The Camden Collaboration Trunk-or-Treat Registration Form Thank

The Camden Collaboration Trunk-or-Treat
Registration Form
Thank you for expressing an interest in the Camden Collaboration Trunk-or-Treat event. We look
forward to having you join and assist us in creating such a fun and positive event. Below you will find
more information about the Camden Collaboration and our event.
The Camden Collaboration – a collection of locally based residents, businesses and organizations who
share a mission to elevate, inspire and enrich the community of Camden, NJ.
Trunk-or-Treat – a safe, fun and convenient alternative to traditional Halloween traditions.
TBA – possibly a lot located in a central location that allows the city’s resident s an equal opportunity to
attend the event.
Saturday, October 31st, 2015 from 3:00PM to 7:00PM
Traditional trick-or-treating creates a number reservations as well as foot distress as children and
parents travel around their neighborhoods on All Hallows’ Eve. A lot of parents and children travel
throughout their neighborhood for what may seem like hours in order to fill their treat bag to their
desired capacity, weight and longevity. Some stops seem a little more suspicious than others, while
some homes don’t even participate. Also, the likelihood of children being involved in accidents with
vehicles is increased. After making their neighborhood rounds participants may have a lack of holiday
spirit after visiting a lot of non-participating homes, uncertainties about eating treats from particular
homes as well aching feet. The Trunk-or-Treat event can decrease the amount of reservations, foot
discomfort and most importantly ACCIDENTS INVOLVING CHIDREN AND VEHICLES. The Only outcomes
it cannot decrease are the amounts of tummy aches experienced after treat consumption.
Volunteers are scouted from Camden and neighboring communities. They are asked to park in a
designated parking lot where they then decorate their trunks with the Halloween Spirit in mind. Each
trunk will serve as alternatives to homes and offer treats or some other type of indulgence to its visitors.
Healthy / Educational giveaways are a plus. All treats must be individually wrapped.
There will be Halloween themed music playing throughout the event to get everyone holiday spirit.
Who knows, there may even be a tribute to an iconic Halloween favorite. There will also be contests for
Best Trunk and Best Costume as well as tons of other fun.
1. OOZE creativity! Set the scene! Show your imagination!
a. So many things are possible. Include every effect, prop, light and machine needed to
ensure that your trunk theme is seen, understood, feared or enjoyed.
b. If you plan on using your vehicle as an energy source please check your car battery and
gas gage prior to the event.
c. Costumes also assist in showcasing your vision.
d. Themes can include horror, movies, cartoons and etc.
a. Event staff will need an accurate count of participants so that the venue can be
prepared accordingly.
b. There will also be a map created and distributed to each visitor. They will be asked to
display the map at every stop they make. Vehicle owners will notate that the guest has
visited their trunk and decrease the amount of people revisiting trunks.
a. A DJ will be providing music for the entire venue, thus there will be no need to play
music from your vehicle unless it adds to the theme of your trunk. Even then, please
keep the volume reasonable.
a. Please no trunk concepts, costumes or treats that may be deemed inappropriate for
a. Please arrive at the lot no later than 30 minutes prior to the event. This allows you to
have time to park, decorate, and assemble anything necessary to make your stop the
b. Once guests begin to enter the lot, cars cannot be moving.
6. HAVE FUN!!!
With your help the Trunk-or-Treat can be not only fun but memorable as well as possibly a reoccurring
community tradition. Tell a friend or TEN! The more the merrier!
For more information about the Camden Collaboration, it’s members and the Trunk-or-Treat event
please contact any organization who’s logo is featured in the promotional flyer.
Organization: _____________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
Lot #
For Office Use Only
Contact Person:_________________________ Contact Phone: ____________________________
Contact Email:__________________________ Number of Volunteer:__________
Number of vehicles:___________________
Possible Theme:________________________________