource from off-site.
 (optional for off-campus instructors) Filled in a request for a parking permit?
You will need to know the make, model, and license plate number for your car.
Course and Teaching Information
1. Prospective adjunct instructors should have an interview with their department
chairperson or other designated department representative. The full-time faculty
member will review the department’s procedures/teaching philosophies and will
discuss the content and materials required for the course(s) the new adjunct may
2. Department chairs/representatives may give the new adjunct faculty member text
desk copies, tell them how to secure a desk copy, or send the new adjunct
faculty member to the College of LifeLong Learning to secure the appropriate
teaching materials.
3. While faculty may be interviewed and approved to teach by a department
chair/representative, it is often the College of LifeLong Learning that contacts the
instructor to schedule teaching assignments. The College of LifeLong Learning
will only offer courses to instructors who have completed the interview process,
submitted required paperwork, and attended the required workshops.
All documentation should be submitted to Immaculata University before a new
adjunct is hired to teach a class. Contract issuance and stipend payment require
completion and submission of all paperwork above. Also, ACCEL® faculty must
attend the Orientation and Facilitative Method workshops sponsored by the
Office of Curriculum Development and Support.
March 2007