BulletinHolyTrinity_12-22-13 - Holy Trinity Orthodox Church

26th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST — Forefeast of the Nativity of
Christ. Sunday before the Nativity. Great Martyr Anastasia, “Deliverer
from Bonds”, and her teacher, Martyr Chrysogonus, and with them Martyrs
Theodota, Evodias, Eutychianus, and others, who suffered under Diocletian
(ca. 304).
Hebrews 11:9-10, 17-23, 32-40
Tone 1
Matthew 1:1-25
On most of the Sundays of each month, we chant the Third Hour or the Third and
Sixth Hours before the Divine Liturgy. On December 24, we have the opportunity to
pray the Royal Hours before the Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil the Great, at Saint
Andrew Greek Orthodox Church. Here is some background on the canonical hours
of the Orthodox Church.
The Daily Cycle of divine services is the recurring pattern of prayer and worship that
punctuates each liturgical day in the life of the Church. Monasteries generally
serve the entire cycle of services. Some cathedrals do, as well, but most
parishes do not serve the whole cycle. The services of the Daily Cycle and the
time of their service are: Vespers (sunset), Compline (after supper), Midnight Office
(midnight), Orthos or Matins (sunrise), First Hour (6 am), Third Hour (9 am), Sixth
Hour (noon), Ninth Hour (3 pm). The Divine Liturgy is not part of the Daily Cycle but
is inserted within it.
Each of the Hours has a prevailing theological theme, for example: Third Hour Pilate's judgment of Christ and the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost; Sixth
Hour – Christ’s crucifixion; and Ninth Hour – the death of Our Lord and Savior. The
Horologion or Book of Hours is the collection of these prayers and services.
On the Eve of the Nativity, the Eve of Theophany, and Holy Friday, the Royal Hours
are appointed to be served. Called “Royal” because the Byzantine Emperor usually
attended, this service consists of the 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 9th Hours, sung as one
service It is characterized by special Psalms and hymns, as well as special Old
Testament, Epistle, and Gospel Readings relating to the Feast
Kontakion of the Forefeast Tone 3 (from Nativity Royal Hours)
Today the Virgin comes to the cave
to give birth to the Eternal Word.
Hear the glad tidings and rejoice, O universe!
Glorify with the Angels and the shepherds
the Eternal God, Who is willing to appear as a little child!
Weekly Schedule
Today, Sunday, December 22………….9:30 am 3rd Hour
9:45 General Confession
10:00 am Divine Liturgy
Installation of Officers
Church School Nativity Pageant
Tuesday, December 24…………Eve of the Nativity of Jesus Christ
Royal Hours & Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil
7:00 pm Great Compline & Vespers
Wednesday, December 25…………Nativity of Our Lord and Savior
9:30 am 3rd & 6th Hours
10:00 am Divine Liturgy
Thursday, December 26……………Synaxis of the Holy Theotokos
9:00 am Divine Liturgy
Sunday, December 29………………9:30 am 3rd & 6th hours
10:00 am Divine Liturgy
12:00 pm Blessing of Marriage – Mr & Mrs Westra
1:30 – 3:30 pm Choir Caroling
Thank You!!
 To Diane Penola for her many past and present contributions to the wellbeing of our parish, including her long and invaluable Parish Council
tenure, ending this year.
 To George Bohensky for his commitment of time and talent to the Parish
Council for a 2-year term starting in 2014.
 To all those who contributed gifts for the Frangipani Seminarian Family;
as well as cookies, clothing, and other useful items for the St. Tikhon’s
Seminary community.
 To the Barna Family for hosting the Coffee Social last week.
Choir Caroling: A group of adult and youth singers will visit homes of
parishioners in the local area next Sunday from 1:30 to 3:30. If you can
welcome the carolers in this beautiful tradition, please see Carol Wetmore or
a choir member.
Capital Campaign Update: Donations to date total $16,000 toward the
Campaign Goal of $100,000. First priority for facility improvements are
these: upgrade church kitchen exhaust fans and sinks to meet requirements
for the International Festival and other public events; repair or replace leaky
stained glass windows in the nave; freshen/paint the Fellowship Hall walls
and ceiling tiles.
COMMUNITY PRAYERS: To submit a name for a bulletin prayer listing, please
send a message to info@holytrinityrandolph.com by Thursday morning of each
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
”Offering the Fullness of the Christian Faith”
Orthodox Church in America
Diocese of New York and New Jersey
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 630 – Ironia, New Jersey 07845
Location: 120 Dover Chester Road, Randolph, NJ 07869
You have heaven adorned, earth beautified, the sea populated with its own
creatures, the air filled with birds which brighten it in every direction.
Studious listener, think of all these creations which God has drawn out of
nothing; recognize everywhere the wisdom of God; never cease to wonder,
and, through every creature, to glorify the Creator.
St. Basil the Great
MUSIC LESSONS TO BENEFIT THE CHURCH: Our parishioner Mariyetta Saryan
will provide viola, violin, or piano lessons for parishioners, with the proceeds donated
to the church. Please call Mariyetta at 862-244-4110 or 973-769-6009, if you are
REMEMBER SHOP-RITE GIFT CARDS to help the Church through your regular
shopping. The Church receives 5% of all gift card sales. Gift cards are available in
the Council office.
basket in the narthex. The Pantry particularly requests donations that are healthy
and low in fat.
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church Parish Council
Senior Warden…………………….Suzette Eremin
Junior Warden……………………..William Cullinan
Treasurer……………………………Niki Barna
Financial Secretary………………..John Babiak
Secretary…....................................Carol Wetmore
Eugene Bohensky
Marissa Hedge
Peter Dardaganis
Sandra Masklee
Drew Krause
Diane Penola
Brian Farbanish
The Monastery of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk
Rev. David R. Fox, Rector
201-841-7590 (Cell Phone)
V. Rev. George Hasenecz, Attached
Carol Wetmore, Choir Director